Vice Dean's Message

Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless and grant peace to him and all his family and companions.
Dear students, visitors to webpage of “Vice Deanship for Educational Affairs” at college of science, on behalf of myself and on all employees of the Vice Deanship of the College, I would like to present to you a brief summary of the role of the Vice Deanship for Educational Affairs
The Vice Deanship and its various units constitute a part of the College of Science system, we all strive to achieve the vision, mission, and aims of the College of Science derived from the general strategic plan of the university.
All students, males and females, are the focus of our interest, and the Vice Deanship seeks to advance the educational process in a way that leads to the development of the student skills and abilities. Undoubtedly, this is one of our priorities and most important targets.
Therefore, the Vice Deanship is actively working to provide an appropriate educational environment through the development of academic programs of all scientific departments of the college in compliance with the international academic standards and benchmarks.
The Vice Deanship carefully follows up the process of providing the college laboratories and classrooms with the latest devices and equipment, and technologies in order to achieve outstanding learning outcomes. The distinguished outcomes enable the graduate students to compete locally and globally, and meet the needs of the labor market. This enhances the job opportunities for the college graduates and comes in accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030.
In addition to the Vice Deanship role in following up the progress of the educational process in the college, it works tirelessly, in coordination with the relevant authorities in the university, to provide the essential reference books and other scientific materials for all college departments, with availability to all students.
The role of the Vice Deanship is not restricted to the above mentioned, but it continuously follows up academic situation of the students through the “Academic Advising Unit” and detects the obstacles that students face and finding the proper solutions. The latter role is accomplished in coordination with the college departments as well as with the university “Academic Advising Center”.
The Vice Deanship, through its website and official social media, carefully presents all the instructions, regulations, study programs and other relevant issues and make them available to all students.
The Vice Deanship believes in the importance of developing the talents of male and female students, enhancing the spirit of creativity and innovation, and encouraging cooperation and teamwork. In this regard, the Vice Deanship, represented by the “Student Activity Unit”, encourages students to participate in student clubs and all other related activities at the college or university level.
Improving and developing the services provided by the “Vice-Deanship for Educational Affairs” is a fundamental target to achieve in an intimate cooperation with the teaching, administrative and technical staffs, as well as with the participation of male and female students. Therefore, the Vice Deanship welcomes the receiving of all opinions, suggestions and complaints through the communication system “Tawasol”.
May God help us and you for everything that God pleases.
Vice Dean for Educational Affairs
Dr. Mohammed Al-Zharani