| Resource
جسم - 112 | 1. Junquiera, Junquiera Textbook of Histology, 12th edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.
| 2. Guyton & Hall. (2011). Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12th Ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier. |
| 3. Richard S. Snell MD, PhD, Clinical Anatomy by system. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. |
| 4. Drake, Richard, Vogl, Wayne, Mitchell, Adam W. M. Gray's Anatomy for Students Tank, Patrick W. |
| 5. By Frank Henry Netter- Saunders/Elseveir (2010) ISBN 1416059512 |
| 6. Grant's Dissector. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Embryology |
| 7. Moore, K.L. & Persuad, T.V.N. (2008). The Developing Human: clinically oriented embryology (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders |
| 8. Langman's Medical Embryology 11th or 12th edition Thomas W. Sadler PhD |
| 9. Pamela C champe PhD Richard A Harvey PhD (2011),Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews. |
نمو - 112 | 1. Langman's Medical Embryology. T.W. Sadler, 11th edition. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2009. |
| 2. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. K.L. Moore and T.V.N Persaud, 8th edition. W.B. Saunders Co., 2008 |
| 3. Clinical Anatomy. R. Snell, 7th edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2003. |
| 4. Review of Medical Physiology. William Ganong, 23rd edition. Mc Graw Hill, 2010. |
| 5. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Guyton and Hall, 11th edition, Elseviers Saunders, 2006. |
| 6. Essential Reproductive Medicine. Bruce R. Carr, Richard E. Blackwell, and Ricardo Azziz, 1st edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2004. |
| 7. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 28th edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2005. 8. Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics. Robert Kleighman and Richard Behrman, 18th edition. Saunders, 2007. |
| 9. Fetal and Neonatal Physiology (2 volumes). Richard Polin, William Fox, and Steven Abman, 3rd edition. Saunders, 2004. |
| 10. Basic Science in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: A Textbook for MROC Part 1. Michael de Swiet, Geoffrey Chamberlain, and Phillip Bennett, 3rd edition. Harcourt Publishers, 2002. |
| 11. Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics: Expert Consult. William B. Carey, Allen C. Crocker, Ellen Roy Elias, Heidi M. Feldman, William L. Coleman, 4th edition. W. B. Saunders, 2009. |
| 12. Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry. Melvin Lewis, 3rd edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2002. |
| 13. Psychology: Behaviour in context. L.F. Bourne and N.F. Russo, 1st edition. Norton Publishing, New York, 1998. |
| 14. Global Health and Global Aging. Mary Robinson, William Novelli, Clarence Pearson, Laurie Norris, 1st edition. Jossey-Bass, 2007. |
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| 4. http://www.epigee.org/fetal.html |
| 5. http://www.planababy.com/INVESTIGATIONS%20TESTS.HTM |
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| 7. http://www.bma.org.uk/images/childhoodimm_tcm41-20002.pdf |
| 8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/womens_health/body_menopause2.shtml#physical_symptoms |
| 9. http://www.womens-health.co.uk/menopause.html |
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| 11. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=ASO |
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جسم - 123 | 1. Clinical Anatomy for medical students by Snell R, latest Edition. |
| 2. Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body Johannes W. Rohen, Elke Lütjen-Drecoll, Chichiro Yokochi, 7th Edition. |
| 3. Wheater’s Functional Histology, latest edition. |
| 4. Textbook of Medical Physiology by Guyton & Hall, 12th Edition. |
| 5. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry by Champ & Harvey, 4th Edition |
ضل - 220 | 1. Anatomy Clinical Anatomy for medical students by Snell R, 7th Edition. |
| 2. Physiology Textbook of Medical Physiology by Guyton & Hall, 12th Edition. |
| 3. Biochemistry Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry by Champ & Harvey, 4th Edition. |
| 4. Pharmacology Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology by Finkel & Clark, 4th Edition. |
| 5. Pathology Basic Pathology by Kumar & Robbins, 8th Edition. |
