Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Participation of the Vice Deanship of Student Affairs for Female Student Affairs in the campaign with our values we rise and rise

The Vice Deanship of Student Affairs for Female Student Affairs par​ticipated in the campaign "Our Values We Rise and Rise" organized and supervised by the Administrative Affairs of the University Vice Presidency for Female Student Affairs, on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, in the lobby of Administrative Building 416 in King Abdullah Women's City.

This campaign aims to promote the university's values based on moderation, excellence, participation, sustainability, transparency, responsibility, and initiative), spread Islamic values and consolidate decent morals, and contribute to building a model of good example, so that the university's employees have positive qualities and behavior to be emulated.

The Multilingual Club, the Translator Club, the Aware Club, the Technology and Talent Club, the Environment Club, and the Integrity Club of the Agency participated in achieving a valuable university environment to be followed in an event that contributes to achieving Vision 2030, and the campaign included multiple awareness corners, entertainment paragraphs and various distributions.

2030 Vision Realization Office [1]

All components of the country play their role in achieving the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and its executive programs, and at the educational and research level universities come as a key element in achieving ambition, from here Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University has been keen to play an active role in the pursuit of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and activate its executive programs This keenness has been reflected in the decision of His Excellency the President of the University Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri to establish the Office of Vision Realization to take over the task of activating the role of the University in achieving the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and plays The office has the role of the liaison officer between the university and the vision realization office at the Ministry of Education to carry out the tasks that achieve the strategic objectives of the vision, activate its programs and initiatives and deepen the relationship between the university and the relevant authorities.

The Office of Vision Realization at Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University seeks to be a strategic partner in achieving the programs and initiatives of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and receiving and building initiatives in cooperation with the units of the university and working to evaluate and study them in line with the strategic objectives of the vision and its executive programs and supervise their implementation. It also takes it upon itself to review the university's proposals and ensure their harmony with the vision and its programs, and also cooperates with the units of the university in supervising their achievement of the objectives of the vision and following up their implementation with the relevant authorities.            

The office seeks with all its capabilities and with the unlimited support of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, to achieve the high aspirations of the employees of the University towards the vision of the Kingdom 2030. Serious engagement and relentless pursuit towards the implementation of its objectives and the activation of its programs.

Message from the Director of Administration

Sensing the importance of its role and the magnitude of its responsibility in activating the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and its executive programs, the role of the Office of Transformation Management (TMO) comes to assume the achievement of this noble and ambitious mission.

Since its establishment, the University's transformation program has received great attention and generous follow-up from His Excellency the Rector of the University, the General Supervisor of the Transformation Program, Prof. Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Aba Al-Khail, supported and supported by His Excellency the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Deputy General Supervisor of the Transformation Program, Dr. Mahmoud bin Sulaiman Al-Mahmoud, fulfilling the directives and aspirations of the rulers, foremost among them the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and his Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed Bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, may Allah protect them.

The office handles strategic management, planning, strategic analysis, change management and performance measurement within the framework of Vision 2030, as well as contributing to spreading awareness about the vision and its executive programs and activating the role of the university in achieving it. In addition to assuming the secretariat of the Supreme Committee to activate the Kingdom's Vision 2030 at the University, the Office supervises the Office of Initiatives Management, the Science and Technology Unit, the Office of Research, Development and Innovation and coordination between them and other relevant authorities inside and outside the University, ensuring their integration and unifying their efforts.

The office strives with all its capabilities to achieve the high aspirations of the employees of the university towards achieving the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and to engage seriously and strive towards the implementation of the objectives of the programs of the High Executive Vision in all positive and optimistic spirit.

Dr. Ahmed Awad Al-Ghamdi

Supervisor of the Vision Realization Office


The Vision Realization Office seeks to be a distinguished model that employs the latest means that contribute to the achievement of the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030.

 Mission Statement

Work to employ the objectives of the Saudi Vision 2030 in the units of the university, by contributing to spreading awareness among the beneficiaries regarding Vision 2030, change management, and performance measurement, to improve the efficiency of the services provided to the beneficiaries.


1- Enhancing the quality and level of performance of the university's units in pursuit of achieving the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and its executive programs.

2- Enhancing and increasing the awareness of the university employees regarding Vision 2030.

3 - Raising the efficiency of the services provided by the office.

Al-Imam University Hosts a Symposium on Anti-Corruption [2]

On the last day, Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in tandem with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (Nazaha) has organized a symposium entitled "Raising Religious Deterrent as a Means for Protecting Integrity and Anti-Corruption" at the hall of Sheikh Abdulaziz At-Twaijri of conference bldg in the presence of pool of scholars and officials headed by Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al Sheikh, Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and Head of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Issuing Fatwas, and Sheikh Saleh bin Abdullah Hamid, Advisor at the Saudi Royal Court. 

Inaugurating the symposium, Mr. Muhammad Abdullah Al-Sharif, President of the Anti-Corruption Commission, clarified that, gathering aims mainly to raise the religious deterrent as a way to combat corruption. He lauded the efforts of Al- University in collaborating with Nazaha to combat the financial and administrative corruption. He, likewise, thanked H.E. Prof. Dr. Suliman Aba Al-Khail, Rector of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, for his constant efforts to cooperate with the commission to host the symposium.

He, further, explained that the government has apprehended earlier the corruption penetration and then as a result issued the national strategy for protecting integrity and anti-corruption to establish from which a unique approach, and to be considered as a responsibility and duty upon the community as whole. "The strategy basically depends on Islamic religion as the cornerstone for its mission and mechanisms. Admittedly it achieved it objectives to strengthen the cooperation between the competent authorities in a continuous manner as well as the fulfilment of the citizen to its duty to denial corruption and reject it", added he.

From his part, Sheikh Saleh Hamid stated that, the issue is worthwhile and Al-Imam University has its own initiatives and presence not only at the academic levels, but also at the communal levels. "Al-Imam University is one of the lofty edifices in Saudi Arabia, which we all pride of its contributions, and Nazaha was inspired by our wised rulers for anti-corruption activities", said he. "Recommendations of the symposium will definitely help in issuing the related suitable decisions and guiding tips", concluded he.

