Dr. Mohamed Hassan Mahmoud Elgamal
Ph. D., University of Alberta, Canada, Civil Engineering and Environment, 2002
M.Sc., Cairo University, Irrigation and Hydraulics Dept., Groundwater hydrology and its extraction, 1995.
B.Sc., Cairo University, Civil Engineering, 1992
Office Phone: 0112586248
Office Number: SR34
Mohamed Elgamal is an Associate Professor of Water Resources in Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University. He works on surface and subsurface hydrology, flood protection and mitigations, non-conventional water treatment, water quality and leak detection and transient analysis in pipe network, sediment removal from lakes and surface water modeling. He is the coauthor of more than 24 publications. He received the publication award in 2019 from the Deanship of Academic Research in Al Imam University. He is currently working on energy extraction from hydraulic structures and transmission lines and also water flow and quality measurements using image processing.