Course Outlines
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Introduction to Circuits: SI units, Voltage, Current, Power and Energy.
Basic components and electrical circuits: Sources, Resistance, Ohm's Law.
Voltage and current laws: Nodes and Branches, Kirchhoff's Laws, Single-loop Circuit, Resistors in Series and Parallel, Voltage Division, Current division.
Basic nodal and mesh analysis: Nodal Analysis, The Supernode, Mesh Analysis, The Supermesh, Node vs. Mesh Comparison.
Circuit analysis techniques: Linearity Superposition, Source Transformations, Thevenin and Norton Equivalents, Maximum Power Transfer, Delta-to-Wye Equivalent Circuits
Capacitors and inductors: Inductors, Capacitors, Series and Parallel Combination
Basic RL and RC circuit: RL circuits, RC circuits, Unit-step, pulse functions, Natural and force response Driven circuits.
Sinusoidal steady-state analysis: Characteristics, Forced Response, Complex Forcing Function, The phasor, Impedance and Admittance, Node-Voltage Mesh-Current Methods, Superposition, Source Transformations, Thevenin and Norton Equivalents.
AC power analysis
Electrical Circuits Analysis
Three phase analysis, RLC circuits, Mutual inductance, Two port networks, Laplace transform, Circuit analysis in the S-domain, Frequency selective circuits.
Electric Circuits Lab
Hands-on experience to design, construct and analyze different Electrical circuits. Student will learn Ohm's law, Kirchhoff current & voltage laws, Resistors in Series & Parallel, Star to Delta circuit analysis, Thevenin's & Norton's theorem, Superposition theorem & Maximum power transfer theorem Verification, RC circuit transient analysis & AC sinusoidal analysis. During this course the student will learn hand on experience on simulation software "PSpice", Bread board, oscilloscope & Functional generators.
Fundamentals of Electronic Devices
Semiconductor: Different semiconductor materials. Impurity doping. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Conductivity, Carrier concentration. Charge densities. Diodes: models and circuit analysis. Diode applications (rectifiers and others). Transistors: bipolar junction, junction field effect, and metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect (BJT, FET, AND MOSFET). DC and small signal AC analysis. Amplifier configurations.
Basics of Electrical Engineering Applications Lab
Introduction to verification of circuit laws and theorems using PSpice. Measuring and controlling physical phenomena through laboratory exercises and projects using LabVIEW. Introduction to programming in MATLAB: Variables, Basic operations in linear algebra and statistics, Operations on matrices, built-in functions, adding functions, M-files, Loops, Controlling operations, Types of error, Plots.
Electromagnetics I
Coulomb's law. Gauss's law. Electric potential. Electric boundary conditions. Electric dipoles. Resistance, capacitance. Laplace's equation, Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law. Scalar and vector potentials. Magnetic boundary conditions, inductance. Introduction to time varying fields.
Electromagnetics II
Time varying fields, Maxwell's equations. Plane wave propagation. Reflection and refraction. Poynting vector. Introduction to transmission line theory. Introduction to radiation and antennas.
Electronic Devices and Applications
Multistage amplifiers. Differential Amplifiers. Digital logic families (ECL, and CMOS circuits). Operational Amplifiers. Linear and nonlinear op amp applications. Non-ideal characteristics of Op Amps., Op Amp frequency response, Oscillators. Active filters.
Electronic Devices and Applications Lab
This course is intended to introduces the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) and Operational Amplifier characteristics, Frequency Response of Single and Double stage BJT amplifier, Different Configurations of op-amps, Applications of Op-amps such as inverting & non-inverting Comparators, Characteristics and Frequency response of inverting & non-inverting amplifiers, integrators , differentiators, Active Low Pass Filters and their Frequency Responses, Active High Pass Filters and their Frequency Responses, Schmitt Triggers, Oscillators.