 Addressing the audience, H.E. Prof. Dr. Suliman Aba Al-Khail, Rector of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, praised the efforts of the university in disseminating the integrity culture and promote transparency and combat corruption with a target to raise the public awareness and promote the ethical behavior through strengthening the religious deterrent in the community. H.E. the university rector expressed the readiness of the university to cooperate and harness its academical and human resources to help bring the goals of Nazaha to its end. "Al-Imam University, as it often receives due cares from King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and his Crown Prince H.R.H. Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz and the Deputy Crown Prince H.R.H. Prince Muqren bin Abdulaziz, has succeeded in confronting extremist ideology and masters of sedition and corruption while promoting values of moderation and temperance which depends on Holy Quran and traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)", added H.E. the university rector.

From his part, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh, in a recorded speech, lauded the cooperation between Al-Imam University and Nazaha and he considered it blessed and emerging from the cooperation in righteousness and piety, as all Muslims are encouraged to fulfill their fidelity. "Corruption is disease in the hearts and an ugly attitude both in transactions or in worships and it does not addressed and corrected except by the power of faith that settles in the heart of Muslim and pointing out to him what's permissible and what's sinful", stated the Grand Mufti. He concluded his words by praying to Allah Almighty to bring success and determination to the symposium and its recommendations.

 Islam and Muslims, and Consolidation of Moderation and Tolerance Values [3]

Praise be to Allah, and may His Salat (Graces, Honours, Mercy), Peace and Blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and all who have followed him!

Under the generous patronage of His Royal Highness, Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, deputy prime minister and minister of defense ‒may Allah Protect him‒ the International Conference on the Efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Service of Islam and Muslims, and Consolidation of Moderation and Tolerance Values took place in the precincts of Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh on Wednesday and Thursday 19- 20th Rajab 1442 H corresponding to 3-4th March, 2021.

  The conference has been inaugurated by the Minister of Education, his Excellency Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al Al-Sheikh on behalf of his Royal Highness, the Crown prince and opened in the presence and participation of a group of their excellencies, and scholars from all over the world whose participations enriched the nine virtual sessions of the conference. Scientific research papers and worksheets were presented in light of the title of the conference and its sessions as follows:

Session one: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts in serving Qur'an and Sunnah, practicing Shariah and supporting Islamic knowledge and Muslim scholars.

Session Two: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts in Dawah (Call to Islam) and spreading pure Islamic faith.

Session Three: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts in serving the Two Holy Mosques and their visitors, supporting the Palestinian and the Aqsa Mosque Cause.

Session Four: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts in supporting Arab and Islamic issues and fostering Muslim minorities.

Session Five: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts in consolidating values of moderation and tolerance values and fending off extremism and excess.

Session Six: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts in fighting terrorism.


 The conference concluded its schedule with extending thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and to his Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz. The conference also values the great efforts of the Kingdom of Saud Arabia in serving Islam and Muslims. The patronage of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman for this conference is just an assertion of the Kingdom's honorable, steady efforts in serving Islam and Muslims and fending off approaches of extremism and radicalism. It is also a unique approach for consolidating the values of moderation, communication among civilizations leading to peace and coexistence.


Those participating in the conference reached the following recommendations:

Extending two cables of thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Crown Prince for their Royal Approval on organizing this conference and extending thanks to His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince for his patronage of the conference.

Extending a cable of thanks and gratitude to the leadership of the Kingdom of Saud Arabia for their efforts in serving Islam and Muslims, supporting Islamic knowledge and Muslim scholars, and consolidating the values of moderation in the world.  

The Conference highly values the Kingdom's efforts regarding the Holy Qur'an and the unrelenting efforts of King Fahd Complex for Printing the Holy Qur'an to serve Allah's Sacred Book, caring for it, interpreting and disseminating it as well as organizing international events and competitions for this purpose.

The Conference values the Kingdom's care for the Prophet's Sunnah and commends the establishment of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Complex for the Prophet's Hadith.

The Conference praises the Kingdom's upholding of the Islamic Shariah and the hudood and rulings derived from Allah's Book and the Prophet's Sunnah. It also stresses confidence in the independence of Kingdom's judicial system.

The Conference values the Kingdom's efforts in teaching Islamic Shariah and calling to the cause of Allah, the Almighty, in accordance with the moderate and temperate method of Ahlu Al-Sunnah wa Al-Jama'ah. It calls for the establishment of universities dedicated for Shariah sciences and able to compete with world universities in distinguished education and aimed at enhancing the values of moderation and temperateness.

The Conference participants reject and denounce the media campaigns and malicious politics against the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all actions against it for unmistakably political purposes that can be realized by everyone of reason, in an attempt to undermine its position as a beacon of the Muslim World and humanitarian work in light of its efforts to combat extremism, fanaticism and militancy, and its constant call for peace, tolerance and coexistence with the other, and to reinforce the values of moderation and tolerance, in addition to its benevolent humanitarian efforts in various parts of the world.

The Conference participants support the precautionary measures taken by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Two Holy Mosques in light of the Corona pandemic that has spread to the entire world, in order to preserve the safety of their pilgrims, and they value its utmost care for their safety and the performance of their rituals, and they highly appreciate the Kingdom's service to the Two Holy Mosques and their architecture, and praise the historic expansion projects of the Two Holy Mosques and the holy sites, and the generous support they received for the sake of the comfort of pilgrims, Umrah performers, and visitors.

The Conference values the Kingdom's unshakable historic stands vis-à-vis the Palestinian and the Aqsa Mosque Cause. It appreciates the Kingdom's efforts and initiatives aimed at fostering Muslim and Arab causes and values its good efforts in fostering Muslim minorities all over the world.

The Conference calls for the establishment of Al-Madina-based international communication center for Muslim minorities with a view to solidifying their relations with the Muslim World. The center will deal with information and educational support for Muslim minorities, provide students with scholarships to study in Muslim countries' universities, promote moderation and tolerance values and fend off extremism.

The Conference commends the efforts and pioneering programs of King Salman Center for Aid and Relief and lauds its humanitarian projects and programs all over the world.

The Conference calls for cooperation with the Kingdom and for concerted efforts in combating terrorism and its financiers. It backs the Kingdom's efforts to unify Muslim countries in combating terrorism; it also values the world efforts to counter terrorism and calls for the uprooting of extremism and radicalism, and contributes to the education and media institutions through supporting the approach of moderation and tolerance values as well as its programs and followers.

