
The Department of Advertising and Marketing Communication is considered one of the leading departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in this field, especially after the development of the Advertising & Marketing Communication from a path that was taken in the College of Dawah & Media to an independent Department after the approval decision of the Higher Education Council at its seventy-first session on 11/14/ 1433 to establish the College of Media and Communication at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University.
The Advertising and Marketing Communication Department qualifies its graduates to keep pace of the vast developments in the technologies used in the areas of advertising and marketing communication, which are areas that increase in influence day by day in shaping the opinions and ideas of consumers in most countries around the globe.
The field requires the presence of qualified people equipped with the latest knowledge, technologies, and theories that develop Continuously in the field of advertising and marketing communication.
eventually the courses lead to achieving the goal of the advertising and marketing process in the best possible means whether it is taken for commercial or non-profit purposes, which is necessarily reflected positively on the economic aspects of the various institutions and companies.

Our department's vision is to be the leading as a college teaching level in the field of Advertising & Marketing Communication both domestically and globally.

The Department of Advertising & Marketing Communication enrolls a set of students and educates them to become expertise in the field so they could work effectively among other members of the Saudi's community.

Our aim is providing an integrated theoretical program in advertising and communication by employing the modern and technological means to achieve coherent
training for both department's employees and students to meet high standards of the field's practices in the society.
Prepares acknowledgeable and qualified competencies in advertising and communication to join the society's workforce and academic researchers.
Provides students with theoretical and applied methods in advertising and communication.
Prepares students to be able to think critically and analyze every day's practices of the fields to solve problems and provide solutions.