عميد المعهد يشارك في مؤتمر التواصل الثقافي واللغوي

شارك عميد المعهد الأستاذ الدكتور/ صالح بن ناصر الشويرخ في المؤتمر الدولي الثالث حول التواصل الثقافي واللغوي الذي تقيمه كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية بجامعة شعيب الدكالي الجديدة في المغرب بالتعاون مع الجمعية المغربية للثقافية، وذلك في الفترة 11-12/4/1436هــ، في بحث كان عنوانه:(مذاهب تدريس كفاية التقاطع الثقافي في سياق تدريس اللغة العربية لغة ثانية)، وفق الملخص الآتي:
Approaches to teaching Intercultural competence in the context of  teaching Arabic as a second language
This study aims to identify dimensions of intercultural competence in the context of teaching Arabic as a second language. It explores the current approaches to teaching Arabic as a second language in Saudi Arabia with particular reference to culture. The main research question is: How is intercultural competence conceptualised in teaching of Arabic as a second language in Saudi Arabia? The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 6 Arabic Language teachers and were analyzed using thematic analysis approach.  The result of the study shows that most interviewees were unaware of the relevance of intercultural competence; however, the construction of culture and elements of intercultural competence are embedded in intercultural dialogue in classrooms. This research has implications for the practice of teaching and learning of Arabic as a second language, and for the curriculum and pedagogy in the field of teaching Arabic.​

الخميس 23/04/1436 هـ 12/02/2015 م