The conference appreciates the Kingdom's efforts in supporting dialogue inside and outside the Muslim world and its unwavering efforts and initiatives to adopt dialogue as a means of shedding off differences and unifying Muslim ranks on The Book and Sunnah and the history of the righteous predecessors (salaf). The Conference also stresses the use of dialogue in bringing to the fore the reality of Islam and showing that it is the religion of mercy, justice, and kindness – the religion that resists all kinds of oppression and criminality.

The Conference condemns the aggression perpetrated against the Kingdom by the Houthi terrorist militias and their violations of international and human laws. It backs all the measures taken by the Kingdom to fend off aggression and calls for a unified front of all Muslim countries, repudiating terrorist groups and parties.

The Conference calls on universities and research institutions to pursue their contribution to uproot extremist ideology and to expose its impact and that of other terrorist groups on citizens and states through intellectual studies, scientific research and documentaries that explain the origin of religious extremism and terrorist thought in human societies. The Conference calls for establishing a general secretariate based in Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University.

The Conference stresses the importance of expanding the media and documentary efforts using all possible tools and languages to show the Kingdom's efforts in serving Islam and Muslims, supporting scientists and humanitarian aids in all spheres of life.

The Conference recommends establishing an institution for documenting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts in serving Islam and Muslims for the purpose of benefiting from these efforts, taking them as a model, and preserving them for the generations to come. This includes academic and scientific chairs, research projects, a comprehensive encyclopedia which encompasses the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Efforts' in serving Islam and Muslims and the Two Holy Mosques, spreading moderate and tolerance values through its rulers, princes, and scholars. This encyclopedia shall be translated into modern languages.

The Conference calls for benefiting from the Kingdom's dialogue strategy in protecting security, moderation, tolerance values and coexistence among all groups of society.

The conference appreciates the statement of Senior Ulema Council issued recently in Rabi' Al-Awwal 1442 (November 2020) wherein the council warns against the Muslim terrorist Brotherhood Organization. The Conference also invites the Arab and Islamic countries to increase the studies that shun off the Muslim Brotherhood's message to the Muslim youth.

The conference recommends that all fatwas that criminalize extremism, radicalism and terrorism be collected to be used as a scholarly reference.

Counter-Terrorism unit 

counter-terrorism unit ( [4]

The counter-terrorism unit, its most prominent task is:

·       conducting counter-terrorism studies and research.

·       review and evaluation of international and regional counter-terrorism agreements and treaties.

·       organizing scientific conferences and seminars specializing in terrorism issues, and participating in regional and international conferences in this area.

·       coordination with institutes and specialized centers in the field of counter-terrorism around the world.

·       issuing books on educating communities about terrorism of all kinds.

Intellectual awareness unit holds lecture (Muslim brotherhood origins and branches)

intellectual awareness unit holds lecture (Muslim brotherhood origins and branches) ( [5]

In order to raise awareness of the danger of the Muslim brotherhood and their ideas in all categories on the security of the homeland, the meeting of the word and the unity of the class through their acts of sedition, violence and terrorism in society, a lecture entitled "Muslim brotherhood of origins and branches" was held under the supervision of the supervisor of the intellectual education unit, professor hind al-matroudi.

Dr. baraka Mohamad Ali al-talhi, advisor at the ministry of Islamic affairs, delivered a presentation on Tuesday, 10 august 1442, at 8:10 p.m. on the platform of zoom, in which she presented a profile of the founders of the awakening, their origins and objectives, and the origins of the awakening (ideas) and its dark elements such as: focusing on politics with ignorance of the right faith, not calling for it and the thought of kharijites, and then addressing the branches of the Muslim brotherhood (awakening) with the statement of major branches such as: the Muslim brotherhood and its polar, al-seriyah and minor branches such as al-qaeda, isis, hamas, jabhat al-nusra and others, including the ideas on which the group built its work, and its violation of the texts of the book and sunnah and the approach of the righteous predecessors.

In the lectures attended by more than 300 female students at the university, al-talhi also reviewed the confessions of Muslim brotherhood leaders in their books, and their talk with audio clips of them, while training the attendees to extract the statements of the Muslim brotherhood contrary to sharia, affecting security and ways to respond to their falsehood.

In its ninth session, the conference continues on "the duty of saudi universities and their impact on protecting young people from groups, parties and deviations"

in its ninth session, the conference continues on "the duty of saudi universities and their impact on protecting young people from groups, parties and deviations" ( [6]

The conference "the duty of Saudi universities and their impact on protecting young people from groups, parties and deviations", which is sponsored by king Salman bin Abdul-Aziz and organized by imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university in the conference building of his excellency sheikh Abdul-Aziz al-tuwaijri, continued on Monday morning.

the ninth session, chaired by his excellency the director of al-Jouf university, dr. Ismail bin Muhammad al-hasani, began with a welcoming speech to the members participating in the session and the presence of university officials, faculty members and students, and thanked imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university for organizing this conference, which follows a clear and frank approach based on the book of god and the sunnah of his prophet peace be upon him and what the righteous ancestors followed.

then the researcher dr. Muhammad Mahmoud Shoaib presented a paper entitled (employing educational and social concepts, means and frameworks in order to effectively teach legitimate concepts and terms to fight intellectual deviation) in which he touched on the phenomenon of terrorism, which spread its negative effects all societies in the old and new, so it was a reason for the loss of lives and the destruction of property and spread fear and terror, pointing out that the texts of the wise street showed that the most important causes of terrorism stray and deviation from the right thought and the proper approach drawn for us by the street and warned of it, although the people of deviation and extremism have spared no effort in spreading their deviant ideas among Muslim and non-Muslim communities.

dr. Shoaib stated that to contain this phenomenon and stand up to it, Islamic countries, led by Saudi Arabia, must make efforts and open doors and possible ways to do so, the fight against terrorism has become a shared responsibility between the official and popular circles in Saudi Arabia, a responsibility of various local and international institutions such as government institutions, the media, universities and others, and pointed out that academic universities are considered to be one of the leading institutions in contributing to the building of the communities to which they belong. Saudi universities such as imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university play a key role in achieving their mission, which aims to create a good citizen who will serve his country, community and religion by providing outstanding quality activities in learning, education, scientific research and community service.

