Does your university as a body participate in policy making at local, regional, national and/or global level to implement programs and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions?
Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMAMU) in Saudi Arabia plays an active role in policy-making at various levels, focusing on initiatives that contribute to ending poverty and promoting sustainable development in alignment with Saudi Vision 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Below are some of the key efforts and contributions:
Social Impact and Inclusive Education:
IMAMU has prioritized social inclusion and equitable access to education, particularly for marginalized and underprivileged groups. Programs supporting individuals with disabilities and low-income families exemplify the university's dedication to reducing disparities and fostering academic success across socio-economic levels
Research and Community Programs:
The university operates research centers and chairs dedicated to addressing socio-economic challenges, including studies on labor markets and volunteer work. These initiatives aim to identify and mitigate barriers to economic participation and social well-being
Collaborations and National Impact:
IMAMU works with various governmental and private entities to implement policies and programs that enhance societal welfare. This includes engaging in interfaith and cultural dialogue, as well as advocating for policies that address poverty and inequality, supporting Saudi Vision 2030 goals
President of Imam University participates with a working paper (in the Fifth Arab Conference on Higher Education and Sustainable Development: The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals) held in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt

His Excellency, the President of Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, participated in a working paper at (The Fifth Arab Conference on Higher Education and Sustainable Development: The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals) held from September 10-11, 2023 in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.
His Excellency stressed that this high-level conference discusses an academic topic and a humanitarian issue that has a renewed presence locally, regionally and globally as an issue with cultural, social and economic dimensions, which poses a major challenge to many development models related to the future of sustainable development and its goals and objectives, especially in this age of growing knowledge dimensions and repercussions, which requires us all to unify academic efforts, achieve effective partnerships in scientific and research fields, and enhance integrated work in strategic planning paths in a way that meets the needs of today's societies and tomorrow's generations.
His Excellency added that one of the most important pivotal issues that we are currently experiencing in higher education institutions, in light of the rapid changes that the world is witnessing, and the unprecedented successive developments that have occurred in all fields, is the issue of (sustainable development) and ensuring the achievement of its goals and objectives, as it is a fundamental axis of its educational system, its academic and research programs, and its enrichment and training services. Accordingly, this issue requires us to conduct continuous study, serious research, and objective review of its concepts, social dimensions, and economic repercussions.
His Excellency pointed out that universities should carry out their duties effectively and efficiently, as they are among the most important national institutions entrusted with performing a fundamental mission in serving society and contributing effectively to achieving the goals of sustainable development and its dimensions through their cognitive tools, academic programs, development initiatives, and qualitative opportunities, whether in (quality of education), (research and innovation) or (development of human capital). From this standpoint, and inspired by this importance, activating partnerships and agreements, and building purposeful strategic relationships with leading regional and international universities and advanced research centers has become an imperative and an absolute necessity imposed by the nature of the stage and the requirements of development, through which we exchange our knowledge and experiences, define our goals and priorities, share our roles and responsibilities, enhance our integrated work, and invest all our efforts and available capabilities to increase our efficiency and effectiveness in achieving our common goals and interests in the areas of sustainable development.
Emphasizing that we at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, in order to achieve its pioneering role and national responsibilities towards Saudi Vision 2030 and its development goals, and to achieve the goals of sustainable development and qualify effective human resources, have been keen to align its mission, goals and strategic objectives with the goals of the Saudi Vision, which emphasized the importance of achieving the goals of sustainable development.
Dr. Al-Amri explained that Imam University built its strategic plan 2021-2025 on axes that include achieving sustainable development goals such as education, learning and training, research, innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as partnerships, community responsibility and institutional excellence. It also made its first strategic goal “competitive educational outcomes qualified in knowledge and skills that meet the needs of the labor market", and emphasized in its second goal “qualitative research that contributes to cognitive progress and meets the needs of national development", and allocated its third goal to achieving: “innovative and pioneering outcomes that enhance the knowledge economy and achieve sustainable development", and adopted its fourth goal “effective community and national partnerships and contributions".
