Units and Committees

​​​​​Department of Biology Units 2023-2024

1. Development and Quality Unit​​

​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
  1. Planning academic and administrative quality work in the department.
  2. Cooperating with the department head in building and following up on the department’s operational plan.
  3. Monitoring the quality of the educational process in the department.
  4. Cooperating with academic program coordinators in meeting program quality requirements.
  5. Collect the necessary evidence to verify that quality practices in the department’s programs conform to program accreditation standards.
  6. Follow up on academic program performance indicators and work to achieve semester targets.
  7. Follow up on the quality of the administrative process in the department.
  8. Fulfilling the department’s administrative quality requirements.
  9. Collect the necessary evidence to verify that the department’s quality practices conform to the quality requirements of administrative work.
  10. Follow up on the performance indicators of operational plans, and work to achieve periodic targets.
  11. Conducting various opinion polls, analyzing them, and writing related reports.
  12. Cooperating with academic program coordinators to provide the necessary data and statistics for annual academic program reports.
  13. Cooperating with the College’s Development and Quality Unit in spreading the culture of quality among department members.
  14. Cooperating with the College’s Development and Quality Unit in identifying the training needs in the department.
  15. Cooperating with the College’s Development and Quality Unit in implementing training programs related to academic and administrative quality in the scientific department.
  16. Making any amendment approved by the Department Council to the department’s program plans.
  17. Preparing annual reports for the department’s programs.
  18. Receiving department course reports from faculty members.
  19. Reviewing the course descriptions for the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral plans.
  20. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.
  1. Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Zaid (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
  3. Dr. Abdulrahman Mohammed Abdulrahman Alhudhaibi
  4. Mrs. Mona Abdullah Al Dayel
  5. Mr. Salem Bawazir
  6. Mrs. Reem Ibrahim Al-Rashed​


​​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
a. ​Department's Website Supervisory Committee
  1. Updating the department’s website with news.
  2. Writing reports for all department activities, photographing them, and publishing them on the department’s website.
  3. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​
  1.  Dr. Eman Abdullah Almuqri (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Abdullah Sultan Ali Alawam
  3. Mr. Hamad Muhammad Al-Rashoud
  4. Mrs. Malak Oun Aladwani
b. Statistics and Data Documentation Committee
  1. Collecting information, data, and statistics related to the department (department members, students, scientific research, community service, graduates).
  2. Establishing a comprehensive technical system to collect and inventory data (report forms, questionnaires, etc.).
  3. Save and update databases constantly.
  4. Providing the department head with the required statistical data and information.
  5. Supervising and following up on the preparation of periodic and annual reports for academic, scientific, research and community data.
  6. Continuous improvement in the mechanism for documenting data and unifying its source.
  7. Preparing an annual report supported by statistics and graphs on the work accomplished in the department.
  8. Any new tasks assigned to his Excellency the head of the department.
  1. Dr. Abdulrahman Alhudhaibi (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Ashraf Ahmed Qurtam
  3. Dr. Mai Musaed Al Masoud
  4. Dr. Sheikha Abdullah Al-Batli​​

2. Evaluation and Exams Unit​​

​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
  1. Cooperating with academic program coordinators in implementing the decisions of the academic department councils related to controlling and ensuring the quality of exams.
  2. Verifying that the exams are constructed according to the requirements of the achievement exams schedule and the academic course outline (Blue Print).
  3. Ensure that exam questions are linked to the course learning outcomes that are linked to the program learning outcomes.
  4. Follow up on the process of measuring learning outcomes, and issue reports on its comprehensive results.
  5. Holding workshops for faculty members and the like to explain scientific methods in writing theoretical and practical questions and submit recommendations regarding their training needs.
  6. Verifying the reality of final exam results, preparing reports and submitting them to the department head.
  7. Supervising the automated correction of exams.
  8. Supervising question banks, re-studying and updating them, and ensuring their quality.
  9. Continuous communication with the quality unit in the department and submitting its reports.
  10. Receiving the second examiner’s report for the final examination.
  11. Study student complaints regarding any exam.
  12. Studying students’ requests regarding reviewing the correction of the final exam.
  13. Archiving final exams.
  14. Reserving halls for semester exams for multi-section courses.
  15. Identifying invigilators for semester exams for courses that need invigilators.
  16. Receive a copy of the final exam for the department’s courses and deliver it to the college dean for educational affairs.
  17. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.
  1. Dr. Sulaiman Alsalameh (Committee Chairman)
  2. Prof. Faouzi Mohamed Haouala
  3. Dr. Nosiba Hamed Basher
  4. Dr. Marwa Jalouli

