A lecture entitled “Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)” by Mr. Khaled Kajamen

The Physics Department Organizes Scientific Seminar on "Atomic Force Microscope"

    Among its early activities of this semester, the Physics Department Scientific Committee organizes a scientific seminar

Entitled  "Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)"

     That was on Tuesday, 14/4/1436 AH - 03/ 2015, at 11:00 am. Mr. Khaled Kajamen  of BRUKER Company presented the seminar.

  The Physics Department staff members attended a detailed presentation about the Atomic Force Microscope and its high capabilities regarding the high accuracy or the high control of images taken of material surfaces to be studied.  The capacity of the set to study a wide range of materials was reviewed. Uses of this type of set are varied, among which are applications of chemical and biological sciences and materials sciences.   

   It is worth mentioning that this seminar is among a series of activities organized by the Department Scientific Committee. Seminars are presented on Tuesday every week at 11:00 am for a maximum of half an hour. All University staff and students are welcome. Discussions and remarks usually take place after presentation.  The Committee aims to raise the spirit of scientific research among Department staff and encourage scientific activities in the college in general. 

Tuesday 14/04/1436 H 03/02/2015 M