Does your university as a body provide outreach, general education, upskilling and capacity-building to policy- and law-makers on relevant topics e.g. economics, law, technology, climate change?
His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University honors the winners of the Geneva Exhibition and the Imam University Innovation Competition
His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, honored this morning, Monday 11/26/1445 AH, the male and female students participating in the 49th Geneva Exhibition and the Imam University Innovation Competition, in the presence of the University’s Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Nayef bin Muhammad Al-Otaibi, the deans of colleges and deanships, and the Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center.
His Excellency the University President expressed his happiness with the participation of the university’s sons and daughters in such international forums, stressing the university’s keenness to enhance its presence through its members, male and female students, and enable them to present their excellence, skills and creativity to the world in order to contribute to achieving their country’s vision, praising the efforts made in this direction and wishing his sons continued success, praising the work and efforts made by the university’s agency for graduate studies and scientific research, the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the Deanship of Student Affairs, and all the colleges and deanships supporting such pioneering national projects.
The Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Nayef bin Mohammed Al-Otaibi, valued the unlimited support the university receives from His Excellency the President, and commended the efforts made by the colleges, deanships and centers affiliated with the university and their care and close follow-up of all the scientific and research achievements of the university.
The Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at the University, Dr. Susan bint Abdul Karim Al-Momen, also expressed her thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the University President for his continuous support and guidance. She also thanked the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Naif Al-Otaibi, for his follow-up in implementing the directives and his constant keenness on everything that serves scientific research, innovation and creativity at the university. She praised what the Dean of Student Affairs provides through the Student Fund in terms of empowerment and support for all projects and innovations that the center is working on, stressing at the same time that these achievements are due to the deans and professors of the scientific colleges who have made significant contributions in presenting distinguished male and female students to present their inventions and innovations that have been well received by everyone.
At the end of the meeting, His Excellency honored the participants with their inventions from the Colleges of Medicine and Engineering, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, and the winners of the University’s Innovation Competition under the supervision of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center.
The College of Medicine participated with the invention of "AutiScan", which is concerned with examining the autism spectrum in children, through the eye using a virtual reality device and a built-in camera to examine the fundus of the eye, by faculty member Dr. Sarah Al-Muzaidi, and students: Aroub Al-Rumaih, Reem Bin Shalhoub, Renad Al-Duhaim, Lujain Al-Mutairi. The College of Engineering also participated with the invention of the "Developed Pen for Measuring Blood Sugar Level", consisting of three interconnected parts, by the student: Ahmed Al-Ruqi. The members of the Mubtakir Program at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center participated: Saeeda Al-Maliki with the invention of the "Yaqeen Mattress", the smart mattress. And Dawlat Al-Sulaiman with the invention of "Smart Chemical Regulation of Temperatu (SCRT), by creating a medical technology that provides a proactive solution to reduce the temperature of children during sleep. All inventions received gold and bronze medals, respectively.
The students: Abdullah bin Hamidi Al-Anzi and Rakan bin Fahid Al-Mutairi from the College of Computer and Information Sciences achieved first place in the University Innovation Competition, while the student: Ibrahim bin Muhammad Al-Harbi from the College of Engineering won second place, and third place went to Dr. Munira Abdulaziz Al-Wahaibi from the College of Computer and Information Sciences.
The meeting was attended by the Dean of the College of Medicine, Dr. Hassan bin Ali Al-Shahri, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Nashmi bin Hassan Al-Rashidi, the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Mohammed Al-Kharashi, and the Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Dr. Sawsan bint Abdulkarim Al-Momen.
Community Service
The role of the community service unit is an extension of theuniversity's role in education and development, so the unit specializes in planning and organizing between the activities of the faculty of arabic language and its employees and community service.
The unit has a role to play in areas such as scientific research, authorship, arbitration, radio and discussions. the unit is also working to activate its work in developing the skills of students, qualifying them for the requirements of the community outside the university walls, and enabling them to obtain good employment opportunities starting from participating in cultural events and festivals and literary club committees.