In his paper (imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university's efforts to combat terrorism), dr. mukhtar atta al-mannan Ali addressed the impact of reprehensible, prostitute, free and extremist terrorism on the security and governance of the nation and societies; the efforts of Saudi Arabia, its scholars and educational institution in the fight against terrorism and the efforts of king Salman bin Abdul Aziz in the fight against terrorism; and the role of educational institutions in the fight against terrorism, the position of sheikhs, intellectuals and educators in Saudi Arabia and his talk about terrorism.

In his research results, dr. al-manan Ali explained the hard work in educational institutions in the fight against terrorism and their role in protecting society from the threat of terrorism, the importance of imam university's role in combating terrorism, the preventive role of the university in combating the behavior of violence and extremism, as well as the hoped-for role of elements of the educational process at the university.

dr. hind bint Hassan al-najmi spoke in her paper about (the band's causes and effects) and stated that after researching the books of interpretation stood on one thing not the second and if the integrity of life was fixed and the victory in the house of survival was "adherence to the right religion" when it is true and follows the law of god was the booty in the two houses, and that the reason for each deviation or misrepresentation is the distance from pure religion and the entry of whims and intolerance of opinion and doctrine without taking into account the limits of allah almighty, as the researcher worked to extract what hoa wrote the interpretation of: meanings and semantics and the inference of judgment from the verses in which it mentioned the vilification of division and its fate to the individual and society in the world and the hereafter.

The paper of dr. Saad bin Muhammad al-Tamimi (the intermediate approach between the methodology of overuse and negligence) concluded that the method of excessiveness and hyperbole is meant to be: the avoidance of limiting the matters of islam and its provisions and worships and strictness, which is meant by the method of negligence and ignorance: the distance from adhering to religion and its provisions and leniency, which is meant by the method of moderation and mediation in the provisions and worship of religion, there is no emphasis or leniency.

dr. Tamimi also recommended raising awareness of deviant approaches, identifying the motives of these ideas and contributing to their elimination, expanding the circle of centers and committees concerned with combating misguided ideas to include the sectors of the state and its ministries, and making the most of the closure of windows overlooking destructive and misleading programs through satellite channels and others.

dr. Muhammad Muhammad sweilem stated in his paper (strengths and obstacles in the role of Saudi universities in the face of extremism) that the need to demonstrate the role of universities in confronting extremism within society and one of the most important means of universities in this regard is to hold seminars and conferences to show the ways in which these houses can be confronted, especially extremism and intellectual deviations, and to develop practical solutions to confront them, and there is no doubt that imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university has a great role and efforts in the field of serving the community, educating young people and confronting extremism and delinquency, one of these many and varied efforts is this conference organized by the university in line with its leading role in serving the community and in accordance with its mission in the service of Islam.

dr. sweilm also concluded a number of recommendations, the most important of which are: holding specialized seminars and conferences that seek to instil a spirit of citizenship and belonging and renounce extremism and terrorism, and the university's interest in developing an effective mechanism to communicate with students and hear from them and learn about their problems, holding cultural and sports competitions within universities to kill the void among students, conducting scientific studies to instil and deepen true citizenship through student activities, and attention to the development of the moral and service aspect of students through the work of committees to serve students with special needs, and provide libraries the university has useful books in the field of love of the country and fulfilling it and deepening the sense of national responsibility.

in his paper (student activity in Saudi universities and its impact on protecting students from deviant ideas, parties and groups: imam Muhammad adala university), dr. Muhammad bin Wahid al-Masoud spoke about the efforts of imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university to support student activity and employ it to protect young people from deviant ideas, parties and groups, and to promote Islamic values based on moderation and moderation and to renounce extremism and terrorism.

dr. al Masoud also concluded a number of findings and recommendations, most notably: imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university is making various efforts to support student activity programs, harness the university's potential, support it financially, morally and humanly and remove obstacles to its implementation, and student activity programs are constantly monitored and evaluated by reading reports, honouring distinguished and creative people, receiving activity representatives in deans and centers related to student activity programs and urging them to redouble their efforts.

At the end of the meeting, participants received interventions from the audience.

His highness the crown prince sponsors tomorrow the conference "the kingdom's efforts in the service of Islam and Muslims and the consolidation of the values of moderation and moderation" at imam university

his highness the crown prince sponsors tomorrow the conference "the kingdom's efforts in the service of islam and muslims and the consolidation of the values of moderation and moderation" at imam university [7]

His royal highness prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdul-Aziz, deputy prime minister and minister of defence, will sponsor the conference on Wednesday "Saudi Arabia's efforts to serve Islam and Muslims and consolidate the values of moderation and moderation", from 19-20 of rajab month 1442, hosted by imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university.

On this occasion, his excellency the president of imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university, dr. Ahmed al Ameri, under the auspices of his highness the crown prince, may god bless him, noted the conference, stressing that this sponsorship confirms the statement of the kingdom's approach and efforts in the service of Islam and Muslims, and highlighted its role in promoting the values of moderation and moderation and the principles of true Islam, fighting extremism, extremism and terrorism, and building bridges of communication with influential Arab, Islamic and international figures to inform them of the true image of the kingdom.

His excellency added that the conference seeks to convey the kingdom's message aimed at achieving security and peace worldwide, by demonstrating the kingdom's efforts to serve Islam and Muslims, targeting all groups interested in the dialogue of cultures, civilizations and religions.

His excellency pointed out that imam university has used all its efforts to organize the conference, and to convey the kingdom's message to the world at a time when it continues its efforts to consolidate common human values, cultural communication between cultures, and international efforts to achieve peace and joint cooperation, stressing that these efforts stem from the essence of Islam and its moderate values, which will be addressed during the conference.


The intellectual awareness unit at imam university holds a safe community forum. no to extremism.

 the intellectual awareness unit at imam university holds a safe community forum. no to extremism. [8]

Imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic university, represented by the intellectual awareness unit, organized the second forum for university students under the title "our society is safe. "no to extremism" in a number of different university units and colleges, where the forum began on Tuesday and will be held over two days.

