Fifth Forum for Selecting a Major at University. 1437 AH/2016 AD (Female Students)

The female section of the College of Science at Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University participated in the "Fifth Forum for majoring at University 1437 AH/2016 AD," which was held in Tarbiyah Namouthajiyah Schools, Al-Nuzha District, Riyadh "Female Section."

The meeting aimed at collaboration between colleges and schools to catch up with pre-university female students' needs for advice and guidance to make the right decision regarding occupations that suit their interests, competencies, and abilities taking into consideration labor market needs, in addition to introducing colleges and activities and services to female students.

The meeting was held in Tarbiyah Namouthajiyah Schools Club, Al-Nuzha District, on Wednesday, 1/5/1437 AH, corresponding to 10/2/2016 AD, in two sessions (8 a.m.-12 p.m. and 5 p.m.-8 p.m.).

The College organized the meeting by assigning Ms. Nawal Madkhali (Lecturer in the Physics Department) for the morning session and Ms. Seeta Al-Anzi (Lecturer in the Physics Department) for the evening session. A group of students participated by talking about their experience in the college and Study Plans of the departments of the College of Science; they are Wijdan Muhammad Al-Dosari (Chemistry Department - level eight) and Ghaida Saud Al-Rowaished (Physics Department - level six) in the morning session, and Ibtisam Sulaiman Al-Aliqi (Chemistry Department - level eight) Asma Al-Anzi (Mathematics Department - level eight) and Alaa Abdulkhaliq Al-Basheer (Physics Department - level six) in the evening session.

A large number of secondary and intermediate school students in Riyadh attended the meeting. There was a significant interaction with the College of Science corner, where brochures about the college and its three departments (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) were distributed. Ms. Maha Khaled Al-Askar (Lecturer in the Chemistry Department) and Ms. Latifah Al-Shiddi (Lecturer in the Chemistry Department) supervised its preparation. In addition, students' questions about college regulations, programs, majors, requirements of admission and registration, and job opportunities for College graduates were answered.
