Report on Dr. Malak Al-Thaqafi’s lecture: “A Success Story”

Dr. Malak bint 'Abed Al-Thaqafi accepted the invitation of the Department of Chemistry - Female Branch - to give a lecture titled "A Success Story" on Monday, April 17 at 9:15 AM. The coordinators of the departments were also present: Arwa AL-Mubarak. Merfat Al-Zmay', Latyfah Al-Sheddy. In addition to many faculty members and students from various disciplines.

The lecture was started by Dr. Malak Al-Thaqafi, the story of the struggle and success that inspired everyone. The lecture was interesting and filled with optimism and positive spirit.  The lecture ended with a discussion, in which the audience were given the opportunity to ask questions about the success achieved and the obstacles encountered and how they were overcome.

At the end of the lecture, Dr. Malak thanked the Coordinator of the Department of Chemistry, Arwa Al-Mubarak, for her invitation and good reception at the university. Dr. Malak Al-Thaqafi expressed her contentment with the attendance and her pride with the aspirations of IMSIU's students pointing out that the students and youth of today are the pioneers of the future.
