أ. د. محمد معبد من قسم الرياضيات و الإحصاء قدّم ندوة علمية


تحت إشراف قسم الرياضيات والإحصاء  أقيم يوم الثلاثاء 1442/08/03 هـ  سيمنار بعنوان:

 Numerical study for unsteady Casson fluid flow with​ heat flux using a spectral collocation method

قدمه  أ. د. محمد معبد بيومي خضر وذلك في تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءً عبر برنامج الزووم


ملخص البحث:​

Abstract. Spectral collocation method was prepared here to sponsor the numerical treatment for the non-Newtonian Casson model together with the presence of viscous dissipation and variable heat flux. Reference herein to the slip velocity and the heat generation or absorption condition. Absence of magnetic field phenomenon in some studies is an essential restriction in the processes of development for the energy-efficient heat transfer mechanism that are desired in numerous industrial applications. So, magnetic field is implemented here for this Casson model. Industrially, this type of fluid can describe the flow of blood in an industrial artery, which can be polished by a material governing the blood flow. The spectral collocation method based on Chebyshev polynomials of the third-kind is employed to solve the resulting system of ODEs which describe the problem. This scientific study encompasses many parameters such as unsteadiness parameter, slip velocity parameter, Casson parameter, local Eckert number, heat generation parameter and the Prandtl number. From this study, it has been consummated that Casson model is superior to others that are much used as industrial fluid. Finally, the given results show that the spectral collocation method is an easy and efficient tool to investigate the solution for such models. Keywords: Non-Newtonian Casson flow; Unsteady stretching sheet; Variable heat flux; Slip effect; Viscous dissipation; Heat generation; Chebyshev-spectral collocation method.شريحة1.JPG

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