د. محمد عبد القوي من قسم الرياضيات والاحصاء قدم ندوة علمية

تحت إشراف قسم الرياضيات والإحصاء أقيم يوم الثلاثاء 10/8/1442هـ  سيمنار بعنوان :

 A Collocation Method Based on Jacobi and Fractional Order Jacobi Basis Functions for Distributed-Order Diffusion Equations

قدمه  د. محمد عبد القوي وذلك في تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءً عبر برنامج الزووم

ملخص البحث:
   In this work, a spectral collocation method based on Jacobi and fractional order Jacobi basis functions is used for solving distributed-order diffusion equations. The method extends the shifted fractional Jacobi (SFJ) collocation scheme for discretizing both the time and space variables. The solution is approximated as a truncated series of basis functions of shifted Jacobi polynomials and shifted fractional order Jacobi orthogonal functions, for spatial and temporal variables, respectively. The shifted Legendre Gauss–Lobatto quadrature is used to numerically treat with the integral term (distributed order fractional term). Consequently, we obtain a system of algebraic equations. By means of the selected basis functions, the given conditions are automatically satisfied. Also, we list and derive some facts related to the shifted fractional-order Jacobi orthogonal function.

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