Explaining that Imam University, due to its comparative advantages, competitive capabilities, and qualified human and material elements, has developed the Human Capacity Development Program and the National Character Enhancement Program, and has taken the initiative to conclude partnerships and agreements in various fields with various government agencies and ministries, and has adopted a number of qualitative initiatives, and implemented many projects related to sustainable development, including: developing its academic programs, creating new programs and aligning them with the requirements of sustainable development, as well as including the concepts of sustainable development and its goals within the basic requirements of the study plans. The university has also been interested in its societal responsibilities and serving humanity through its continuous contribution to spreading knowledge and education outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and helping countries in their development and raising the quality of education through its institutes in the continents of Africa and Asia for more than (40) forty years. The university has also been keen to support scientific research activities and innovation programs closely related to sustainable development, in addition to concluding research partnerships with relevant government agencies; and international partnerships with universities and researchers; To exchange ideas, produce innovations, and increase joint scientific publishing in the fields of sustainable development in accordance with national aspirations for research and innovation.
His Excellency explained that Imam University implemented a special program to support and incubate university startups under the name (Imam Cloud), which hosted (25) twenty-five projects during the year 2022, in addition to spreading the culture of entrepreneurship and economic and human development through many different courses, forums and workshops in this field, as well as participating in organizing and sponsoring some conferences related to education and sustainable development, in addition to the university's commitment to adopting policies and procedures that ensure taking into account the goals of sustainable development and achieving them in the scientific, research and community service fields, as well as in the administrative, operational, technical and technological aspects, which confirms the university's interest in energy conservation projects and working to sustain the Green University project to raise the quality of life in the university campus.
Pointing out that these efforts have borne fruit - praise be to God - in the areas of sustainable development in the university achieving distinguished results and high indicators in international classifications related to the sustainable development goals, the most important of which is the Impact Ranking of the Times World Ranking, where the university was able to achieve all (17) seventeen goals, and to be among the list of the best (200) two hundred international universities in (7) seven different goals of the sustainable development goals, which confirms the university's steadfast commitment to addressing some of the most pressing challenges in the world, and in light of these achievements, it is worth noting some of the university's projects and initiatives that contributed to achieving this advanced classification in achieving the sustainable development goals.
His Excellency explained that Imam University took the initiative in the first goal (eliminating poverty) to enable low-income students to complete their education through scholarship programs and financial aid, whether provided directly by the university or through its partnerships with donor companies and institutions, in addition to the free educational programs provided by the university's institutes outside the Kingdom, and what they include in terms of additional financial support for students to help them bear the burdens and costs of studying. The university also committed to providing support and care services to its students, such as academic counseling, career guidance, and skills guidance; to help them succeed and move into the labor market with full efficiency and competence.
His Excellency pointed out that Imam University sought, in the third goal of (good health and well-being), to build effective partnerships with local health institutions, and a number of partnerships with relevant parties. The university also established a special unit for psychological care and social care for university members and students to help them deal with the pressures of university life and personal challenges, which provides its services continuously in person or remotely while maintaining the privacy of beneficiaries. The university also adopted an integrated system of cognitive, awareness, advisory and educational programs in health and other fields, in addition to supporting scientific research and health studies that contribute to improving health and well-being in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the world.
His Excellency explained that Imam University achieved the fifth place globally in the fourth goal, which is related to quality education, and its experience received praise locally, regionally and internationally for its efforts to ensure access to quality education for all, whether within the university campus or as part of its broader mission to contribute to the global educational scene in a manner consistent with the content of its goals and the universality of its message.
Pointing out the university's commitment to quality education through its comprehensive and diverse academic programs, which are in line with national and international educational standards, and have obtained academic accreditation from national and international accreditation organizations for existing programs, in addition to its focus on research and innovation, and contributing to the generation of new knowledge and progress in various disciplines, which has enhanced the university's position and reputation as a center of academic excellence, as well as global cooperation with prestigious institutions and universities around the world, and strengthening these partnerships through knowledge exchange, research integration, academic cooperation, cultural understanding, and enriching the educational experience for students and faculty members alike. The university also sought to provide comprehensive, high-quality education for all by creating an attractive educational environment that is prepared to accommodate students with special needs, ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to obtain and benefit from good education, as well as effective community participation through educational awareness programs, workshops and initiatives that promote lifelong learning and educational progress.
