Students of the Department of Physics Visit SPADC

The Department of Physics at the college of Science at Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University organized its first scientific visit this semester to the SABIC Plastic Applications Development Center (SPADC) on Sunday 7 Jumada Al-Thani 1438 AH corresponding to 5 March 2017. The visit was supervised by faculty members Ms. Nawal Al-Madkhaly and Ms. Setah Al-Enezi with a group of students from the Department of Physics. The delegation was received by Eng. Ali Al-Khrayef, Eng. Ali Al-Abdul Karim, and Eng. Bandar Al-Otaibi. The visit started with a word of welcome from Eng. Ali Al-Abdul-Karim who then gave a presentation on safety measures in the laboratory and in case of fire. Eng. Ali Al-Khrayef gave a brief description of SABIC. The Center is the largest of its kind in the Middle East and the third largest diversified chemical company in the world. He also pointed out the most important objectives of the center, namely the development of specialized and advanced plastic applications, which include the fields of automotive industry and its supplies, electronic industries, construction materials, cable industry, fiber and packaging materials, pipes and accessories, medical care, tire industry and applications resulting from the mixing of different polymers, to serve industries and industrial groups and customers in the Kingdom and all the countries around the world which receive SABIC products. Then he spoke about polymer science and gave a detailed scientific explanation of its composition and its uses in the plastic industries. He also discussed the types of plastics that are manufactured in the center with a simplified description of the devices used for this. He also talked about the types of plastics and their advantages and disadvantages. He pointed out that the center has two sections: Development of materials and plastics applications; such as, injection molding and injection blow molding (Plastic Bottle Manufacturing). In addition to products of plastic extrusion (pipes, bags and plastic panels), textile production (terrestrial textiles and ropes), and the main products supported by the center. Besides construction, packaging and automotive. At the end of the presentation, Eng. Al-Khrayef explained the importance of innovation in the development of plastic industries provided by the Center. Then Eng. Bandar Al-Otaibi talked about analytical laboratories giving a quick overview and indicated their location inside the center and demonstrated to the delegation his line of work within the laboratories.

‎Then, the field tour started in the center labs. Eng. Ali Al-Khrayef gave a detailed explanation of the plastic production stages and the machines that produce plastic materials and products. He presented samples and models of plastic applications. Then the delegation went to laboratories that analyze and test the samples of the product after manufacturing:

‎1- Mechanical Properties Lab:

‎It is concerned with measuring the durability of the product, and the most important equipment -tensile testing and pressure and shock testing device.

‎2- Thermal Properties Lab:

‎It has a melting factor test device and a thermal packaging machine.

‎3- Chemical Properties Lab:

‎It has a viscosity test device, a climate test instrument and a density test device.

‎4- Optical Properties Lab:

‎It has a defect measuring device and colour testing device.

‎And other measuring and testing instruments such as: Thickness device, dimensional measuring device, analytical balance machine.


At the end of the visit, the delegation, including two faculty members, thanked the two engineers: Ali Al-Khrayef, Bandar Al-Otaibi and all officials of the SABIC Center for the Development of Plastic Industries.

At the end of the visit, the vice head of the Department Ms. Mervat Al-Zumay' expressed her thanks to the officials of the SABIC Plastic Applications Development Center, as well as to the Dean of the College Dr. Muhammad bin Muhsin Babutain  and the Head of the Department of Physics Dr. Ahmad Al-Q'uod for their support for such important visits that contribute to the development of our beloved country.

The students expressed their happiness and gratitude to the college of Science and Physics Department, which provided them with the opportunity to visit the SABIC Center and to learn about its departments and objectives, which will benefit them and expand their prospects and experience after graduation.

It is worth mentioning that the Department of Physics has expressed its sincere thanks to each of His Excellency Dr. Ra'id Al-Hathlool, and the Secretary of the Department of Physics Mr. Khalid Al-Khar'an for their notable efforts in organizing this successful visit.
