The College of Science Holds a Seminar Entitled, “The University Students Against Extremism

On Monday, 20/1/1437 AH, a seminar entitled, "The University Students Against Extremism" was held in the College of Science at Al-Imam University. Dr. Muhammad Babtain, Dean of the College, Professor Abdullah Al-Jouiee, Vice Dean of the College for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Abdulrahman Ghonaim Al-Hamazani, Vice Dean of the College, and Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa, Head of Biology Department attended the seminar, in addition to the participation of College students.

The Dean of the College started the seminar by thanking Allah and praising Him. He clarified that the seminar is part of educational seminars which are held by the University and which aim at meeting students, sharing with them the situation in some Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, and explaining that what is currently happening (i.e., extremism, violence, and terrorism) affects national bonds and family connections. 

H.E. Professor Abdullah Al-Jouiee, Vice Dean of the College for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, chaired the discussion. He clarified that the seminar will be open for students to listen to them and discuss their ideas to investigate the characteristics of extremist organizations and reasons behind extremism, violence, and terrorism. Moreover, the audience watched a documentary about recorded multimedia for those organizations which show their tributes and characteristics in addition to the way they have been described by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in his authenticated Hadith. Then, the discussion was opened for students to participate in three topics. First, indicating other characteristics of the members of such organizations. Second, mentioning reasons behind adopting such ideas, including non-authenticated Fatwa, weakness of religious impetus, attracting those adhering to these ideas with money and temptation, family connections, and lack of awareness.

Third, students were given the chance to introduce implementable and applicable projects to address and face those extremist ideas. They were asked to submit their projects at the end of the following week. Subsequently, the best two students' projects would be chosen to receive gifts or cheques from the University. 