Dr. Al-Ameri stressed that Imam University has made great efforts in the fifth goal, which includes (gender equality), to empower women and enhance their role through a wide range of initiatives that ensure equal opportunities and that female students receive a distinguished education in a wide range of academic specializations, whether humanities, science or health, and enable them to continue their higher education in various fields, as well as involve them in events, occasions and activities witnessed by the university. The university is also proud of its female teaching and administrative staff who have demonstrated creativity in education, excellence in scientific research, and success in leadership positions at the university. The university also emphasizes raising community awareness of this goal by holding many workshops and conferences that address gender equality, including the recent Women's Empowerment and Developmental Role Conference, which was attended by more than 100 male and female researchers.
Dr. Al-Ameri pointed out that Imam University has realized in the sixteenth goal, which states (peace, justice and strong institutions), since its inception that these principles are essential matters on which the foundation of comprehensive development and societal stability is based. Therefore, it took the initiative to achieve this goal by strengthening the rule of law and its keenness to excel in its scientific studies and legal programs, which prepare graduates cognitively and qualify them skillfully to contribute to achieving justice. The university has also given research and studies in the field of peace, justice and governance the utmost attention through its research centers and specialized institutes. As the university is keen to contribute to building strong institutions and responsible leaders, it has sought to develop its members by strengthening the principle of ethical leadership and instilling its organizational values and basic principles in them.
Because human rights are a fundamental pillar in promoting justice and peace, the university has focused on teaching human rights in its programs and initiatives to contribute to raising the level of personal awareness and empowering those interested in defending human rights in society. In the field of civil participation, the university has been keen to strengthen civil society institutions and promote peaceful coexistence, and encouraged its students to be active and responsible citizens in their communities. It has also focused on community communication through its continuous interaction with local and international organizations and community institutions to address social issues, promote justice, and support peace-building efforts.
His Excellency explained that Imam University, in its efforts to achieve the seventeenth goal, which emphasizes (partnerships to achieve goals), has taken the initiative to build bridges of local, regional and international cooperation with peer universities through partnerships with universities, research institutions and international organizations, which facilitate the exchange of knowledge, support joint research initiatives, and enhance international academic opportunities for students and faculty members. It has also developed a research, innovation and entrepreneurship system in cooperation with start-up incubators and innovation centers to harness research capabilities and enable technology transfer policy to serve sustainable development goals. The university also emphasized the importance of community participation through awareness and education programs, knowledge exchange, and support for cooperative projects to achieve sustainable progress in local community development, and to serve sustainable development goals at the national level. In order for the university to align its academic programs and scientific research with national development priorities, it has taken the initiative to cooperate with government and private sector institutions, and has participated effectively in sustainable development projects and initiatives such as environmental sustainability programs and others.
In conclusion, he stressed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the auspicious era of my master, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Highness, the Crown Prince, Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman - may God protect them - pays great attention to achieving sustainable development through Saudi Vision 2030 and its ambitious programs, pointing out that Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University is proud to have carried its lofty message to the whole world, and opened its doors to spread knowledge and science in the service of Islam, the homeland and humanity, based on its scientific and cultural heritage, the long history of its journey, and its extensive experiences, and inspired by the principles of patriotism and responsibility, that education and the creation of future leaders is the cornerstone of sustainable development, and looking forward with optimism to further contributions from the university to joint regional and international research projects, activating knowledge exchange, future cooperation and effective strategic partnerships with various peer universities and private sectors in the fields of sustainable development.