The unit seeks to be the link between the faculty of arabic language in its various sectors - such as education, professor, student, research - and community service - various governmental and private community institutions - and deepen the university's communication with its community environment through qualitative and distinctive volunteer work, strengthening the concept of community responsibility among students, and investing the energies of young people, in accordance with the vision, mission and objectives of the college and university, in order to achieve the desired integration within and outside the university, and develop education, scientific research and community service, to reach further progress for the benefit of the university that has been developed. mei to her.
The unit was established at the beginning of the first semester of the academic year 1436/1437 h by decision of the dean of the college.
Vision, mission and objectives:
The vision, mission and objectives of the community service unit are based on the college's mission:
- Vision: the vision of community service unity is excellence and leadership in partnership and community development, and community development at the local, regional and even global levels. to ensure that the unit is a fertile and vibrant environment that motivates faculty members and those in their judgment to engage in community work through which increased awareness is achieved for the private university and public life communities.
- Message: the community service unit seeks to develop the capabilities of faculty members and those in their judgment to serve the community and its various institutions, by providing educational programs that document the link between the faculty of arabic language in all its departments and community institutions. providing awareness services to faculty members and their referees to highlight the partnerships required to bring community development to the highest levels.
- Objectives: unity has a number of objectives that it seeks to achieve in the short and long term:
1- identify the most important issues and problems of society to contribute to its resolution, encourage outstanding initiatives for community service programs and activities, develop a sense of improving community service through volunteerism, strengthen the links between the college and the community by providing programs and courses that contribute to community service, and spreading a culture of outstanding volunteerism to serve the community.
2- encourage faculty members to participate in community service.
3- strengthening the links between the faculty of arabic language in all its departments and various institutions of society.
4- involving stakeholders in different programs in the service of the community.
5- participating in the provision of educational services to the community as needed.
6- develop a sense of community and motivation to contribute to the service of the community.
7- exchange of information, experiences and experiences between the college and community institutions.
8- the college is represented in the community service unit with international days and events such as world arabic language day.
9- cooperation with the college on serving the community culturally and technologically.
10- contribute to the dissemination of interactive culture between the college and the community to strengthen the community's sense of the role of the faculty of arabic language in society scientifically and educationally.
11- strengthening the relationship between the college and society, in order to achieve the principle of development and meet the needs of both parties.
12- contributing to the dissemination of arabic in various institutions of society.
13- providing language advice to all sectors of society.
14- achieving patterns of active partnership between different sectors of society.
15- allow faculty and their governing staff to benefit from diverse community institutions.
16- promoting communication and integration between the university college and government institutions in order to achieve common goals.
17- general supervision of the college's social responsibility projects and their continuous assessment of their level.
18- spreading a culture of social responsibility among college staff, and providing a decent community working environment that documents the relationship between college and society.
Community Service Unit Tasks:
- Monitoring, organizing and documenting community service activities and development.
- Urge college staff to participate in community service activities.
- Receiving and documenting forms to participate in a community service activity.
- Follow-up documentation of activities; examples include:
- First: authorship: monitoring of the writings of college professors and those in their judgment, with integrated publishing data. the faculty's professors contributed a large share of the literature in their specialties: literature, criticism, eloquence, grammar and exchange, sometimes outside the strict specialization, and women and men participated in this course.
Second: arbitration: the course of arbitration stands out as an important area for university professors. the faculty at the college has contributed to the arbitration of numerous researches for court scientific journals, teacher promotions and the arbitration of draft books for publication in universities and literary clubs.
Third: the preparation of radio and television programmes: monitoring of some of the programmes prepared and presented by the faculty's professors, documenting the most important information about them in terms of the idea, duration, scope and number of episodes produced. a number of faculty professors participated in the preparation of radio and television programmes, their contributions to specialization were concentrated in most of the programmes produced, and the number of episodes produced varied from one to the other.
- prepare a report on community service activities and submit them to college officials.
- evaluating the college's participation in community service activities and events.
1- the production of a television program on hajj for the Saudi cultural channel, entitled "book on hajj", prepared and presented by Mohammed al-Amiri, undersecretary of the department of literature, and the duration of the program half an hour, and the episodes were shown during the hajj season in 1436 ah, and participated in the program a number of faculty members of the faculty of the faculty of the three departments: literature, eloquence, criticism and the curriculum of Islamic literature, grammar and exchange according to language. the unit received a letter of thanks from the channel's general supervisor, Mr. Abdul-Aziz al-eid, dated 22 December 1436.
