Sustaining distinction, the website of the College of Sciences is at the forefront among all university sites

The College of Sciences has one of the top websites at Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University according to the periodic report of the achievement rates issued by the Deanship of Information Technology. The website is ranked by the design and the sourced data. The university has reinforced its support for the university websites by adopting the periodic report of the achievement rates issued by the Deanship of Information Technology.

This achievement is attributed to several factors which are: The supervision of Dr. Mohammad ibn Muhsin Babtain, the dean of the College of Science; the strong and integrative relationship among all departments, units, and committees of the college with the administration of the site; as well as the distinctive efforts of the staff. Also, the professionalism of the website administration headed by Mr. Salaheddin Omar Abdullah, the director of the website, who has developed and coordinated policies and planning functions contributed to this success. In addition to the significant role of Dr. Ra'id ibn Hussain Al-hathlool, vice dean of the college for development and quality, in terms of supervision and monitoring.

University officials have expressed satisfaction towards the site's content and services provided to students, faculty, employees, and all college members. This distinction comes as a result of the site's content and the following wide range services:

- A complete English version of the college site corresponding to the Arabic version.

- The vision, mission, values, and objectives of Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University.

- Introduction and history of the college, the dean's message, vision, mission, and objectives of the college.

- Publications of revised academic research (2005-2007).

- Academic plans and course descriptions for the following departments (Math and Statistics - Physics - Chemistry - Biology).

- Strategic plan of the College of Science 1441 AH.

- College of Science guidebook.

- College of Science building maps (male and female sections).

- Faculty and staff data (name - occupation - department - phone no. - official email - faculty websites).

- College of Science organizational structure (former administrative bodies - College Council - Public Relations - Administrative and Financial Affairs - committees and units – dean's office).

- Organizational chart: (College Council - Department Council - Deanship of Administrative and Financial Affairs - Deanship of Development and Quality - Deanship of Academic Affairs - Deanship of Graduate Studies and Academic Affairs – Vice Deanery of Students Affairs, female section).

- Vice Deans of the College (Vice Dean for Administrative and Students Affairs - Vice Dean for Development and Quality - Vice Dean for Academic Affairs - Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Academic Affairs - Vice Dean for Students Affairs, female section).

- Research Centre: (About the council - vision, mission, and objectives - Regulations - Activities - List of published research - Projects funded - Awards - Forms - Number and statistics - Researchers support unit - Excellence knowledge awards - Research center guidebook - Communication with the center).

-  Academic departments (Math and Statistics - Physics - Chemistry - Biology) including (The message of the Head of the Department - Vision and mission of the department - Faculty members - Bachelors program - Physics and Math Master's program - Department research and development - Department achievements – Scientific field visits - Photography lab - Department brochures - Contact numbers).

- Affiliates of the College (Website of Math and its applications - The First International Conference for Crisis and Disaster Management – The Department of Math and Statistics website - the website of the Department of Physics).

- Photo Gallery.

- Academic Calendar (1437-1438 AH)

- The College of Science publications (brochures of the Math and Statistics Department, Physics Department, Chemistry Department and Biology Department)

- The YouTube channel of the College.

- The Twitter account of the College of Sciences.

- A specific page for a list of faculty members sites.

- Archives (Students forms - faculty forms - administrators forms - regulations - other files)

- Circulars (about 20)

- Student Affairs.

- Announcements (about 207) with daily updates.

- News (about 240) with daily updates.

- Documented news - college published materials in the social media - (Mir'at Al-Jami'ah Newspaper, University Website , Riyadh Newspaper, Jazeerah Newspaper.... etc.)

- Lectures and seminars.

- Student council.

- Plans and projects.

- Achievements and statistics

- Academic Guidance.

- Exams (regulations - forms)

- Training.

- Awards and community services.

It is worth mentioning that the college has organized a competition for the best site of faculty members to promote the activation and enrichment of their official personal sites. As a result, more than (100) sites of the faculty members has been activated. The distinction of the website of the college is a sign of the faculty's keenness to achieve excellence and assure quality.               

The dean of the college and the general supervisor of the website has thanked Mr. Salaheddin Omar, the director of the website, for all the great efforts and Dr. Ra'id ibn Hussain Al-Hathlool for his supervision.