Memorandum of Cooperation between Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and the Charitable Society for Computer Rehabilitation (Irtiqaa)
With God's help and success, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between His Excellency the Dean of Student Affairs at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Dr. Ahmed bin Saad Al-Ahmad, and His Excellency the Executive Director of the Charitable Society for Computer Rehabilitation (Irtiqaa), Mr. Omar Al-Shaibani, and the presence of the Director of Corporate Communication, Mr. Ali Batarfi, on Wednesday 1444/10/27 AH, which corresponds to 17/5/2023 AD.
The association is interested in providing sustainable professional social services, supporting scientific advancement programs and environmental protection, by rehabilitating the computers used through their maintenance and charitable distribution to the educational social bodies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is one of Al-Fozan's initiatives to serve the community, and for the keenness of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, represented by the Deanship of Student Affairs, on the principle of cooperation and mutual understanding with government agencies, and the goals sought by both parties in community service, and to achieve the Kingdom's vision 2030, which aims to raise awareness of the principle of preserving Digital grace and environmental conservation.
This initiative also aims to cooperate in launching campaigns and initiatives to spread the culture of preserving digital grace, establishing educational awareness programs for university employees and employees, rehabilitating electronic devices, supporting the intellectual and scientific advancement programs of the association by donating surplus electronic devices, and supporting male and female students with computers as needed.
Believing that giving is a fundamental pillar for the growth and advancement of societies, the two parties agreed on the duration of this memorandum of three years starting from the date of its signature by both parties.
Dealing the university with SDGs including SDG1
Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University signs a memorandum of understanding with Sanad Charitable Association

Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, represented by the College of Information and Communication, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Sanad Charitable Association to support children with cancer.
The memorandum aims to use the media and communication expertise that the college possesses within the framework of social responsibility, and to support charitable and humanitarian institutions, as Sanad Association is one of the first providers of charitable work.
The memorandum was signed by His Highness Prince Dr. Saad bin Saud bin Muhammad, Dean of the College of Media and Communication at the university, and Her Royal Highness Princess Adela bint Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Sanad Charitable Society.
The International Orphan Day
On the occasion of the International Orphan Day, the Department of Sociology and Social Service at the College hosted on Thursday 28/8/1443 a group of orphaned children in cooperation with the Charitable Society for Orphans Care (Insan Association)
@ensanorg During this event, a number of activities and events were carried out #جامعة_الإمام
Students Fund
Report on #صندوق_الطلاب during the year 1442 AH

Educational Charitable Fund
Based on Cabinet Resolution No. 94 dated 29/3/1431 AH, the amount to the university, which includes the controls for accepting scholarship students for non-Saudis, and the emphasis in the decision to find charitable funds in educational institutions, where the decision stipulated in Article (9/e) that: (Finding a charitable fund in every educational institution to support grant programs, based on subsidies, donations, gifts, bequests, endowments, and what the institution allocates from its budget in accordance with the rules approved by the Council).And to confirm the university's responsibility to play its leading role in the educational process in the community, the Educational Charitable Fund was established, which works independently to organize scholarship programs and enable grant students to join the university and provide aid and assistance to them, as the Fund works to collect resources and financial flows from subsidies Donations, wills and endowments and work on managing and directing them to support scholarship programs funded by the Fund.
Send over 1200 ATM Cards to Students
The Dean of Student Affairs at Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University D. Ahmad Al-Ahmad sent more than 1,200 ATM cards to the post office before the Eid holiday for male and female students, despite precautionary circumstances.
Dr. Al-Ahmed indicated that a new batch of student cards was received yesterday evening from the bank accredited at the university, and a total of (1500) cards will be sent this week according to the practice through the Saudi Post to deliver them to their owners according to the updated addresses of male and female students.
Stressing that when these envelopes are not received or received by their owners, please contact the deanship through the communication system.
Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Specialized Sub-Council of Orphans Associations and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University

His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Specialized Sub-Council of Orphan Societies in the Kingdom, His Excellency Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem at the University on Sunday, February 27, 2022, signed a memorandum of understanding between the College of Social Sciences at the university and the Council, in the presence of A number of officials on both sides.
His Excellency the President of the University affirmed that the University is happy to sign such a memorandum that serves a precious group in society, indicating that it will contribute to serving both sides and for the benefit and benefit of this country. and humane.
