Speech of Dean of College of Science on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 85th National Day Anniversary
Every year the anniversary of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Day comes to recall to minds the great historical event. It is a day engraved in the memory of history and inscribed in the thought and conscience of every Saudi citizen. On this day the Late King Abdulaziz Ibn Abdulrahman unified the fragments of this great entity and transformed difference and dispute into unity and integration.
On these days, our country lives this memory (85 anniversary of the National Day). It is an immortal occasion when generations realize all the values, concepts, sacrifices, and enlightened efforts which accompanied this gigantic entity. Celebrating this day, we express our love and appreciation to this blessed land and to those who had the favor after Almighty Allah for our entire nation enjoys of stability and prosperity. In a short time of years, the Kingdom witnessed incomparable civilized leaps in all fields. What this nation has achieved in the economic, educational, and security fields is difficult to describe or limit, until it became an example in the region regarding stability, prosperity, and development.
Among the most prominent thing that is worth mentioning here, is the great care which the country gave to the Saudi citizen regarding educating, qualifying and training him / her in all walks of life. Basic education, universities, specialized educational establishments, overseas scholarship programs which have fruited and will fruit in the future spread to all regions.
It is worth mentioning on this dear occasion what the Kingdom has given to the Arab and Islamic nations of great services. It is the land of revelation, the source of the message and Qiblah of Muslims. Ever since its establishment, it has dedicated its caring efforts for Islam and Muslims through building mosques everywhere on Earth starting with the Two Holy Mosques which witnessed in the Saudi era the ever largest extension through ages. Performing pilgrimage has become much easier when it used to be a painful experience. The Two Holy Mosques have become a source of pride to all Muslims. It made the comfort of pilgrims coming to Makkah and visitors coming to the Mosque of the Prophet peace be upon Him its main concern by providing all means of comfort and tranquility. Afterwards, it embarked on the task of printing the Holy Quran to be distributed to millions of Muslims all over the world regardless of their languages and places of residence.
What I have mentioned is just a glance of the march of this enlightened lofty country
Dear sons and daughters, may Almighty Allah protect you
We have seen these days strange and unfamiliar deeds that neither mind nor consciences agrees upon. What do you call exploding a house of worship or killing one's relatives for trivial reasons?
The son of prophet Noah peace be upon Him was an unbeliever. He did not kill him though, and Prophet Ibrahim's father was an unbeliever too. He did not kill him either. Our Prophet's uncle was an unbeliever. He did not kill him. Those are Prophets. What do you think of someone who kills his Muslim brother or cousin?
How could such minds be seduced to believe that the way to Heavens is on dead bodies of Muslims? Certainly, they have lost love of their homeland.
Loving one's homeland is part of faith which generates happiness in the heart. When you work hard for your country to progress, develop and show fairness and equality, this makes you a good citizen of your country. Being tolerant and loving towards your Muslim brethren what you love for yourself makes you a dove of peace of your country.
Security and tranquility are great graces of Almighty Allah, which some countries around us do not have. We should be very grateful and thankful for them. I pray to Almighty Allah to sustain security and tranquility in our country and all Muslim countries.
On this blessed occasion, I extend a special gratitude to our brave soldiers who sacrifice their soul for the Kingdom and the nation and pray to Almighty Allah to support and protect them and return to their families safe and secure. Here we do not forget our martyrs. We pray for them and their families as long as we are alive.
It is an honour for me on this occasion to express my best congratulations to His majesty the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Ibn Abdulaziz, the Crown Prince, his Deputy, all the Royal Family, all Saudi people and all residents in this country.