3. Training and Professional Development Unit​​

​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
  1. Participate in preparing the annual plan for the scientific department and academic programs.
  2. Apply data and information collection tools in coordination with the Central Unit for Training and Professional Development.
  3. Determine the training needs of department members according to the faculty and staff evaluation reports issued by the Development and Quality Unit, and have them approved by the Department Council and then submitted to the Central Unit for Training and Professional Development.
  4. Identify the logistical requirements for implementing training courses and programs for members of the scientific department, and submit them to the Central Unit for Training and Professional Development.
  5. Preparing operational plans for training and professional development at the level of departments and academic programs.
  6. Coordination with the college’s Central Unit for Training and Professional Development to provide the external courses and workshops needed by faculty members in the department.
  7. Implementing operational plans for training and professional development at the department and academic program levels.
  8. Proposing the courses, programs, and training staff required for department members in coordination with the Central Unit for Training and Professional Development in the college/institute.
  9. Preparing periodic reports on the extent of progress in achieving the objectives of the operational plan.
  10. Follow up on the implementation of training courses and programs provided to members of the scientific department and academic programs.
  11. Identifying the obstacles and problems of implementing the operational plan at the department level, and proposing appropriate solutions to them in coordination with the Central Unit for Training and Professional Development.
  12. Documenting the programs implemented for the professional development of department members, and collecting evidence.
  13. Support in measuring the impact of training and the benefits thereof for department members.
  14. Preparing reports on the activities carried out for the department’s members, having them approved by the department council and then submitting them to the Central Unit for Training and Professional Development.
  15. Preparing recommendations in light of the results of the evaluation processes at the department level.
  16. Spreading a culture of quality, professional development, and continuing education in departments.
  1. Prof. Muhammad Mubarak Muhammad Ahmed (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Nasser Adam Ibrahim
  3. Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
  4. Dr. Eman Abdullah Almuqri

​​​​​Department of Biology Committees 2023-2024

Approval of the formation of the department's committees:
The formation of the committees of the Department of Biology for the academic year 1445 Hijri  was approved by the department's Council at its first session held on 7/4/1445 Hijri  corresponding to August 23, 2023 Gregorian.
Purpose of committees’ formation:
  1. Strengthening belonging to the department among its faculty members through everyone’s participation in decision-making.
  2. Facilitating appropriate decision-making by the Department Council regarding the topics raised in the council, where the competent committee studies the topic referred to it before presenting it to the Council and makes appropriate recommendations.
  3. Spreading the spirit of initiative and competition among members through their contribution to developing performance within the department and proposing ideas that contribute to that.
General tasks of committee chairs:
  1. Determine the appropriate and specific content for the committee to publish on the department’s website.
  2. Providing the department with the committee’s work plan and the work it will carry out during each semester.
  3. Taking all the committee’s recommendations through coordination and participation among members.
  4. The minutes of the committee meeting (signed) by the committee members are submitted to the head of the department within a week from the date of the meeting.
  5. Submitting a report on the progress of the committee’s work and its achievements at the end of each semester to the department head.
  6. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​

Advisory committee for the Bachelor of Science in Biology Program for the year 1445 Hijri

