Research and Scholarship

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·         Ph.D. Scholarship from the Government of Egypt, "Mechanical Behaviour of Composite Materials” to Aachen University, Germany, 1999-2005.

·         Post-doctor Scholarship from Aachen University Germany, 2006-2007.

·        Post-doctor fellowship, at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Materials Science, RWTH-Aachen, Germany, Jun.- Aug. 2009

Research Grants:

·         (2018- ): Co-PI of the project "Development of ultra-fine grained thermal and wear resistant alumina-yttria stabilized zirconia ceramic composites" Grant from Deanship of Academic Research in Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, 200 K SR.

·         (2016- ) Co-PI of the project "Development of Titanium-Hydroxyapatite Composites Strengthened With Alumina Particle for Biomedical Applications" Grant from Deanship of Academic Research in Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, 200 K SR.

·         (2013-2016) Co-PI of the Center of Scientific Excellence of Suez and Sinai Metallurgical and Materials Research, STDF-5304, 10 M L.E.

·         (2012-2015) Co-PI of the STDF financed project: Friction Stir Welding of Similar and Dissimilar Metal Alloys: Adopting the New Joining Technology for Industrial Applications in Egypt, 1 M L.E.

·         (2011 – 2013) PI of the STDF financed project “Crack Mitigation in Wind Turbine Blades: Experimental and numerical investigation”  1 M L.E.

·         (2009) PI of a project no. BMBF EGY09-02 financed by Germany (BMBF) “Validation of quasi-static and creep test results from a materials testing lab in Suez”.  

·         (2003-2005) Characterisation & Modeling of short fibers reinforced Mg-alloys: plastic behaviour, creep, Fatigue (industry contract).

·         (2004-2009) SSP 1138, DFG, Germany “Experimental & numerical investigation of the size effects on the flow behaviour of W/Cu composites and steels”.

·         (2006-2009) Modelling of heat transition in the motor periphery “AiF, Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen”.

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

·           Composite and avdvanced materials.

·           Alloys and microstructure development.

·           Engineering inspection and failure analysis.

·           Steel processing and roll pass design.

·           Finite element simulation

·           Creep, Wear and fatigue (LCF & HCF) of materials.

·           Wind turbine blade inspection and repair.

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