Procurement Policy​


Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) is committed to conducting its procurement activities in a responsible, sustainable, and transparent manner. This policy outlines the principles and guidelines that govern the procurement process, taking into account the local, regional, and global context, as well as the university's commitment to sustainability and climate action.


Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility:

a. IMSIU will prioritize the procurement of goods and services that have minimal negative environmental impacts and are consistent with the principles of sustainability. Preference will be given to eco-friendly products, energy-efficient equipment, and materials with lower carbon footprints. 

b. Whenever feasible, IMSIU will encourage suppliers to adopt environmentally-friendly practices, such as reducing packaging waste, promoting recycling, and using renewable resources. 

c. The university will consider the entire lifecycle of products and services, including their disposal, in the procurement process, aiming to select options that minimize environmental harm. ​

Local and Regional Development:

a. IMSIU will actively seek to support local and regional suppliers, fostering economic development within the community and contributing to the growth of the local economy. 

b. Wherever possible, the university will prioritize the procurement of goods and services from local and regional suppliers, provided they meet the required quality standards and offer competitive pricing.

c. Encouraging local entrepreneurship and innovation will be an essential aspect of the procurement strategy, with special consideration given to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

Ethical Standards and Social Responsibility: 

a. IMSIU will only engage with suppliers and contractors who adhere to ethical business practices and respect human rights, including labor laws and workers' rights. 

b. Suppliers will be evaluated based on their commitment to fair labor practices, safe working conditions, and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

c. The university will also prioritize suppliers who actively support social initiatives, such as community development programs and diversity and inclusion efforts. 

Transparency and Accountability:

a. IMSIU will maintain a transparent procurement process, ensuring that all relevant information regarding procurement opportunities, requirements, and selection criteria is accessible to potential suppliers. 

b. The procurement process will be conducted fairly, without any form of favoritism or bias, and will be subject to regular internal and external audits to ensure compliance with policies and regulations. 

c. Any conflicts of interest that may arise during the procurement process will be promptly disclosed and appropriately managed to safeguard the integrity of the process. 

​Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations: 

a. IMSIU will adhere to all relevant laws, regulations, and policies governing procurement activities in Saudi Arabia. 

b. The university will also comply with international agreements and initiatives related to sustainability, climate action, and responsible procurement. 


​Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) is committed to integrating sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical considerations into its procurement practices. By following this policy, IMSIU seeks to contribute positively to the environment, society, and the local economy while upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability in its procurement processes.​​​​