Tasks of the committee:
  1. Contribute to formulating the attributes of the program graduate and discussing their compatibility with the program learning outcomes.
  2. Continuously developing the program to improve its outputs.
  3. Discussing the results of the program’s annual reports and improvement plans.
  4. Giving feedback on the extent to which the graduate possesses the characteristics described in the program specification, which contributes to increasing the competitiveness of program graduates.
  5. Discussing reports measuring learning outcomes and expressing an opinion about them.
  6. Transferring successful experiences in the labor market to improve the program’s outcomes.
  7. Contributing to establishing research partnerships and cooperation between the department and public and private sector institutions.
  8. Overcoming difficulties regarding field training for program students.
  9. Participate in the activities organized by the program for the benefit of its students and graduates, which contributes to the quality of the program and its graduates.
  10. Contributing to the success of the program’s academic accreditation processes.
  • Formation of the advisory committee for the Bachelor of Science in Biology program for the year 1445 Hijri
Membership Title​
​Dr. Hassan Ahmed Abdullah Rudayni
Associate Professor​
Biology Department – Male section
Committee Chairman
​Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
Female​Assistant Professor​Biology Department – Female section​Member
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saman Al-QahtaniMale
King Faisal Specialist Hospital - Research CenterMember
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ali Al-Ghamdi
ProfessorNational Center for Vegetation Development and Combating Desertification
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Broji Al-Faqih
MaleProfessorKing Abdulaziz City for Science and TechnologyMember
Dr. Mohammed bin Saeed Al-Mutairi
MaleAssistant ProfessorNational Center for Wildlife DevelopmentMember
Eng. Ayed bin Ali Al-Qarni
Executive Head of Resources Sector - Al Rabie Saudi Food CompanyMember
Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammed bin SalloumMale
Assistant ProfessorGeneral Authority for Food and Drug AdministrationMember
Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-DharawiMale
Assistant ProfessorGeneral EducationMember
Hayaa bint Muhammad Al-JammazFemale
GraduateBiology Department – Female sectionMember
Nayef bin Ayed Al-Maliki
Biology Department – Male section

1. Committee of Faculty Members, Their Equivalents, and Scholarship Students

A committee responsible for determining the numbers of faculty members, those of their equivalent, and scholarship students, studying their applications, and studying the applications of those who want to work as a member of the college or institute.​​​


​​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
a. ​Scientific Committee
  1. Examining documents of applications for promotion of faculty members and the like.
  2. Examining documents for requests to attend conferences, assignment, and academic sabbaticals.
  3. Verifying the completeness of the book translation request documents.
  4. Studying nomination requests for awards for excellence in teaching, international publishing, or excellence in scientific research.
  5. Proposing scientific research priorities in cooperation with the department’s research groups.
  6. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​
  1. Prof. Mohammed Aleissa (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
  3. Dr. Moodi Saham Amer Alsubeie
  4. Dr. Mohammed Musa Yahya  Alzahrani
  5. Prof. Abdelghafar Mohamed Abu-Elsaoud​
b. Teaching Assistants and Lecturers Committee
  1. ​Preparing and following up scholarship students.
  2. Study referrals received from the department head to study the topics of teaching assistants and lecturers and provide recommendations.
  3. Studying applications to join the department for the position of teaching assistant.
  4. Determine the department’s need for faculty members and their equivalents and their precise specializations.
  5. Determine the scholarship countries that suit the department’s goals and aspirations with regard to teaching assistants, male and female lecturers, and their precise specializations.
  6. Seeking to conclude strategic partnerships with the public and private sectors to support the department’s programs.
  7. Developing suggestions and recommendations for the department to take into consideration to provide an attractive educational environment for the student, faculty member, and the like.
  8. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​
  1. ​Dr. Hassan Rudayni (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
  3. Dr. Mohammed Musa Yahya  Alzahrani
​c. Contracting and Recruitment Committee
  1. ​Studying the scientific files of contract applications and conducting interviews with them.
  2. Working to attract distinguished non-Saudi faculty members and the like.
  3. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.
  1. ​Dr. Mohammed Alzahrani (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Abdullah Sultan Ali Alawam
  3. Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
  4. Dr. Moodi Saham Amer Alsubeie
  5. Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Alghonaim
d. Social Activities Committee
  1. ​Preparing and organizing social activities among department members.
  2. Any new tasks assigned to his Excellency the head of the department.​
  1. ​Dr. Abdullah Alawam (Committee Chairman)
  2. Mrs. Malak Oun Aladwani
  3. Mr. Hamid Salim Al-Azmi
  4. Mrs. Noura Fahd Al-Qahtani​