2- arrangement and coordination to sign four agreements with the following entities: the literary club in Riyadh on 23 December 1436, and with the king abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz international center for the service of the arabic language, the saudi scientific society for the Arabic language, and the center for Arabic language studies and literature on 24 April 1437 h as part of the college's celebration of world day of the Arabic language.
- dr. Abdullah bin Abdulrahman al-Haidari, associate professor in the department of literature at the faculty of Arabic at imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university, head of the community service unit.
- Rassa bint Abdulrahman al-Shadi, lecturer in the department of literature at the faculty of Arabic language at imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university, is a member of the community unit.
- Ahmed bin Khalaf al-shammari,a professor in the department of literature at the faculty of Arabic at imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university, secretary of the community service unit.
Headquarters of the unit: faculty of Arabic language - imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic university.
mailbox: p.b. 5762 - Riyadh 11432
Volunteer Coordination Office (VCO)
Coordinator : Ms.Raweya Mohamad Alzahrani
VCO Tasks:
1.Announcing events and call for volunteers by sharing the vision and mission of the Deanship of Volunteer Work Stud
a. Vision: To pioneer volunteer work at local and global levels to reach the goal of the Kingdom’s 2030 vision.
b. Mission: Working on developing community awareness of the importance of volunteering and implementing that through research, studies, training, programs and projects in accordance with the highest standards of quality applied globally.
2. Recruiting female students and collecting their data.
3. Presenting certificates of appreciation from the Deanship of Volunteer Work Studies to the volunteers at the end of each semester.
4. Documenting activities and writing reports.
5. Recruiting volunteers for events inside campus under the Deanship of Volunteer Work Studies’ supervision
6. Collaborating with Imam's Volunteer Team on organizing events held on campus.
7. Creating a database for volunteers (faculty members and administrative staff) including their interests and skills (training, tutoring, workshops, initiatives ...etc.).
Typical Places for Volunteering:
1. IMSIU Colleges
2. CLT Supporting Academic Unites:
a. Writing Center
b. Reading Club
c. Literature Club
d. Translation Club
e. Let’s Chat Club
3. Charities and non-profit making organizations.
Qualifications and Key Skills for Volunteer:
1. Enthusiasm
2. Diplomacy (the skill in dealing with people without offending or upsetting them)
3. Time management skills.
4. Commitment.
5. The ability to work well with others.
Psychology and community service
The department provides many services to serve the community, including but not limited to:
1- lending to many of the staff of the department to serve the community in different areas, whether within the university or the ministry or outside it, where many of them hold administrative and advisory positions to serve the community.
2- organize many specialized conferences and seminars periodically, which are attended by different segments of society.
4. many of the section's staff participate in television programmes that contribute to the dissemination of mental health and clarify the role of psychologists in the service of society.
5- many researchers in the department contribute scientific research and awareness programs that contribute to detecting and addressing psychological disorders or awareness that, god willing, prevent psychological problems.
University Agency for Scientific institutes for community service
The university agency for scientific institutes affairs conducts many events to serve the community inside and outside the university and you can see some initiatives and events through the following file:
Dr Al-Alam: The Organization of the Conference under the Patronage of King Salman is a Great Honor for the University and an Enhancement of its Role in Community Service
Vice-Rectorate for Community Service and Information Technology of Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University is currently sharing success by an introductory booth at the events of the Summer Festival 1438 H, which organizing at King Salman Centre for Exhibition and Events.
The vice-rectorate’s participation, which receives a direct and personal follow-up from Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Saghyer, Vice-Rector for Community Service and Information Technology, is aims to introduce the university and its academical and research units and colleges, along with the cultural events and the academic programs to all visitors of the festival. It, also, intends to highlight the community service programs, which include diplomas and training courses, in addition to showcasing some of the university’s finest publications and productions.