| 6. Pathology Pathologic basis of disease by Robbins and Cotran, 8th Edition. |
| 7. Clinical Skills Macleod’s Clinical Examination by Douglas, Nicol & Robertson, 12th Edition. |
| 8. Medicine Clinical Medicine by Kumar & Clark, 6th Edition. |
| 9. Clinical assessment of the musculoskeletal system “A handbook for medical students” 5th edition |
| 1. Anatomy Clinical Anatomy for medical students by Snell R, 7th Edition. |
| 2. Physiology Textbook of Medical Physiology by Guyton & Hall, 12th Edition. |
| 3. Biochemistry Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry by Champ & Harvey, 4th Edition. 17 |
| 4. Pharmacology Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology by Finkel & Clark, 4th Edition. |
| 5. Pathology Basic Pathology by Kumar & Robbins, 8th Edition. |
| 6. Pathology Pathologic basis of disease by Robbins and Cotran, 8th Edition. |
| 7. Clinical Skills Macleod’s Clinical Examination by Douglas, Nicol & Robertson, 12th Edition. |
| 8. Medicine Clinical Medicine by Kumar & Clark, 6th Edition |
| 9. Wheater functional histology |
| 1. Journal of Clinical Anatomy. |
| 2. American Journal of Rheumatology. |
| 3. Favus, M.J. (Ed.), 2006. Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism, sixth ed. American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Washington DC. |
| 4. Marcus, R., Feldman, D., Kelsey, J. (Eds.), 2008. Osteoporosis, third ed. Academic Press, San Diego. |
| 5. Bogduk, N., 2005. Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine and Sacrum, fourth ed. Churchill Livingstone, Melbourne. |
| 6. Hall, H, McIntosh, G., 2008. Low back pain (acute). Clin Evid (Online). |
| 7. Hall, H., McIntosh, G., 2008. Low back pain (chronic). Clin Evid (Online). |
| 8. Van Tulder, M.W., Koes, B., Bouter, L.M., 1997. Conservative treatment of acute and chronic |
| 9. nonspecific low back pain: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of most common |
| 10. interventions. Spine 22, 2128-2156. |
| 11. Gillespie, w.J., Nade, 5., 1987. Musculoskeletal Infections. Melbourne, Blackwell. |
| 12. Norden, C, Gillespie, W.J., Nade, 5., 1994. Infections in Bones and Joints. Boston, Blackwell. |
| 13. Parsch, K, Nade, S. Infections in bones and joints. In: Benson, M.K.D., Fixsen, J., Macnicol, M.P., |
| 14. Parsch, K (Eds.), Children's Orthopaedics and Fractures, third ed. |
| 15. Hochberg, M.C., Silman, A.J., Smolen, J.S., Weinblatt, M.E., Weisman, M.H. (Eds.), 2008. Rheumatology, fourth ed. Mosby, Philadelphia. |
| 16. Hilburn, J.W., 1996. General principles and use of electrodiagnostic studies in carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome: with special attention to pitfalls and interpretation. Hand Clinics 12 (2), 205-221. |
| 17. Louis, 0.5., Calkins, E.R., Harris, P.G., 1996. Carpal tunnel syndrome in the work place. Hand Clinics |
| 18. 12 (2), 305-308 |
| 19. Lundborg, G., 1988. Nerve Injury and Repair. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. |
| 20. Phalen, G.S., 1966. The carpal-tunnel syndrome: seventeen years' experience in diagnosis and |
| 21. treatment of six hundred and fifty four hands. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 48A (2), 211-228. |
| 22. Seddon, H., 1943. Three types of nerve injury. Brain 66, 237-288. |
| 23. Stevens, J.e., Sun,S., Beard, e.M., et aI., 1988. Carpal tunnel syndrome in Rochester, Minnesota, 1961 |
| 24. to 1980. Neurology 38 (I), 134--138. |
| 25. Sunderland,S., 1951. A classification of peripheral nerve injuries producing loss of function. Brain 74, |
| 26. 491-516. |
| 27. Tetro, A.M., Pichora, DR, 1996. Cubital tunnel syndrome and the painful upper extremity. Hand Clinics 12 (4), 665-677. |
جسم - 214 | 1. A Textbook of Neuroanatomy |
| 2. Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy 2nd ed |
| 3. Functional Neuroanatomy |
| 4. Fundamental of neuroscience |
| 5. Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology - 23rd Ed |
| 6. Haines Neuroanatomy Atlas 6ed |
| 7. Mayo clinic Medical Neurosciences |
| 8. Netter atlas of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology |
| 9. Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas, 3rd Edition |
| 10. Neuroanatomy-An Atlas of Structures, Sections & Systems - 7th Ed |
| 11. Clinical Neuroanatomy |
| 12. Neuroscience 3rd ed-2004-Purves |
| 13. Snell-Clinical Neuroanatomy, 7th Edition