Dr. Ahmed Bhran

  • Ahmed Abdelkader Abdo Bhran.jpgDr. Ahmed A. Bhran
    Ph. D., Lorraine University, France, Chemical Engineering, 2011
    B. Sc., Suez Canal University, Egypt, Chemical Engineering, 2003

Office Phone: 0112586291
Office Number: SR52

Ahmed A. Bhran is Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University. His PhD degree was taken from Lorraine University, France in the field of photochromic polymers. His research interest is in the area of Natural gas processing, optimization in the field of petroleum industry, polymer technology, Biofuel manufacturing, and water treatment by composite material or RO membrane. He is an excellent trainer and gives many advanced courses in the field of natural gas processing and petroleum refining besides the petrochemical industries. He is a reviewer in many international journals such as the Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.

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