Dr. Chemseddine Maatki

  • Mohammed Abdulrahman Almeshaal.jpgDr. Chemseddine Maatki

  • Dr.Ing. Energy Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Monastir University, Tunisia, 2014.

    M.Sc. Industrial process Design, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Mechanic Aix-Marseille, France, 2003.

    B.E. (Energy Engineering), Energy Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Monastir University, Tunisia, 2002.

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Dr. Chemseddine Maatki is an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University since 2019. He has an overall experience of more than 15 years of teaching at the university level. He has authored and co-authored of more than 18 publications in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. His research interest includes thermal engineering, computational fluid mechanics, numerical modeling, renewable energy, design of solar distiller system and thermal energy storage. He has currently working on research projects related to: (i) Improvement of heat transfer in mechanical cooling system by using of nano-particle. (ii)  Effect of magnetic field on double diffusive convection and entropy generation during solidification of metal alloys.  (iii) Design and optimization of solar cooling systems. 

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