Al-Imam University holds an exhibition “Made by my hand” for students at scientific institutes
Under the patronage of His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, the university, represented by its agency for scientific institutes affairs, is holding the “Making my hand” exhibition, an initiative previously launched by the university for students of scientific institutes, based on the first inspirer, His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, for the “Made in Saudi Arabia” program, to invest their time during the summer vacation, develop their skills, develop their capabilities, and their investment and craft capabilities. The university exhibition and the accompanying ceremony, which contains a number of student paragraphs, represented by visual presentations showing the projects of the students participating in the initiative and the stages of its development, and an operetta with the participation of students of scientific institutes entitled (Heir to Glory),Then honoring the winning students in the first places of the competition accompanying the "Made my hand" initiative.
This was stated by the Vice-Dean of Imam University for Scientific Institutes Affairs, Dr. Abdullah bin Thani added: The university is very keen to improve the educational return represented in transferring experience to students in a way that prepares them for a lively and dignified life, through experience and practice, and allows them to plan well and implement through their actual capabilities. Investment in the student is a great profit and a noble goal that the university seeks and its scientific institutes to achieve it through pioneering productive activities by developing a productive culture, proficiency, and training on a culture of savings and entrepreneurship, discovering and exploiting their latent energies and capabilities; And the “Make My Hands” initiative for students of scientific institutes aims to encourage students to entrepreneurship and achieve development through it, and to promote a culture of work and savings among young people to combat the lack of experience with self-employment, and to achieve innovative and pioneering outcomes that enhance the development of self-resources, and to harness technology to support development and transformation into a knowledge-based society.
And "Dr. Bin Thani" indicated that the Vice-Deanship and the scientific institutes receive constant attention and follow-up from His Excellency the President of the University, who always urges to activate all the initiatives of the new strategic plan for the scientific institutes in a way that benefits the students to highlight their abilities, develop their talents, develop their future skills and prepare them for future needs. To promote moderation and moderation, and to build the Saudi personality, to contribute to national development. In this context, the Agency was keen to promote the activation of this initiative by launching an accompanying competition in three diverse tracks that allow the student to choose the track that is compatible with his skills and abilities, which is as follows: Track One: Electronic Marketing Program for Distinguished Products In the student’s area, the second track: the program for developing manual skills in the production of heritage artifacts in the student’s area, the third track: the leadership development of the skill of the tourist guide in the student’s area (first qualifying stage).
Dr. Bin Thani added that this initiative is a window that contributes to encouraging students to entrepreneurship, a culture of savings and community service, as reinforced by the Kingdom’s vision “2030” of unique values, principles and initiatives. The interest of His Excellency the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad bin Muhammad Al Sheikh and His Excellency the President of the University, and the capabilities of Imam University and its scientific institutes, and this is in the strategy and plans of the university and its scientific institutes, which seek to be a scientific beacon that serves the community and effectively contributes to promoting entrepreneurship and future skills.
The Vice-President of Knowledge Exchange and International Communication, Dr. Mohammed Saeed Al-Alam, indicated that the university is always taking initiatives to build positive relations and strengthen cooperation with the society. He added that the conference of "Duty of Saudi Universities in Protecting Youth from Dangers of Organizations and Parties, and Its Deviationism" will be held during 14-15 / 8 / 1438 AH, which is an extension of the university's activities that serve Saudi citizens as well as the scientific and research activities.
He added that the organization of the conference under the patronage of King Salman is a great honor for the university and an enhancement of its role in community service. He clarified that this conference aims to educate youth, especially those who follow a misleading path, and protect them from deviant thoughts, parties and groups.
Dr. Al-Alam also assured that this conference aims to raise awareness among young people of their legitimate duties towards their country, rulers and society. It also aims to show the impact of intellectual dangers on different aspects of life, which lead to division, atheism and disobeying the rulers. He praised the University's role in serving the society and protecting it from deviation and misleading the right path.
He concluded his speech asking Allah to guide the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the Crown Prince and the Deputy Crown and to bless their support for the University. He expressed his deep thanks to the Rector, Prof. Suleiman Aba Al-Khail for following-up the success of this conference in accordance with the aspirations of the rulers. He also thanked all those who contributed in making this conference a success.
