Responsibilities of the ABET Accreditation Committee:

a)    Head of the Committee:

  1. Arrange meetings with the respective members and write minutes of meetings/reports i.e. actions taken, actions planned, status of assigned tasks, etc.
  2. Prepare and maintain a proper record (hard and/or soft copies) of all the relevant documents.
Coordinate and provide required documents to other committees, focus groups, program coordinator or chairman, when necessary.

b)     Course Files(A joint responsibility of ABET and NCAAA Accreditation Committees):

  1. Provide hard binder (with title page and separators) for each course file to the respective Course Instructor in the beginning of the semester.
  2. Make online folder for each course file (accessible to respective Course Instructor) on
  3. Ensure that all the course files are well-prepared and organized in a standard format.
  4. Collect and review all the course files (hard and soft copies) by the end of the semester.
  5. Return course file to the respective course instructor for necessary corrections, if any.
Transfer all the Course Files to ABET Display Room.  

c)      Student Outcomes (SOs) Assessment: 
  1. Define-review-update Performance Indicators (PIs) for Student Outcomes (SOs)assessment.
  2. Prepare the summary of the courses and the instructors to assess respective PIs in each semester.
  3. Collect PI assessment sheets and respective evidences/student samples.
  4. Prepare and review SOs (a-k) Assessment Binders.
Transfer all the Assessment Binders to ABET Display Room.

d)     Self-Study Report (SSR):
  1. Prepare Self-Study Report and all relevant documents before the visit of ABET Reviewers.
  2. Update SSR based on ABET Reviewers’ comments.

e)    Additional Binders in ABET Display Room:

Prepare-review-update the following binders:

  1. Course Files (each semester)
  2. SOs (a-k) Assessment Binders (each cycle)
  3. Summary of SOs Assessment
  4. Program Education Objectives (PEOs)
  5. Continuous Improvement
  6. Quality Trainings