The forum was held out of the responsibility of the religious, national and social university and its scientific and educational status, where lectures and workshops held at the forum reviewed the university's awareness, intellectual and media efforts to fight misguided ideas through its colleges and institutes at home and abroad.

The speakers at the forum stressed that our dear country and all Muslim countries suffered from some extraneous actions and actions, and it reached the point where it is no longer hidden from anyone in posts that missed the voice of reason and the purpose of Islam, and targeted the unity of the countries of Islam and the distortion of its eminence and purity at a time when our precious country did not leave opportunities for those who bid as the country of faith, book, sunnah, security and security.

They addressed some of the reasons for deviation, including: weak religious prejudice, and bad manners due to the failure of some children to raise the correct islamic education from some parents, which entitles him to act outside islamic controls, as well as the lack of control by parents either because of their preoccupation with work, or to give the teenager absolute freedom and confidence in his actions without any controls, and from the reasons of the accompanying talaq, the love of excitement and adventure that drives the teenager to the blind tradition that leads him to deviation, so the prophetic guidance was in the choice of friends and companions, including the ignorance of the young man about the things of life, which may lead him to doomsdays, pitfalls and deviations without paying attention to them until it is too late.

The issue of the phenomenon of terrorism was also addressed at the forum, where the speakers explained that addressing the consequences of the phenomenon of terrorism requires the imperative of treating deviant thought among extremist takfirist groups with a counter-ideology, since thought can only be treated with thought, with the need to form a public opinion aware of loyalty and belonging to this country and its leadership.

Others pointed out that photography and design is a media weapon that has a broad public influence, so it can be used in security awareness to confront extremist ideology, the usefulness of photography and the use of its symbolic arts in describing the ugliness of intellectual extremism and its impact on the individual, family and society to emphasize the values of belonging, citizenship and jihad for the sake of god, which necessitates the need to preserve the homeland, and choose deep ideas directly linked to the issue of intellectual extremism and carry symbols and connotations that help to clarify the idea and communicate the meaning in an easy and simplified way, and to limit important information, and the communication function of photography is a way of expressing the dimensions and effects of intellectual extremism easily, including a specific message that he wants to convey.

Imam university issues a comprehensive report on its programs and activities in promoting Islamic values

imam university issues a comprehensive report on its programs and activities in promoting islamic values [9] 

Dr. abba al-khail: the true Muslim and the good citizen are pleased to see a state that starts in all its dealings and matters from the approach of the righteous predecessors, this Sunni Sunni Salafist state (our dear homeland Saudi Arabia) which has followed this correct approach since its inception and sought its victory and call for it and continues to confirm the course of it in words and deeds.

Coverage - Saleh al-Salem

Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university issued a comprehensive report on its work in the field of promoting Islamic values, and its 15 pages contained the total number of programs, activities, events and procedures, in addition to its scientific research and funded research projects, and its organized conferences, seminars and major meetings, and the films and media programs produced in this direction, and his excellency the director of the university, professor dr. Suleiman bin Abdullah abba al khayel, expressed his great happiness with its comprehensive monitoring of programs, activities, events and procedures, and full documentation of books, scientific letters, research and research projects funded by the university and the program of research chairs, conferences, seminars and major meetings, and documentaries, he said that the university is proud of its excellence in this field and its constant efforts to provide more, and has given this great importance to the consolidation of the origins and rewards of religion, and to achieve the aspirations of good leadership, the university's vision, mission and objectives, and to enhance its legitimate, scientific and national impact.

His excellency added: the university has begun its work on Islamic values and in its report this is one of the solid foundations on which it was founded, and what the good leadership wanted to be in its original identity and its legitimate, scientific and educational construction, and to enhance its inputs and the quality of its outputs and from its vision, mission and objectives, and from its constant quest to instil, promote and nurture values derived from the religion of god, based on the approach of the righteous predecessors, and to emphasize the thanks of god for following from him on our generous homeland, which he honoured with grace. pure religion, a true approach, a good state, a luxurious security and a good life, and the constant guidance that a true Muslim and a good citizen are happy to see a state that starts in all its dealings and matters from the approach of the righteous predecessors, this Sunni Salafist state (our dear homeland Saudi Arabia), which has followed this right approach since its inception and sought its victory and call for it, and continues to confirm the course of it in words and deeds, and he believes that he has a duty of solidarity and solidarity. with this blessed country in order to maintain and protect this true approach, and to strive sincerely to instil its great origins, high principles and high values in the souls of the children, in order to perform the secretariat and carry out the duty of proper education and upbringing good for them, and to continue the right curriculum as a guide to the straight path in which the situation of parents and grandparents has been corrected and they carried the duty to call him and support him and instill it in the children, and then pointed out that the university based on its duty and responsibilities has adopted this and raised the degree of attention he said that the positive results achieved through conferences, seminars, courses, workshops, various programs and various activities organized by the university lead to continued work in this direction, and stressed the importance of pursuing it the ultimate goal of establishing the concepts of loyalty to religion, faith and the homeland in the hearts of students, adding: we must work to evaluate these efforts in particular and the educational process in general, and that this calendar should be continuous and complementary. for all the axes of the educational process of curriculum, professor and student, focusing on the student for being the most important and make it a major tool for measurement in this evaluation process, and work to protect him from every negative influence according to an in-depth plan and process adopts a methodical educational path based on carefulness and wisdom and taking into account reaching the depths of all students in their places and identifying their problems and permanent guidance and intensive guidance to reach the desired goal, god willing, and then his excellency concluded his speech by emphasizing the importance of this aspect and the need the student to him, and that our main concern should be to follow up on this matter and link the work we do with the results and outputs and the constant question of what has been presented to the community, and that the journey before us in this area is long and begins to make every effort and behaviour every way to correct the ideas and concepts that are instilled inside and outside the university, and that it is a subject that must be taken care of and that everyone should assume their responsibilities in verifying anything that happens against the right approach and the right direction that this blessed state is going through. he concluded that the success and excellence achieved by the university in all fields is the success of Allah almighty, and then with the great support that the university receives from our good leadership, first and foremost king Salman bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud and his highness the secretary, his royal highness prince Muhammad bin Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud and his highness the crown prince, crown prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud. may god save them and guide them, and the university has also received good guidance from his excellency the minister of education and from the position of his esteemed ministry, and what all university officials and employees have done as well as the supervisors of the integrated university system to build, promote and nurture the overall values of good planning, implementation and careful follow-up have yielded these honourable results.

