CE 412 Indeterminate Structural Analysis |
3 Credit Hours |
Analysis of indeterminate structures by the force and displacement methods, Maxwell’s method for indeterminate trusses; analysis of members with non-prismatic members; approximate analysis of indeterminate structures; stiffness method of structural analysis; fundamentals and algorithms; numerical analysis of plane trusses, grids and frames using matrix method; introduction to the finite element method for plane stress and plane strain; application of gravity and lateral loads on structures according to SBC/IBC. |
CE 413 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design |
3 Credit Hours |
Study of the strength, behaviour, and design of two way slab systems using direct design and equivalent frame methods, design of continuous beams and slender columns, design for torsion; behaviour and design of lateral load resisting systems (moment frames and shear walls); design of combined footings, drawing typical plans and sections of R/C structures. |
CE 414 Bridge Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
Historical overview of bridge building and bridge types; bridge aesthetics and materials; bridge geometry; review of applicable design codes; loads (truck and lane, impact, braking, thermal, wind, seismic, hydraulic etc.) on bridges and force distribution; influence lines; grillage analysis for super-structure elements; design of concrete and steel girder bridges; design of sub-structure components (foundations, pier, abutment, wing walls, approach slab); bridge bearings and expansion joints; bridge maintenance and rehabilitation. |
CE 415 Prestressed Concrete |
3 Credit Hours |
Theoretical basis for the analysis and design of pre-stressed concrete members; estimation of losses in pre-stressed reinforced concrete members and structures; design of post-tensioned beams and slabs; introduction to pretensioned, precast construction systems and techniques; use of prestressing in containment structures and structural strengthening and rehabilitation. |
CE 416 Structural Dynamics |
3 Credit Hours |
Analysis of the dynamic response of structures and structural components to transient loads and foundation excitation; single-degree-of-freedom and multi-degree of freedom systems; time and frequency domain analysis; response spectrum concepts; simple inelastic structural systems; and introduction to systems with distributed mass and flexibility; application of computer methods. Introduction to code-based seismic design procedures. |
CE 417 Advanced Concrete Materials |

3 Credit Hours |
Rheology models for concrete, microstructure and strength relationships, failure modes, fracture mechanics, creep, shrinkage and thermal deformations, design for durability and performance, quality control and quality assurance for concrete materials, fiber-reinforced concrete. |
CE 419 Special Topics in Structural Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
This course covers special advanced topics in structural engineering. The contents vary depending on the topic. |
CE 423 Traffic Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
Elements of the road traffic system; traffic flow theory and road capacity analysis; theory and design for signalized intersections; principles and procedures in traffic impact analysis and traffic survey methods. |
CE 424 Pavement Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
Design approaches, new pavement and rehabilitation design, failure mechanisms, effects of materials and construction on pavement performance. Emphasis on understanding of fundamental issues of pavement engineering, approaches to evaluation and design for new pavements and maintenance and rehabilitation design, practical lab experience with asphalt concrete materials and tools used for evaluation of pavements, understanding of construction issues. |
CE 425 Urban Transportation Planning |
3 Credit Hours |
Principles of planning, evaluation, selection, adoption, financing, and implementation of alternative urban transportation systems; formulation of community goals and objectives, inventory of existing conditions; transportation modelling: trip generation, trip distribution, modal choice, assignment; transport related land-use models. |
CE 426 Public Transportation Systems |
3 Credit Hours |
Analysis of mass transit systems, their operation, and management. Technology of transit vehicles and structure. Public policy and financing. |
CE 427 Traffic Safety |
3 Credit Hours |
Principles of engineering, behavioural science, and vision science to preventing traffic collisions and subsequent injury. A systematic approach to traffic safety, human behaviour, vehicle design, and roadway design as interacting approaches to prevent traffic crashes, vehicle and roadway designs approaches to prevent injury after collision. |
CE 429 Special Topics in Transportation Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
