د. مهند الحمود بقسم الفيزياء يقدم ندوة علمية

​​​​​​د. مهند الحمود بقسم الفيزياء يقدم ندوة علمية بعنوان​:

​Simultaneous high Q/V-ratio and optimized far-field emission pattern in diamond slot-bridge nanobeam cavity

يقدمها د. مهند الحمود وذلك في يوم الأحد الموافق 6-6-2021م في تمام الساعة العاشرة صباحاً عبر برنامج الزووم.​

We present a design for a slot-bridge nanobeam cavity that supports ultrahigh Q/V and optimized far-field emission pattern, and operates at the zero-phonon transition (~637 nm) of the nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond. The slot-bridge cavity is formed by introducing a diamond bridge at the center of the air region of a slotted cavity. As a result of the boundary condition on the parallel component of the electric field, the electric field in the bridge region is the same as that in the slot. This results in a further reduction of the mode volume. Optimized slot-bridge cavities with a calculated Q factor of 6×〖10〗^6 and mode volume of V_eff=0.28〖(λ/n)〗^3  have been realized. In comparison to nanobeam cavities, the mode volume is reduced by a factor of 139. The far-field pattern of a slot-bridge cavity is optimized by using the band folding method and by adding small air-slot extensions to the two closest air-holes surrounding the cavity. A high Q of 9.8×〖10〗^5 and a small mode volume of V_eff=〖0.011(λ/n)〗^3 is realized for this design. Therefore, this type of cavities would allow for the realization of efficient single-photon sources. Our results are important for fundamental studies, like cavity quantum electrodynamics, as well as applications in quantum information processing based on diamond where high quality-factor and ultrasmall mode volume are required. ​

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