Here is a brief reading of this report, which is known as a series of efforts in this blessed state and under the guidance of its esteemed leaders, to raise the level of proper understanding of the texts of the Islamic religion and what the behaviour of the individual and the community should be:


He began with an introduction explaining the purpose of its release and then highlighting the starting points from which it was launched and then an introduction explaining the history of the university's efforts in this area and its high level, as stated in the introduction to the report:

Throughout its long 67-year history, imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university has meant Islamic values to build, nurture and strengthen, an extension of its keen care in the sciences of Islamic law and the sciences it serves, and its great service to the legitimate heritage in general, resulting in an countless in-depth Islamic research, specialized and distinguished studies in all Islamic sciences, Arabic language sciences, literature, history and other theoretical sciences that have made it the leading among universities concerned with this type of science, and what it has also made great efforts in instilling and nurturing the lofty principles, ideal values and useful sciences in the souls of the people of this giving country and those who have received its sciences from the Muslim world, which contributed to the construction and establishment of an integrated system that included the launch of various cultural programs and activities, the issuance, publication, publication and translation of books, letters, research and specialized scientific studies, other documentary publications, induction and awareness publications, the organization of conferences, seminars, lectures and general lessons, specialized courses, meetings, discussion and workshops, work and other events. the production of documentaries, television programmes and press materials, and the use of social media, with the aim of achieving better construction, fully strengthening and the best care of the system of universal values, primarily Islamic values, and from this point of view adopted the aspect of introducing each unit of this system independently and within a specific framework that gives the optimal perception and achieves what is required and meets the purpose.

The report then linked the beginning of its presentation of the units of the system between the function of the university and its interest in Islamic values, saying: "the university began its scientific activities with the beginnings of the establishment of scientific institutes, which were later considered its first nucleus, which was founded to support the interest in the consolidation of the Islamic faith, the education of Islamic science and the dissemination of the call to Allah almighty, and then the establishment of its colleges and higher Islamic institutes, hence its interest in Islamic values was closely linked to all its activities, and then confirmed this link to the issuance of its system and consider it a university with its independent entity and identity. "the most important objective is that it is a scientific and cultural institution that works on the basis of islamic law, and in order to achieve this ultimate goal, these means, programs and activities carried out by the university through its various units and educational patterns were."


presenting the units of the system between the report that the university has adopted the curriculum as the most important pillar of the system of values, especially Islamic values, and the strongest way to strengthen it, and began to build it from the principles of Islamic religion and the origins of Islamic science derived from the ancestor of this good nation and its trusted scientists old and new, and what the body of senior scholars decided on the matters of accident, and included the legitimate curricula in particular with regard to Islamic values in addition to the Arabic language curricula and social sciences and what some other sciences address one of the topics related to these values, which thank god has yielded a great fruit that the university is proud of, was the large numbers of scholars who later spread throughout the country and in other Islamic countries, including a large number of religious positions in the fatwa as the eminence of the grand mufti of the kingdom and his brothers members of the body of senior scholars, and in education, the judiciary, advocacy, reading, speech and imam, especially many imams of the two holy mosques, and became famous in the statement of the correct faith and the call to the curriculum of the Sunnis and the community the approach of moderation, moderation, tolerance, rejection of extremism, extremism and terrorism, and that with a closer look at the origins of planning in the construction of curricula and the way in which values are presented and promoted, we find that they were based on the principle of integration between the curricula of scientific institutes and university education curricula, and were based on the method of scientists who are well established in science in terms of directing their junior students to preserve the abbreviated content containing science and values, to receive clarification of their words from the elders and then to enter into lengthy books with the adoption of modern means of explanation, clarification and statement, and to emphasize the constant focus on instilling and promoting the educational goal and the moral impact of qur'anic verses in the lessons of recitation, preservation and interpretation of the qur'an, the values, manners and morals contained in the prophetic hadiths, as well as the provisions, rights and details contained in the Islamic jurisprudence as a whole, the way they are presented and addressed, all the values that regulate the relationship between the individual and his lord and his society and what he should be in his way of life and other works and dealings, as well as work in other curricula in terms of presentation and interest in the impact.

It should be noted that the bulk of this is concentrated in sharia colleges and institutes by virtue of specialization and study plan, but the university has also paid appropriate attention to other colleges through the above on the article of the holy Quran, which is taught in all departments of the university, as well as some Islamic courses that are taught at some stages of university studies in other colleges, such as monotheism, jurisprudence and prophetic biography, as well as the presentation of some topics related to Islamic values in other curricula, and the inclusion of skills and activities related to curricula. the general strengthens values, as well as special courses that go in this direction such as the medical jurisprudence course taught in the faculty of medicine, which aims to give the student Islamic values and jurisprudence related to the medical profession, and the decision of computer ethics taught in the faculty of computer science and information to teach the student the Islamic provisions and positive behaviours associated with computer use and information, and to preserve the privacy and rights of others, and to decide the basics of the curriculum, which is mainly concerned with the legitimate values on which the curriculum is based, represented on the basis of the contract and social values. representing the constants of the homeland, who teaches at the faculty of social sciences, and other similar courses and curricula in terms of the specificity of the college and its educational function.

In practice, the focus is on application through scientific research, working papers, educational lessons, clarification of mechanisms for measuring the rate of achievement, attention to feedback on a permanent and continuous basis, and urging graduate students to choose topics of Islamic values that correspond to their disciplines and contribute to enriching knowledge of them and ways to promote them.

Activities of educational units:

The report then detailed the activities of higher institutes, colleges and educational deanships such as the deanship of the student study center and the deanship of preparatory programs, and stated that in the field of promoting islamic values in addition to their scientific activities through the educational curriculum, they implement a number of various activities within specific programs, including:

1.     Constant emphasis by faculty members on the importance of adhering to islamic values, and a reminder of what the nation's predecessor was, especially at the beginning of their first lectures of each semester.

2.     Continuously guarding values and constantly observing the level of compliance, following up on the wrong behaviors that may occur every now and then to some students, and addressing them in accordance with the mechanisms considered, such as step-by-step, moving from general guidance to special guidance to taking appropriate action.

