يسر قسم الرياضيات والإحصاء أن يعلن عن إقامة سيمنار في إطار سيمنارات حوافز النشر العالم بعنوان " LONG TIME STABILITY AND CONVERGENCE RATE OF MACCORMACK RAPID SOLVER METHOD FOR NONSTATIONARY STOKES-DARCY PROBLEM " يقدمه الدكتور /Eric Ngondiep .
التاريخ : يوم الثلاثاء 4-8-1440 هـ
الوقت : الساعة 10:00صباحاً
القاعة : 79A
This talk considers a coupling of two second-order implicit-explicit (IMEX) methods for solving the mixed Stokes-Darcy model that governs flows in karst aquifers. The first is a second-order explicit two step MacCormack scheme and the second is a second-order implicit Crank-Nicolson method. Both algorithms only require the solution of two decoupled problems at each time step, one Stokes and the other Darcy. This combination the so-called MacCormack rapid solver method is very efficient and effective (faster, at least second order accuracy in time and space) and can be easily implemented using legacy codes. Under a suitable time step limitation both long time stability and convergence rate of the method are analyzed. A large set of numerical evidences that confirm the theoretical results are presented and critically discussed.