Digital Logic Circuits
Number systems & codes; Boolean Algebra and logic gates; Karnaugh maps; Analysis and synthesis of combinational systems; Decoders, multiplexers, adders and subtractors, PLA's; Types of flip-flops; Memory concept; Counters and shift registers. Introduction to sequential circuit design.
Signals and Systems
Classification of continuous- and discrete-time signals, Continuous and discrete-Linear time-invariant systems, Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Discrete time Fourier Transform, Linear circuits and systems concepts, Impulse response, Convolution, Transfer function, Frequency response, Introduction to Ideal Filters, Introduction to sampling of analog signals, Introduction to difference equations and discrete Fourier Transform.
Digital Logic Circuit Lab
Hands-on experience to design, construct and analyze different logic circuits. Student will construct logic circuits using integrated circuit (IC), logic breadboard, LEDs, power supply and other basic components. Both combinational and sequential logic circuits will be given in experiments. Design and analyze various digital circuits involving logic gates, multiplexers, decoders, flip-flops, counters and registers is included. Simulation using hardware descriptive language (HDL) such as Verilog will be covered.
Sensors and Transducers
Principles and operation of sensor devices; Mathematical modeling of sensor: physical variable Measurement; Transducer classification and type, general input-output configuration, Static and Dynamic characteristics of Sensors, Variable resistance transducers: Potentiometers, Thermistors, RTDs, metal and semiconductor strain gauges and their signal conditioning circuits, Bridge Measurements, strain gauge applications, Accelerometer, Mercury Thermometer, Inductive Transducers; Linear Variable Differential Transducers; Capacitive Transducers, Thermoelectric Transducers; Thermocouples
Communication Engineering I
Elements of a communication system. Transmission of signals through linear systems. Representation of baseband and band-pass signals and systems, Signal spectrum. Analog Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation (AM, DSBSC, SSB, VSB). Analog Angle Modulation and Demodulation (PM, FM). Noise representation and analysis: SNR analysis of AM and FM systems. Sampling theorem. QAM multiplexing. Pulse modulation techniques: PAM, PPM, PWM.
Communication Engineering II
Quantization and PCM Encoding. Noise analysis in PCM systems. Baseband pulse transmission (matched filters, intersymbol interference); Eye pattern, Nyquist criteria; Equalization. Digital passband transmission: Coherent PSK/FSK/QPSK/MSK and non-coherent orthogonal modulation; power spectra and bandwidth efficiency of binary and quaternary modulation schemes; Information theory: Mutual information and channel capacity; Error control coding.
Electrical Machines
Transformers: performance characteristics, three-phase connections, autotransformers. DC machines: performance equations, generator, and motor characteristics, starting and speed control of motors. Synchronous machines: generator and motor operation. Three-phase induction motors: operation, performance calculations, starting, and speed control. Single-phase induction motors, Small synchronous motors.
Communication Engineering I Lab
Introduction to Laboratory equipment such as oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer; Analog modulations AM, PM generation and detection; Digital modulation. Hands-on experience to design, construct and analyze different Communication circuits. Students will learn, Analog Communications, AM, DSB, SSB and FM modulators and demodulators. Digital Communications, PAM. During this course the student will learn hand on experience on simulation software, Power Meter, Oscilloscope, frequency Counter, Functional Generators & Spectrum Analyzer.
Communication Engineering II Lab
Digital representation of analog signal; line encoding and decoding, ASK, FSK and PSK Generation and Detection. Waveform coding techniques- PCM; Fiber optic communication system measurements, laser Diodes and Measurements of Optical power.
Introduction to Control Systems
Introduction to control systems course: Basic components of a control system.
Mathematical foundation : Complex-variable concept, Laplace transform, Transfer function, Block Diagrams, Signal-flow graphs, State-variable analysis of linear dynamic systems, stability of linear control systems, Introduction to Modelling of Mechanical systems , Modeling of Electrical Systems, DC Motors in control systems, PID Controllers, Steady State Errors, Root Locus, Time-domain analysis of control systems, frequency-domain analysis of control systems.