3.     Emphasizing compliance with Islamic values relating to women, such as adherence to the Islamic veil, staying away from manifestations of men's likeness, maintaining the privacy guaranteed to women legally and knowingly, and staying away from everything that negatively affects them, such as photography, and guarding these values fully by all possible means, such as advising, guiding and guiding, reminding of instructions, regulations and regulations, and a permanent presence of these meanings in all scientific and cultural events.

4.     employing receptions for new students at the beginning of each semester to guide the general student and urge them to adhere to Islamic values, virtuous morals and academic discipline, within the intensive, multi-component and multi-means induction program, which generally aims to introduce everything the student needs to know when attending university, and includes introducing the group of Islamic values, and positive behaviour that promotes them, such as cooperation, volunteering, integrity, citizenship, public interest and so on.

5.     Informing students and informing them of the regulations and regulations, through a document that they are informed of within the intensive induction program and taking the necessary signature from them after explaining their terms and clarifying them to them, including a set of Islamic values to be followed and ensuring that their application is taken into account.

6.     The establishment of a mentoring program for new sites in each semester, held in a large hall with various activities, demonstrations, dialogues, guidance, guidance and an open meeting with officials, which also includes emphasizing compliance with Islamic values and introducing programs and activities aimed at promoting them among students.

7.     Activating the celebration of the glorious national day within the general program to celebrate the university, by holding a variety of cultural and artistic festivals in which officials and faculty meet students, in which Islamic values and national values are linked through the legitimate rooting of the concept of patriotism, and clarify the importance of Islamic values and their impact in stimulating the building and development of the country and preserving its gains, and the need to hear and obey his mandate, solidarity with his mother-in-law and his security men, and stand with the children of his martyrs and loyal men.

8.     Activating clubs and scientific and cultural forums and employing their activities while promoting Islamic values and urging attention to them, focusing on the presentation of topics related to values, and recommending their activation in lectures, such as Islamic rooting of all foreign theories studied, which strengthens the student's pride in his religion and values, and other periodic activities of these clubs.

9.     Employing creative forums to promote Islamic values, which are diverse in terms of the form of organization and means of achieving the goal of instilling and promoting a range of values, organized to support creativity, nurture and develop talented people, develop their creativity and develop their creativity, develop a spirit of innovation in them, motivate them towards self-learning and continuous learning for life, and encourage them to create new ways of thinking.

10.  Cultural meetings with officials and faculty are held periodically and periodically talk about Islamic values and ways to promote them, and the need to cooperate in this way and stand united against any defect or behaviour that reduces or weakens the compliance of value.

11.  holding Islamic lectures and various scientific seminars, conducting various cultural competitions aimed at promoting Islamic values, clarifying the impact of their commitment to controlling human behavior, as well as holding lessons on the consolidation of the origins of religion, and promoting values.

12.  Short training courses, such as courses to introduce the tolerance of Islam, the values of tolerance, dialogue and volunteering, and strengthen them in practical and practical terms, such as promoting the volunteering course with a first aid course.

13.  Offering specialized courses in the morning and evening periods, with the aim of developing the skills and knowledge of students in various aspects of life, and specialized courses in promoting islamic values, or included in this aspect, are at the forefront.

14.  Holding multiple workshops, such as academic integrity workshops, which aim to cultivate the values of honesty and credibility in conducting scientific research, writing working papers and performing duties.

15.  Organizing weeks and awareness campaigns on the importance of islamic values, such as demonstrating the value of prayer, as well as weeks and campaigns awareness of the dangers and threats that stand in the way of values and the way to adhere to them and comply with them, such as ways of raising awareness of the harms of smoking, for example, and include various activities and activities in terms of form, content, presentation and treatment.

16.  Investing in public programs at the university such as you ya'ani i, made in preparatory program, special ideas support program, together towards positive change program, voluntary visits and work program, and entrepreneurship specialized courses program, in promoting a range of values, primarily islamic values.

17.  Approve multiple graduation projects and launch various programs aimed at promoting one or more islamic values and in various areas including religious, social and so on.

18.  Text messages are sent to students on an ongoing basis that promotes values and is reminiscent of instructions, regulations and regulations.

19.  Continuous cooperation and full contribution to the implementation and success of major scientific and cultural programs, events and competitions at the university level with its organizers, and the involvement of students and urging them to interact and gain benefit, as well as cooperation in order to benefit from general training courses by nominating enough students, and urging them to transfer the benefit gained to the rest of their colleagues.

The report then touched on the activities of the scientific institutes, which belong to the university, which belong to sixty-seven scientific institutes in all 13 regions of the kingdom, and in sixty-two cities, provinces and its centers, which keep pace with the educational renaissance in the kingdom, participate in general education in appropriate study materials in the middle and secondary stages, and take special care of the legitimate sciences and branches of the Arabic language, and seek to instill Islamic values through curricula and courses that include a comprehensive and integrated set of Islamic values, programs and activities, programs and programs. awareness as an affiliation program, which aims to promote belonging to the homeland, develop the spirit of good citizenship and the legitimate rooting of the concept of patriotism, and link Islamic values with national values, by urging adherence to the teachings of Islam, performing legitimate duties, and warning against the behavior of the methods leading to extremism, extremism, excessiveness or deviation, negligence and negligence, as they constantly and continuously seek to guard values, from reporting them through a document signed by the student and his guardian when joining the institute, and through a range of programs, activities and means, it ends with the application of regulations and instructions.

Speaking about the activities of the educational units, the report touched on a number of upcoming activities of these units.

