EE 1531​ Digital System Laboratory (SR 137)

This course consists of introduction to 8086/8088 Microprocessor Programming, Instruction Set, Arithmetic and Logic Operation, Shift operations, branch instruction etc., Focused on program writing skills. Different programs using 8086 assembly language are implemented on 8086/88 microprocessor kit and DEBUG platforms. Interfacing with peripheral devices concepts are introduced.

Detailed Syllabus                         LAB MANUAL                            LAB Photo



  1. Introduction to 8086/8088 Microprocessor, Familiarization with Microprocessor Lab, Hands on DEBUG Commands.

  2. 8086/88 Assembly Language program1: Addition/Subtracting of two multi byte numbers and store the result as the third number.

  3. 8086/88 Assembly Language program3: Multiplying/ Dividing two multi byte numbers and store the result as the third number.

  4. 8086/88 Assembly Language program5: Generation of Fibonacci Series.

  5. 8086/88 Assembly Language program6: Find the factorial of a given 8 bit number using indirect addressing mode, to find Sum of N numbers, Sum of Squares.

  6. 8086/88 Assembly Language program7: Block Transfer.

  7. 8086/88 Assembly Language program8: Convert BCD to ASCII number.

  8. 8086/88 Assembly Language program9: Conversion of Packed BCD Number to Unpacked BCD Number.

  9. 8086/88 Assembly Language program10: Converting BCD to HEXADECIMAL Number.

  10. 8086/88 Assembly Language program11: ASCENDING &DESCENDING ORDER.

  11. Demonstration of Interfacing Experiments.

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