Digital Control Systems
Basic components of a digital control system, Modeling discrete-time systems by pulse transfer function, backward and forward differences, SFG, Stability analysis of discrete time systems, Root Locus of digital control system, time-domain analysis of digital control systems, frequency-domain analysis of digital control systems.
Introduction to Instrumentation and Control Lab
An introduction to Lab View, Tutorials and Programing aspect from control systems view point. Linear Time-invariant Systems and Representation, Block Diagram Reduction, performance characteristics of first and second order systems, Effect of Feedback on disturbance and Control System Design, Building a VI and modifying signals in Lab View, Exercises in Lab View, Use The NI USB‐6009 for data acquisition and Digital Input / Output.
Power Systems
Load characteristics, Per-Unit System, Y-bus matrix, Under-ground power cables, Dielectric stress, Grading, Insulation of overhead transmission lines, Transmission lines parameters, Inductance and capacitance, Short lines Medium lines, Long lines.
Digital Systems
Microprocessor software and hardware models; addressing modes and techniques; Instruction sets. Assembly language programming and debugging. Memory and input/output mapping. Input and output instructions. Input/output interfacing.
Graduation Project I
This is the second and concluding part of the final year graduation project that requires students to complete a design project from concept through to a working prototype. Public oral presentation and submission of a final written report of the design project are essential requirements for the completion of this course.
Graduation Project 2
This is the second and concluding part of the final year graduation project that requires students to complete a design project from concept through to a working prototype. Public oral presentation and submission of a final written report of the design project are essential requirements for the completion of this course.
Graduation Project 3
This is the third and concluding part of the final year graduation project that requires students to complete a design project from concept through to a working prototype. Public oral presentation and submission of a final written report of the design project are essential requirements for the completion of this course.
Technical Writing in English
This course is a special English language course for students at the Preparatory Programs Deanship, Engineering Stream Level 2. This course focuses on accuracy and fluency in the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) that improve student outcomes by integrating language instruction into real-life contexts. It maintains a strategy-based curriculum that aims at developing the all language skills. The textbooks used for this course are characterized by a consistent unit sequence that includes vocabulary, life stories, grammar, everyday conversation and real-life reading. The content of each unit is carefully presented to develop learners' other skills in vocabulary and idioms that provide learners with the tools they need to achieve civic, workplace, life- skills and academic competencies. The course, through these textbooks, focuses on reading, writing and vocabulary, listening and speaking, and grammar. This course also covers high-priority language that is useful in any branch of engineering, focusing on skills such as working with drawings, describing technical problems and discussing dimensions and precision.
Engineering Graphics and Design
This course introduces the students to the computer drafting software (AutoCAD) in order to be able to model parts and assemblies. It uses parametric and non-parametric solids, surface and wire frame models. It explains part editing, two-dimensional documentation of models along with the planar projection theory. It includes sketching of perspective, isometric, multi-view, and section views as a main tool to conceptualize ideas. It also explains dimensioning guidelines and tolerance techniques.
A Team or an individual design project will be assigned as a final illustration to increase students understanding of drawing techniques and solving problem through design learned in the course.
This course describes the most basic mathematical tools needed further in coming courses especially MAT 1115 – Calculus (1) for engineers. The course includes the essential fundamentals of equations, inequalities, functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to trigonometry and applications, and sequences. The emphasis is on calculations, and some applications are mentioned.
Numerical Analysis
This course covers the various numerical techniques to solve computational engineering problems. Main topics of this course are: introduction to numerical methods, floating-point computation, systems of linear equations, approximation of functions and integrals, the single nonlinear equation, and the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, applications in engineering, and programming.
Calculus 1
This course describes the most important ideas, theoretical results, and examples of limit, continuity, differentiation and integration for functions with one variable. The course includes the essential fundamentals of these topics. The emphasis is on calculations, and some applications are mentioned.
Calculus 2
This course describes the most important ideas, theoretical results, and examples of advanced integration techniques for functions with one variable, applications of definite integrals, infinite series, and parametric equations. The course includes the essential fundamentals of these topics. The emphasis is on calculations, and some applications are mentioned.