This course covers special advanced topics in transportation engineering. The contents vary depending on the topic. |
CE 431 Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems |
3 Credit Hours |
Characterization of water and wastewater; Design of advanced water treatment systems (adsorbers and membrane processes). Wastewater Treatment design: screening, grit removal, primary and secondary clarification, biological process (suspended and attached growth system), disinfection of the effluent, processing of sludge, and water reuse. |
CE 432 Environmental Impact Assessment |
3 Credit Hours |
Study of environmental impacts of engineering projects on the environmental components of water, air, and soil. Social, economic and cultural impacts. Identification and prediction of various impacts and mitigation measures. |
CE 433 Water Quality Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
Fundamental theories underlying the unit processes utilized in water and wastewaters networks system and treatment processes. Ground water quality control processes. |
CE 434 Solid & Hazardous Waste Engineering & Management |
3 Credit Hours |
Investigation of the regulatory and technical issues affecting solid and hazardous waste management, with an emphasis on the principles governing the transport, fate, and remediation of solid and hazardous waste in the subsurface, including advection, dispersion, sorption, inter-phase mass transfer, and transformation reactions. |
CE 435 Air Pollution Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
Description and application of chemical and physical principles related to air pollutants, aerosol mechanics, attenuation of light in the atmosphere, air quality regulation, generation of air pollutants, methods to remove gaseous and particulate pollutants from gas streams, and atmospheric dispersion. Overview of practical and advanced approaches to air pollution modelling, including aspects of pollutant transport, transformation, and loss. Models considered include: Gaussian plume, chemical mass balance, chemical reaction, grid and trajectory. Evaluation of models and the development of efficient control strategies. |
CE 439 Special Topics in Environmental Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
This course covers special advanced topics in environmental engineering. The contents vary depending on the topic. |
CE 441 Surface Hydrology |
3 Credit Hours |
Hydrological analysis of surface water systems, main elements of the hydrological cycle. Water and mass balance. Precipitation and rainfall data frequency analysis, generation of IDF curves, evaporation and evapotranspiration, infiltration. Introduction to GIS for hydrological applications, hydrological properties of catchments, DEM and catchment delineation. Rainfall-runoff modelling, river and reservoir routing using hydrological methods. Hydrological modelling using software packages. Introduction to urban hydrology. Design of culverts and Irish crossings. |
CE 442 Hydraulic Analysis and Design |
3 Credit Hours |
Hydraulic analysis and design of engineering systems using spreadsheet and professional software. Applications include: closed conduits; pipe networks; hydraulic structures; water bridges, spillways, stilling basins, and gates, embankment seepage; selection and installation of pumps and turbines. |
CE 443 Groundwater Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
Introduction to Sub-surface Water Hydrology and Types of Aquifers. Hydraulics of Porous Media, Introduction to Darcy Law, Flow Net and Mass Balance Equations. The Concept of Safe Yield, Storage. Estimation of Groundwater Recharge. Well Hydraulics and Design of Aquifer Pumping Tests. Introduction to Numerical Modelling of Groundwater Flow: Estimation of Flow Net and Seepage Analysis using Spreadsheet and other Programs. Introduction to Groundwater Contamination and Saltwater Intrusion. |
CE 444 Urban Hydrology and Hydraulics |
3 Credit Hours |
Hydraulic analysis and design of urban, highway, airport, and small rural watershed drainage problems; discussion of overland and drainage channel flows; hydraulics of storm drainage systems and culverts; determination of design flow; runoff for highways, airports, and urban areas; design of drainage gutters, channels, sewer networks, and culverts. |
CE 445 Water Resources Management |
3 Credit Hours |
Water laws. Reservoirs, dams, and reservoir basins. Hydro- power generation. Flood estimation, routing and control. Engineering economy in water resources planning. Introduction to system engineering in water resources. Topics in arid and semi-arid region water resources. Desertification water conservation techniques, reuse of water, remote sensing and arid water resources. Linear programming and its applications in water resources. |
CE 449 Special Topics in Water Resources Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
This course covers special advanced topics in water resources engineering. The contents vary depending on the topic. |
CE 452 Soil Mechanics and Behaviour |