2. Postgraduate Studies Committee

​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
  1. Preparing and supervising admission tests for graduate programs, identifying appropriate references and submitting them to the department head.
  2. Correcting admission tests for postgraduate programs and determining those accepted into them.
  3. Preparing faculty schedules for graduate program courses in coordination with the department head and developing a mechanism to determine elective courses and graduation projects.
  4. Distributing graduation projects to students according to the student’s passing the elective courses.
  5. Monitoring graduate students’ grades.
  6. Proposing committees to discuss graduation projects and submitting them to the department head.
  7. Pursuing the master’s and doctoral levels at all stages, starting from the supplementary year until graduation.
  8. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​
  1. Prof. Mohammed Aleissa (Committee Chairman)
  2. Prof. Faouzi Mohamed Haouala
  3. Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Zaid
  4. Dr. Siham Musa Hamed
  5. Dr. Hassan Ahmed Abdullah Rudayni​

3. Scientific Research Committee

​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
  1. Establishing research teams and following up on their research activity.
  2. Follow up on the number of scientific researches of the department and classify them annually.
  3. Encouraging translation and authorship through awareness campaigns, statistics, and follow-up.
  4. Working to showcase the department’s scientific production and activities, especially through the website.
  5. Organizing lectures and scientific research seminars presented by faculty members in the department and hosting lecturers from outside the college.
  6. Identifying and expanding the scientific research infrastructure in the department.​
  1. Dr. Mohammed Alzahrani (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
  3. Prof. Abdelghafar Mohamed Abu-Elsaoud
  4. Dr. Amr Adel Elkelish

4.  Plans and Curriculum Committee

​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
  1. Study the department’s academic program plans.
  2. Study all new proposals to develop and amend plans and courses.
  3. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.
  1. Dr. Hassan Ahmed Rudayni (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
  3. Prof. Muhammad Mubarak Muhammad Ahmed
  4. Prof. Faouzi Mohamed Haouala
  5. Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Alghonaim


​​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
a. ​Schedules Committee
  1. Preparing faculty schedules for undergraduate program courses in coordination with the department head.
  2. Distributing schedules to faculty members.
  3. Distributing the offered courses to the college halls to ensure optimal use of the college halls in terms of proportionality of the number of students in the department with the capacity of the hall registered for the course.
  4. Ensure the availability of classroom needs.
  5. Submitting academic schedules to the Dean of the College so that they are sent to the Deanship of Admissions and Registration Affairs and entered into the Banner system.
  6. Follow up on the distribution of study schedules to students.
  7. Sending the teaching load for faculty members and the like to the college dean for educational affairs in each semester and archiving it.
  8. Reporting to the dean to address other colleges to meet the college’s needs for external courses.
  9. Distributing departmental courses offered in other programs in the college and outside it to the educational departments until they are distributed to the department’s faculty members.
  10. Updating the academic schedules committee’s file periodically to suit the college’s needs.
  11. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.
  1. Dr. Hassan Ahmed Rudayni (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Moodi Saham Amer Alsubeie
  3. Dr. Ashraf Ahmed Qurtam
  4. Dr. Badriah Saleh ALalammari
  5. Dr. Amr Adel Elkelish​
​b. Graduation Projects Committee
  1. ​Announcing the deadline for receiving proposed projects from faculty members for the bachelor’s program.
  2. Receiving the projects proposed by faculty members, studying them, selecting the appropriate ones, and announcing them to the students, while distributing the wishes form to the students.
  3. Follow up on the performance of students and supervisors during the semester.
  4. Receiving quarterly and final reports from faculty members who supervise student projects.
  5. Proposing committees to discuss graduation projects and submitting them to the department head.
  6. Preparing discussion committee schedules, supervising them, receiving final copies of projects and distributing them to committee members, receiving final results from supervisors, and determining appropriate projects to be presented as a scientific poster.
  7. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​
  1. ​Dr. Abdulrahman Alhudhaibi (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Anis Ahmad Chaudhary
  3. Dr. Fahd Nasr
  4. Dr. Marwa Yousry
  5. Dr. Al-Mukhtar Al-Rujaili​
c. Course Equivalency Committee
  1. ​Studying requests for course equivalency.
  2. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​
  1. ​Dr. Mohammed Alghonaim (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Eman Abdullah Almuqri
  3. Dr. Abdullah Sultan Ali Alawam
  4. Dr. Nosiba Hamed Basher
  5. Prof. Dr. Fehmi Boufahja
d. Laboratories Committee
  1. Supervising the organization of research and teaching laboratories in the scientific departments and their equipment.
  2. Follow up the inventory process in laboratories and raise their needs.
  3. Supervising and following up on operation and maintenance contracts for all research and teaching laboratories.
  4. Reviewing and following up on tenders for laboratories and their equipment and submitting them to the university administration.
  5. Matching and awarding tenders.
  6. Receiving new devices and equipment.
  7. Providing consumables for laboratories.​
  1. Dr. Mohammed Alzahrani (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Abdullah Sultan Ali Alawam
  3. Dr. Nasser Adam Ibrahim
  4. Dr. Lina Mohamed Ateeq Alneghery
  5. Dr. Marwa Yousry

