Lecture entitled “Effect of Protein Association of Iron on Growth of Virulent Streptococcus Agalactiae Bacteria" by Dr. Suleiman Ibn Abdullah Assalamah

  On Thursday, 21 / 1 / 1436 AH - 13 / 11 / 2014 AD, The faculty organized a lecture entitled "The effect of Proteins Association of Iron on Growth of Virulent Streptococcus Agalactiae Bacteria". It was presented by Dr. Suleiman Ibn Abdullah Assalamah, Assistant professor of microbiology at Majma'aah University. The researcher reviewed a number of studies in this regard, among the most important of which is the effect of these proteins on bacteria in different chemical and physical environments. This bacteria causes several diseases to pregnant women and babies. Taking the iron structures by this group of people increases being affected by the bacteria. Some College deanship seniors and staff members attended the lecture.   

Thursday 20/01/1436 H 13/11/2014 M