3 Credit Hours |
Physical and chemical properties of soils, Clay minerals, Soil structure, Shear strength and deformation, Pore pressure parameters, Effective stress analysis, Consolidation and settlement analysis, Introduction to unsaturated soil mechanics. |
CE 453 Geosystems Engineering Design |
3 Credit Hours |
Stability of shallow foundations, Analysis and design of piles and deep foundations, Rafts and combined footings, Foundations under lateral loads, Dewatering of foundations, Embankments, Introduction to earth retention systems. |
CE 454 Soil and Site Improvement |
3 Credit Hours |
Problematic soils, Need of soil improvement, Methods and principles for improving engineering properties of soils, Mechanical, chemical, electrical and thermal stabilization, Use of geo-synthetics in geotechnical and geo-environmental applications. |
CE 455 Geotechnical Investigations |
3 Credit Hours |
Structure of ground investigation, Sources of information, Planning, management and control, Site exploration techniques, Geophysical testing methods, Geotechnical instrumentation, Geotechnical report writing. |
CE 456 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
Introduction to earthquake engineering, Basic earth features and earthquake principles, Common earthquake effects/damages, Site investigation for geotechnical earthquake engineering, Liquefaction, bearing capacity of foundations, Retaining wall and slope stability analysis, Seismic micro-zonation, Site improvement methods to mitigate earthquake effects. |
CE 459 Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering |
3 Credit Hours |
This course covers special advanced topics with focus on modern trends and recent developments in geotechnical engineering. The contents vary depending on the topic. |
CE 463 Construction Planning |
3 Credit Hours |
Introduction: Planning and Scheduling, Project Control, Why Schedule Projects, Scheduling and Project Management. Bar/Gantt Charts and Basic Networks: Introduction, Advantages and Disadvantages of Bar Charts, Arrow and Node Networks, Networks versus Bar Charts, Time-Scaled logic Diagrams Resource Allocation, Categories of Resources, Resource Levelling, Materials Management . Schedule Compression and Time Cost Trade-Off: Setting priorities, Accelerating a Project, Direct and Indirect Costs, Recovery Schedules, Potential Issues with uncoordinated acceleration, Optimum Project Scheduling. |
CE 464 Decision and Risk Analysis |
3 Credit Hours |
Basic notions of set theory and probability: Sample space and events; conditional probability; statistical independence, total probability; Bayes theorem. Random variables: univariate and multivariate distributions, expectation, moments. Probabilistic models for engineering analysis: Bernoulli sequence, binomial distribution, Poisson and related distributions, Normal and related distributions, Extreme-value distributions, Other distributions used in statistics. Introduction to decision theory: Basic notions of utility theory, Decision tree, Terminal analysis, Pre-posterior analysis, Decision problems in estimation. |
CE 465 Construction Cost Analysis |
3 Credit Hours |
Introduction to the application of scientific principles to costs and estimates of costs in construction engineering; concepts and statistical measurements of the factors involved in direct costs, general overhead costs, cost mark-ups and profits; and the fundamentals of cost recording for construction cost accounts and cost. Construction Cost analysis. |
CE 466 Construction Productivity |
3 Credit Hours |
Introduction to the application of scientific principles to the measurement and forecasting of productivity in construction engineering. Conceptual and mathematical formulation of labour, equipment, and material factors affecting productivity, Motivation and construction productivity, Productivity Improvement programs. Learning curves, Fatigue, Overtime, The physical environment, Quality circles, Safety considerations. A System view of construction Productivity, Techniques for measuring productivity: Cost methods. |
CE 467 Quality and Safety Management in Construction |
3 Credit Hours |
Introduction to quality management, Quality Standards, Development and implementation of quality management systems, quality indicators, quality audits, Importance of construction safety, safety culture, health and safety hazards, personal protective equipment, OSHA Standards, new trends in safety and safety. Accidents Causation Theories, Ethics in Safety and OSHA compliance. Construction Equipment and Safety, Accident Investigation, Reporting and Record Keeping, Emergency Response plan, Total Safety Management. Preventing violence in workplace, stress and behaviour based safety, Promoting safety. |
CE 469 Special Topics in Construction Engineering and Management |
3 Credit Hours |
This course covers special advanced topics in construction engineering and management. The contents vary depending on the topic. |