Data Analytics for ​Social Computing and Social Media


Data Analytics for Social Computing and Social Media

The session is held under the 11th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media (SCSM 2019) affiliated with the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2019). 

Call For Papers

We welcome original research papers on a broad range of topics related to all aspects of data analytics for social networks. The topics include data Analysis, scalable analytics, data management, data visualization, and user Interfaces.

Data Analysis includes novel algorithmic and statistical techniques to reveal intelligence in social networks data. This includes: data models, recommender systems, data mining, machine learning, mining and analyzing social networks, time series; mining sequences, streams, text, graphs, spatio-temporal data.

Scalable analytics includes highlighting theoretical foundations and algorithmic design for big data analytics. This includes: large-scale systems for text and graph analysis, parallel and distributed data mining and machine learning.

Data management includes techniques for preprocess, store, retrieve, and query data . This includes: indexing and search algorithms, on-memory data management, storage management, query processing and optimization, network and graph data management, real-time databases, stream databases, cloud data Management, NoSQL
Visualization and User Interfaces : improve HCI experiences . This includes: Network data visualizations, visualizing statics and dynamic data

Suggested Topics

● Ethical and legal issues in social computing and social media
● Social modeling
● Social network analysis
● Sentiment Analysis
● Design and evaluation (scalable)-methodologies.
● Modeling and analyzing large-scale conversations and activities.
● User experience and behavior in social media
● Social issues in social computing and social media
● Social networks dynamics and applications
● Social network visualsation
● Voice-based social network analysis
● Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the analysis of data in social networks
● Cross-media analysis in social networks
● Privacy protection in social networks
● Risk analysis and data governance in social networks
● User profiling in social networks

Your paper will appear in the Conference Proceedings to be published by Springer in a multi-volume set (
Papers are by invitation only, on your interest please send an email to, an invitation from the conference 
chairs will be sent to your email within 2 working days.  


Important dates

Deadline for submissions: 30 Jan 2019
Notification of Review Outcome: 10 Feb 2019
Camera Ready Deadline: 22 Feb 2019 


Please note that the submissions to this session are by invitation only,
if you are interested please contact the organizers at, and we will send you an invitation.

Session Chairs:

Meznah Almutairy, PhD 
Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
College of Information and Computer Science
Imam University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Shiroq Al-Megren, PhD
Assistant Professor
Information Technology Department
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Sarah AlHumoud, PhD
Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
College of Information and Computer Science
Imam University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Sunday 17/03/1440 H 25/11/2018 M