Community Vice-Rectorate Participates at Summer Festival
Vice-Rectorate for Community Service and Information Technology of Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University is currently sharing success by an introductory booth at the events of the Summer Festival 1438 H, which organizing at King Salman Centre for Exhibition and Events.
The vice-rectorate’s participation, which receives a direct and personal follow-up from Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Saghyer, Vice-Rector for Community Service and Information Technology, is aims to introduce the university and its academical and research units and colleges, along with the cultural events and the academic programs to all visitors of the festival. It, also, intends to highlight the community service programs, which include diplomas and training courses, in addition to showcasing some of the university’s finest publications and productions.
Al-Imam University holds an exhibition “Made by my hand” for students at scientific institutes
Under the patronage of His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, the university, represented by its agency for scientific institutes affairs, is holding the “Making my hand” exhibition, an initiative previously launched by the university for students of scientific institutes, based on the first inspirer, His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, for the “Made in Saudi Arabia” program, to invest their time during the summer vacation, develop their skills, develop their capabilities, and their investment and craft capabilities. The university exhibition and the accompanying ceremony, which contains a number of student paragraphs, represented by visual presentations showing the projects of the students participating in the initiative and the stages of its development, and an operetta with the participation of students of scientific institutes entitled (Heir to Glory),Then honoring the winning students in the first places of the competition accompanying the "Made my hand" initiative.
This was stated by the Vice-Dean of Imam University for Scientific Institutes Affairs, Dr. Abdullah bin Thani added: The university is very keen to improve the educational return represented in transferring experience to students in a way that prepares them for a lively and dignified life, through experience and practice, and allows them to plan well and implement through their actual capabilities. Investment in the student is a great profit and a noble goal that the university seeks and its scientific institutes to achieve it through pioneering productive activities by developing a productive culture, proficiency, and training on a culture of savings and entrepreneurship, discovering and exploiting their latent energies and capabilities; And the “Make My Hands” initiative for students of scientific institutes aims to encourage students to entrepreneurship and achieve development through it, and to promote a culture of work and savings among young people to combat the lack of experience with self-employment, and to achieve innovative and pioneering outcomes that enhance the development of self-resources, and to harness technology to support development and transformation into a knowledge-based society.
And "Dr. Bin Thani" indicated that the Vice-Deanship and the scientific institutes receive constant attention and follow-up from His Excellency the President of the University, who always urges to activate all the initiatives of the new strategic plan for the scientific institutes in a way that benefits the students to highlight their abilities, develop their talents, develop their future skills and prepare them for future needs. To promote moderation and moderation, and to build the Saudi personality, to contribute to national development. In this context, the Agency was keen to promote the activation of this initiative by launching an accompanying competition in three diverse tracks that allow the student to choose the track that is compatible with his skills and abilities, which is as follows: Track One: Electronic Marketing Program for Distinguished Products In the student’s area, the second track: the program for developing manual skills in the production of heritage artifacts in the student’s area, the third track: the leadership development of the skill of the tourist guide in the student’s area (first qualifying stage).
Dr. Bin Thani added that this initiative is a window that contributes to encouraging students to entrepreneurship, a culture of savings and community service, as reinforced by the Kingdom’s vision “2030” of unique values, principles and initiatives. The interest of His Excellency the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad bin Muhammad Al Sheikh and His Excellency the President of the University, and the capabilities of Imam University and its scientific institutes, and this is in the strategy and plans of the university and its scientific institutes, which seek to be a scientific beacon that serves the community and effectively contributes to promoting entrepreneurship and future skills.
Volunteer Work Dean Shares Success at International Volunteer Day
Under the directions of Prof. Dr. Suliman Aba Al-Khail, Rector of Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, and Member of Saudi Senior Ulemas Council, Dr. Omar Al-Omar, Dean of Centre of Volunteer Work Studies has participated recently at the events of the International Volunteer Day "IVD" at Prince Sultan University.
In significance with the IVD event, which was arranged by General Directorate of Civil Defence, Dr. Al-Omar has lectured there on the importance of volunteer works in Islam and its types and areas.
It is noteworthy that, the Volunteer Work Studies Centre has arranged recently a number of events and activities at the university campus in observing the IVD.