Responsibilities of the Evaluation
Surveys Committee:
a) Head of the
- Arrange meetings with the respective
members and write minutes of meetings/reports i.e. actions taken, actions
planned, status of assigned tasks, etc.
- Prepare and maintain a
proper record (hard and/or soft copies) of all the relevant documents.
- Coordinate and provide required
documents to other committees, focus groups, program coordinator or chairman,
when necessary.
b) Course
Evaluation Surveys (CES):
- Create online survey links
for each course (separate survey for each section of the course offered during the
- Send the survey web link to
each course instructor three weeks before the final exams. The instructor will
share the link with the students of his course to complete the survey.
- Prepare survey results in
the approved format and send to respective course instructors before the start
of final exam week.
c) Students
Experience Surveys (SES):
- Conduct the survey during spring
semester of the academic year (from5thsemester students only).
- Prepare SES Summary Report
in the approved format and submit to the Program Coordinator.
d) Program
Evaluation / Exit Surveys (PES):
- Conduct the survey before
the end of each semester (8thsemester / graduating students only).
- Prepare PES Summary Report
in the approved format and submit to the Program Coordinator.
e) Alumni
Surveys (AS):
- Conduct the survey (for
students after 2-3 years of graduation).
- Prepare AS Summary Report
in the approved format and submit to the Program Coordinator.
f) Employer
Surveys (ES):
- Conduct the survey every
2-3 years from the employers of civil engineering program graduates.
- Prepare ES Summary Report
in the approved format and submit to the Program Coordinator.
g) Faculty
Satisfaction Surveys (FSS):
- Conduct the survey before
the end of each academic year from all the faculty members of civil engineering
- Prepare FSS Summary Report
in the approved format and submit to the Program Coordinator.
h) Feedback
Surveys (FBS):
- For any seminars/training
sessions organized by the department/college, prepare and conduct feedback
survey(s) from the participants.
- Prepare a Summary Report
and submit to the Program Coordinator.