His Excellency, the rector of the university visits the College of Science ward at the Productive University ExhibitionHis Excellency, the rector of the university visits the College of Science ward at the Productive University Exhibition

His Excellency, the rector of the university, Professor Dr. Sulaiman Abdullah Aba Al-Khail, visited the College of Science ward at the Productive University Exhibition. He was greeted by Dr. Mohammad Muhsin Babtain, the dean of the College of Science; Dr.Ra'id ibn Hussain Al-Hathlool, the director of the Research Center; and Dr. Las'ad Al-Meer, from the Department of Physics. 

The dean of the college, Dr. Mohammad Babtain presented some of the faculty research works and some graduation projects to the rector. He laid special emphasis on distinguished research projects in some scientific fields especially in nanotechnology research related to solar panel applications, medical applications, desalinization, and gas sensors. Professor Dr. Las'ad Al-Meer presented his research to the rector about nanotechnology.  

On the other hand, His Excellency the rector praised the efforts of the college and the achievements in various fields especially those related to academic research. He emphasized the importance of linking scientific research with the industry and the private sector to reflect the concept of the productive university and the knowledge economy and to turn scientific research into a product.

It is worth mentioning that the College of Science participated in the Productive University Exhibition at Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University from Sunday to Tuesday 19-21 Feb 2017. The ward of the college included many research projects by the faculty as well as students graduate research projects.

It is worth mentioning that the college invites all the staff to visit the exhibition especially the ward of the college at King Salman Center for Exhibitions and Occasions at Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, South of the educational buildings - male section - near gate 1. The the dates of the visit are: 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM - for men, and from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM - for families.

Event Location: Link

Twitter account for the event:  Link

With greetings from the Research Center, college of Science: Link