Activities of other units:

The report went on to talk about the activity of the deanship of student affairs in addition to promoting Islamic values, and highlighted a number of its various activities, which the deanship focuses on employing directly or indirectly in the field of promoting these values and its patronage, and highlighted the work of the student club to provide programs including legitimate lectures, scientific seminars and guidelines for a number of senior sheikhs members of the board of senior scholars, university officials and faculty, and major annual competitions at the university level for the whole its students in the preservation of the holy quran, the preservation of the prophet's year, the arab poetry competition, other competitions in the fields of culture, art and media, various daily, weekly and monthly competitions, and social activity represented by the implementation of visits, exhibitions and internal trips to mecca​ and medina and some cities of the kingdom, and foreign trips, in addition to one-day trips within riyadh, artistic activity and arabic calligraphy activity, through which the deanship offers artistic competitions in sculpture, painting and works, and courses in improving lines, taking into account the promotion of values, in which the deanship offers artistic competitions in sculpture, painting and works, and courses in improving lines, taking into account the promotion of values. islamic in many ways, as well as theatrical activity and offers meaningful theatrical performances that discuss the problems of students and young people in general and some problems of society in a humorous reality, and take into account the promotion of islamic values in theatrical processing, sports activity, which takes into account the promotion of islamic values in all stages of planning and implementation, and the activity of training, which offers many useful courses that take into account the promotion of a range of values, primarily islamic values, mobile activity and employment while promoting islamic values in various ways and means, in addition to organizing the exhibition awareness at the university level in cooperation with government and private agencies in each semester.

He then touched on the activities of some deans and specialized centers such as the dean of libraries and their activities in the field of providing various sources of information that help to promote islamic values, participation in internal and external exhibitions, and their keenness to distribute and gift books related to their values, as well as the activities of the center for employment services and pioneering work in holding courses and training workshops in the field of the labor market, islamic values at work, and the center for volunteer studies and its linking volunteer work with islamic values in the stage of strategic planning of the center and studying his programs and all his work, and work to promote these values when implementing, and other activities he does.

He then touched on the activities of the university's mirror newspaper, the activities of the university channel, the portal, the university's official social media accounts, and what it is doing in promoting islamic values.

Community service:

The university carries out many diverse activities in the field of community service, the foremost of which is related to the promotion of islamic values, including these activities:

1.     offering advanced bachelor's degree programs in forensic, arabic and other sciences.

2.     providing ongoing programmes in the service of the community, notably the pilot program (values and promotion of behaviour) provided to those who are cared for by boys and girls in the role of observation, which aims to include a number of objectives, the most important of which is to recognize the values of our islamic religion and translate them into acts and attitudes of behavior, and the program includes the introduction of a specific set of values at each stage of its implementation, with one value reality each week.

3.     organizing the university's campaign to support the brave soldiers of the homeland on social media.

4.     broadcast a variety of messages about business, ethics and behaviors through the university's official accounts.

5.     organizing ramadan competitions and general cultural competitions for all followers of official accounts of university staff.

6.     residence reading the imam's crown, reading the imam's summer crown, and reading "remotely".

Major public activities:

The university organizes major public activities and activities, diverse and diverse, which are directly supervised by the university's management and preparation and implementation, including those that are part of the promotion of islamic values, including:

·       The guiding words of his eminence sheikh abdulaziz bin abdullah al sheikh, grand mufti of the kingdom, at the opening ceremonies of conferences, seminars, meetings and some events honored by his eminence the university.

·       Major public sharia lectures are organized periodically for the eminence of the grand mufti of the kingdom, for senior scholars and sheikhs, for major public sharia seminars, and for those who are allowed and virtued.

·       Guidelines, guidance and preaching to university officials, primarily his excellency the rector.

·       major scientific conferences, seminars and meetings organized by the university in various topics, including those aimed at promoting islamic values, and have preserved scientific records.

·       the scientific forum for university students, in which there are unique axes of islamic values.

·       major exhibitions organized by the university are accompanied by some conferences and seminars related to islamic values, or independent as an exhibition (university in the service of the homeland), which contains a corner related to the promotion of islamic values.

·       documentaries accompanying some conferences and seminars on islamic values, as well as produced by the university for other purposes, are part of the promotion of islamic values.

·       saudi television programs in which his excellency the rector and some of its officials and professors participate, and talk in its entirety about islamic values, and are rebroadcast by the university channel.

·       the summer clubs held by the university in the university city and in its scientific institutes, and are keen to allocate a number of its various programs and activities and competitions while promoting islamic values.

·       specialized meetings, such as the teacher's impact forum in promoting intellectual security in educational institutions, which is held in each semester in an area of the kingdom under the auspices of her highness the emir, and was held until the end of the academic year 1436/1437 h ten courses.

·       summer legal courses, which aim to teach forensic science and instill and promote islamic values, are held in some needy places near summer university clubs after taking approval from a specialist.

·       awareness meetings, which aim to correct some deviations in understanding and applying the teachings of islam, are held in some needy cities where there is a scientific institute after the approval of the authorities.

Upcoming programs and activities:

The report then concluded with a talk about the programs and activities that the university will launch in the near future, including:

The launch of an interactive educational website in the university's electronic portal concerned with establishing the origins of religion, clarifying the provisions of sharia and serving its sciences, calling for Allah almighty, promoting and nurturing Islamic values, providing information and encouraging its receipt through various components and means, and interacting with the recipient in subtraction, clarification and answering questions, bearing the name (origins of religion), and managed under the direct supervision of his excellency the director of the university elite faculty.

Launching a comprehensive integrated program called "grass and qataf", to promote the integration of programs and activities related to promoting and nurturing values at the university, primarily Islamic values, employing the successes of the national university program (you ya watani ana) and the experience of its members while serving the work in the new program that seeks to develop work in the value system and improve it for the better, by drawing up a comprehensive general plan for all programs, research, studies, events, activities and competitions, and other executives in line with the program cycle, which was set at six years, in which one hundred and twenty topics are presented, with ten topics in the classroom, and a full week to address the subject from a variety of angles and means, to the goal of addressing the topics for all the values specified in the program plan.

The establishment of a major periodic exhibition at the university level aimed at promoting Islamic values and demonstrating their status and impact on life, and enhancing the impact of religious prejudices achieved from their knowledge and compliance, invited to participate in all university units to highlight their scientific, knowledge and service reserves that enhance this aspect, and contribute to raising the required awareness.


The report was supplemented by tables of books, letters, research, conferences and films, and was shown through access to the large number of scientific, cultural and media activities carried out by the university in this area, with scientific books for faculty members (65), master's and doctoral letters (334), research published in the university's scientific journals (152), university-funded research projects (51), books and research published or funded under the research chairs programme (35), and research by members of the indexed faculty in the science network (18), indexed in scoops (26), major conferences, seminars and meetings with a preserved scientific record amounted to 40, and documentaries whose script was prepared and directed by the university amounted to 12 documentaries.


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