5.  Advising Committee

​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
  1. ​Supervising various academic affairs for undergraduate students in the department.
  2. Prepare and update the academic advising record file for each male/female student, where the advisor opens a special file for each male/female student in the group that includes registered courses, academic record, and educational conditions, as well as minutes of periodic meetings between the advisor and the student, in addition to any reports directed by the professors of the courses in which the student faces problems.
  3. Identify students’ performance in the past semester and discuss appropriate options for students in the next semester (registering or deleting courses, raising grades, choosing a major, etc.).
  4. Organizing periodic interviews (at least once at the beginning of each semester) with all college students with the aim of introducing the students to the college’s goals and mission, its educational programs, its scientific departments, the fields of work of its graduates, and the aspects of care and services that the college provides to its students. They are also given insight and guidance to choose appropriate majors that suits their abilities and potential.
  5. Urging and encouraging the student to work harder and praising him/her if he/she excels in some courses.
  6. Providing assistance to the student in the event of difficulty registering or conflicts with some courses.
  7. Informing the heads of scientific departments of the student’s condition.
  8. Urging students to participate in educational activities.
  9. Submit a report on student problems.
  10. Urging and encouraging students to benefit from the central library.
  11. Investigating the social and psychological problems faced by students and referring the considered cases to the competent authorities at the university.
  12. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​
  1. ​Dr. Ashraf Ahmed Qurtam (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Abdullah Sultan Ali Alawam
  3. Mrs. Aeshah Almuhaini
  4. Mrs. Malak Oun Aladwani
  5. Mrs. Reem Ibrahim Al-Rashed
  6. Mrs. Mona Abdullah Al Dayel


​​​​​Tasks and Responsibilities
a. ​Graduates Committee
  1. ​Managing graduate affairs in the department.
  2. Create a database of department graduates and update it periodically.
  3. Create a database on employers for department graduates and update it periodically.
  4. Conduct graduate opinion polls on the quality of academic programs, analyze them, and prepare reports.
  5. Conducting employer opinion polls about graduates of the department’s programs, analyzing them, and preparing reports.
  6. Preparing periodic reports on the employment rates of department graduates.
  7. Conducting the necessary studies to uncover the reasons for the high/low employment rates of department graduates.
  8. Communicating with graduates after they graduate from the department and inviting them to participate in the department’s activities.
  9. Holding an annual meeting for graduates.
  10. Preparing quarterly reports on the committee’s work, difficulties - if any - and proposals for improvement and development.
  1. Dr. Sulaiman Alsalameh (Committee Chairman)
  2. Dr. Eman Abdullah Almuqri
  3. Dr. Abdullah Sultan Ali Alawam
  4. Dr. Mohammed Musa Yahya Alzahrani​
b. Student Activities Committee
  1. Supervising various student activities.
  2. Organizing student visits to institutions and companies outside the university.
  3. Organizing activities and competitions for department students.
  4. Coordination for the effective participation of department students in activities organized by the college, university, and oth​ers.
  5. Any new tasks assigned by the department head.​
  1. Mrs. Malak  Aladwani (Committee Chairman)
  2. Mr. Hamid Salim Al-Azmi
  3. Mrs. Noura Fahd Al-Qahtani
  4. Mr. Abdullah Ghadeer Al-Anzi​
