Computer College Celebrates Saudi National Day

​In coincidence with the advent of the 84th Saudi National Day, College of Computer and Information has hosted on the morning of the last Sunday Prof. Dr. Khaled Al Abdul-Gaffar, Al-Imam University Vice-Rector for Planning, Development and Quality in the national symposium “Good Citizenship and Its Impacts on Jama’a” at the main hall of the college.
The symposium, which has started with some recitation of Holy Quran, has administered and addressed by Dr. Isa Al-Isa, Dean of College of Computer and Information. He clearly pointed out that, the pioneer role of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia economically, politically and academically and its advancement in all areas.

Speak to the audience, Dr. Al Abdul-Gaffar has started with thanking Allah Almighty for the blessings and graces that Kingdom of Saudi Arabia enjoying. He flashed with all attendants back to the earliest days of this blessed country before the last King Abdulaziz Al-Saud unifying its territories and bring peace and security to all its areas. He, as well, has praised the efforts of H.E. Prof. Dr. Suliman Aba Al-Khail, Rector of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, to bring success and determination to the university wide-range activities and programs.

Clinching his words, Dr. Al Abdul-Gaffar has acknowledged Dr. Al-Isa and all his administration as well as Dean of College of Sciences. The gathering has attended by Dr. Muhammad Babtain, Dean of College of Sciences, and Dr. Ahmad Al-Obied Allah, Head of Information Studies, and a number of the faculty members and students.