Calculus 3
This course describes the most important ideas, theoretical results, and examples of differentiation and integration for functions with more than one variable, as well as an introduction to vector calculus. The course includes the essential fundamentals of these topics. The emphasis is on calculations, and some applications are mentioned.
Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations
This course describes the most important ideas, theoretical results, and examples of matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, as well as an introduction to ordinary differential equations. The course includes the essential fundamentals of these topics. The emphasis is on calculations, and some applications are mentioned.
Mathematical Methods for engineers
This course covers a broad spectrum of mathematical techniques essential to the solution of advanced problems. Topics include Series Solutions of ODES, Laplace Transforms, Fourier series and Fourier transform. Each topic is given a formal treatment and illustrated by examples of varying degrees of difficulty.
Physics I
Physics 117 is an introductory physics course for non-science majors. This course focuses on basic physics concepts and connections to everyday life. Course topics include; Vectors, Motion in 1 Dimension, Motion in 2 and 3 Dimensions, Force and Motion, Kinetic Energy and Work, Potential Energy, Center of Mass and Linear Momentum, Rotation, Equilibrium and Elasticity. While advanced mathematics is not required for this course, basic math with some trigonometry and simple algebra is utilized. Overall goals of this course include students' gaining an appreciation for the physical world, improved critical thinking and reasoning skills, and improved scientific literacy for a better-informed public that can make intelligent voting decision.
Physics II
Physics (2) is the second part of one-year course in physics. In this course, students will learn basis of physics, i.e. electricity and magnetism. This course, describe the relationships that hold for electricity and magnetism and the interactions between them and also the magnetic fields, forces, and potentials involved in the interaction of point charges and of currents. Application of different laws (Coulomb, Ohm, Lenz, Kirchhoff, Faraday to solve problems in electromagnetism).
Physics I Lab
Introduction to laboratory techniques and experimental methods of physics with emphasis on linking the understanding of physics concepts with "Real-Life" situations. Every class will have a short lecture introducing the procedures, concepts, formulas and instructions relevant to the experiment. The lecture will also cover what is expected in the lab-report; don't be late. Attendance and participation is mandatory. Experiments will usually be performed in groups, but each student will turn in an individual lab report. Topics covered in the course include Measurements and uncertainties. Virtual experience, Free fall, Forces in Equilibrium, Simple pendulum, Constant Spring, Simple harmonic motion, Free fall: Conservation of mechanical energy of a uniformly accelerated mass, Describe the movement of an object moving at a constant speed and constant acceleration, Friction and Newton's second law and Ohm's Law.
Physics II Lab
Fundamental training in physical measurements in electricity, properties of the magnetic field and other related topics introduction to laboratory techniques and experimental methods of physics with emphasis on linking the understanding of physics concepts with "Real-Life" situations. Every class will have a short lecture introducing the procedures, concepts, formulas and instructions relevant to the experiment. The lecture will also cover what is expected in the lab-report; don't be late. Attendance and participation is mandatory. Experiments will usually be performed in groups, but each student will turn in an individual lab report.
Probability & Statistics for Engineers
This course describes the most important ideas, theoretical results, and examples of probability, random variables, probability distributions, joint probability distributions, random sampling and data description, and test hypothesis. The course includes the essential fundamentals of these topics. The emphasis is on calculations, and some applications are mentioned. The use of statistical packages is essential during first and seventh chapters.
Introduction to Computer Programming
This course uses programming language Python to teach students how computer think (computational thinking), processing inputs to desired output (algorithmic thinking), addressing problems logically (logical thinking), and how break to down software problem into manageable components and solve it using the best possible way (problem solving). And finally, teaching coding itself using these thinking skills, which will give student become accustomed to writing code. This course uses very simple coding scripts. Python script is based on the Python Programming language; however, the skills students learn will prepare them for any procedural language.