For his part, His Excellency Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem thanked the university's response and cooperation in order to sign the memorandum of understanding, noting that the university is a prominent pride teacher in this country and a source of pride for this country, noting that the specialized sub-council of orphan associations in the Kingdom needs many of the disciplines that the university contains, expressing His aspiration for this memorandum to be a nucleus for future partnerships with the university, and for the benefit of the university's employees, including faculty, students, and employees, and for the whole country, and to invest the best investment in the fields of research, studies and others.
General Assistance Program:

It targets needy scholarship students at the university in a way that relieves their distress, fulfills their needs, and helps them devote themselves to seeking knowledge. To take advantage of the service, visit the following link.… #جامعه_الامام
“Imam University" And “MiSK Foundation" Signed Agreement Supporting Non-Profit Sector
The Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Foundation “MiSK" signed a cooperation agreement with Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, represented by the Deanship of Voluntary Work Study Center, aiming to develop the non-profit sector, boost volunteerism, train volunteers and workers of humanitarian work and social services, and cooperate to determine the priorities of society needs in the cultural, intellectual, social, and humanitarian work.
The agreement was signed between Imam University's Rector H.E. Mr. Sulaiman Abalkhail and the Secretary General of “MiSK foundation" H.E. Mr. Bader Alasaker at the headquarters of Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University.
In line with the Saudi Vision 2030, this agreement seeks to support the non-profit sector, expand its spectrum, encourage the volunteers of this sector, activate the role of universities in diversifying partnerships, and achieve integration between educational and humanitarian agencies to motivate the principal of social solidarity and humanitarian services among individuals and institutions.
Mr. Sulaiman Abalkhail explained that the agreement embraces cooperation in specialized and cooperative academic training programs, on-the-job training programs, and researches. He added that the agreement serves the fields of legislative and regulatory programs, social programs, developmental programs, humanitarian programs, awareness programs, statistics, and researches within the competence of the Foundation and the University.
Mr. Abalkhail pointed out that the agreement includes creating scientific programs and setting up activities for Saudi youth in the relevant areas to both parties. The agreement also works on contributing in the development volunteerism by employing advanced methods such as smart applications, print and audio media, services of the charity sector, and the role of government sectors. The University's Rector said that this agreement is part of the cooperation between Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University and government and private institutions.
The Secretary General of “MiSK foundation" H.E. Mr. Bader Alasaker stated that the cooperation agreement signed with Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University focuses on the essential aspects to develop societies and improve the ability of the human capital and highlight its abilities mainly through education, training, and non-profit work. He also expressed the Foundation's willingness to execute the provisions of this agreement and meet its objectives.
Mr. Alasaker pointed out that the agreement reflects the significant compatibility between the Foundation and the University in regards to the importance of supporting and expanding the non-profit sector and encouraging non-profit sector volunteering. He added that “MiSK Foundation" strives to leave a positive impact on society, foster learning, and improve youth's skills in different areas. For that reason, the agreement includes providing specialized academic training programs, social development programs, and research programs.
Commenting on the agreement, the Dean of Voluntary Work Study Center Mr. Bader bin Mohammed Alwohaibi pointed out that the agreement with the Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Foundation “MiSK" is a result of the common will of both parties to serve the country, especially that “MiSK Foundation" is a pioneer in social initiatives for youth development, not to mention that the Deanship of Voluntary Work Study Center is the first Arab and Saudi inter-university specialized deanship in volunteerism.
Mr. Alwohaibi said that the Deanship had signed several significant agreements with many organizations pioneering in volunteerism to contribute in organizing and unifying the efforts paid for volunteerism and to increase the number of volunteers from 11 thousand volunteers to one million volunteers in accordance with the Saudi Vision 2030.
Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City Appoints Dalkia EDF Group To Implement Sustainable Solutions
- With sustainability as one of its core pillars, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City aims to be a LEED Gold City
- The City has appointed Dalkia and ADC Energy Systems to design, build and operate the first phase of the district cooling plant of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; May 23, 2022: Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City has appointed Dalkia EDF Group to implement the highest standards of sustainability solutions at the newly launched destination. As part of the City's vision to achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification, several sustainability initiatives will be rolled out across the development, commencing with a district cooling plant to be built by Dalkia EDF Group and its partner ADC Energy Systems.
The ground-breaking ceremony was held at the Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City attended by senior officials including the Ambassador of the Republic of France to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ludovic Pouille; David Henry, CEO of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City; Sylvie Jehanno, Chairwoman and CEO of Dalkia EDF Group, and Ibrahim Sleiman, Executive Chairman of ADC Energy Systems.
This project is part of the City's approach to promoting sustainable development, offering an effective alternative to conventional air-conditioning solutions and creating opportunities for green jobs. It is expected to save up to 100,000 tons of CO2 over a 10-year period.
David Henry, CEO of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City, said: “Through our pioneering initiatives in promoting the City's sustainability features, we aim to set a new model for the region and take tangible measures to achieve the Kingdom's vision to be Net Zero by 2060. The district cooling is one of the first steps we are initiating, with several more to follow, that will help cut the City's carbon emissions by as much as 50 per cent. Our goal is to serve as a model in sustainable development by achieving LEED Gold certification with eco-conscious energy and water use solutions."
Sylvie Jehanno, Chairwoman and CEO of Dalkia EDF Group, stated: “We are honored to sign this agreement with Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City to provide, alongside with ADC Energy Systems, solutions that enable a sustainable environment for residents and visitors of the City. This is a stepping stone in our strategy to develop in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support the energy transition theme of Vision 2030."
Ibrahim Sleiman, Executive Chairman of ADC Energy Systems, stated: “We are privileged to be part of the development of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City and to team up with the Dalkia EDF Group delivering more of our extensive EPC record in district cooling and to be part of the Kingdom's energy conservation initiatives."
Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City will have a connected load demand of almost 40,000 tons of refrigeration when fully occupied. This demand will be met by two district cooling plants with an interconnected network to facilitate the availability of chilled water throughout the City.
The first phase of the district cooling plant is scheduled for completion in the fourth quarter of this year in addition to a chilled water network. The plant will use treated sewerage effluent as condenser cooling water as a water conservation measure. Another feature of the system will include thermal energy storage, which will reduce power consumption during peak periods by producing and storing chilled water at off peak periods and using this chilled water during peak power demand. Advanced control systems will be used to operate and monitor the district cooling systems.
Dalkia EDF Group, a leading provider of energy services in France, will operate and maintain the future district cooling network. The engineering, procurement and construction company ADC Energy Systems will be in charge of the construction work.
Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City is located in the Irqah neighborhood, adjacent to Wadi Hanifa, on an area of around 3.4 square kilometers.
In a humanitarian gesture, the Women's Investment Department distributes winter clothing to university worker.
The Women's Investment Department launched a campaign entitled (To Warm Their Winter) to distribute winter clothing to the university's sanitation workers in a humanitarian and appreciation gesture for their tremendous efforts in maintaining the cleanliness of the buildings and the comfort of the university's staff and students, on Monday 4/15/1442 AH at nine o'clock in the morning, located in the main lobby in the building ((416)).
This campaign comes as part of a series of voluntary activities launched by the university, which aims to instill good Islamic values and deepen the national, social and moral responsibility in the hearts of the university's employees, as well as spreading the spirit of a culture of social solidarity, extending a helping hand to our working sisters, and seeking to feel their need and make them feel that they are a part us, and bring pleasure to the hearts of this group of society.
Where 100 winter bags were distributed, which contained (winter kits, winter socks, gloves, and masks to preserve safety), organized and grouping workers, taking precautionary measures in cooperation with the Operation and Maintenance Department in all buildings of King Abdullah City for Female Students.
It is worth noting that the initiative was highly appreciated by the female workers, as well as from the employees of the Investment Department who took the initiative to participate, volunteer and promote the culture of humanitarian work.
Al-Imam University Organizes Symposium on Yemen Resorting Hope.
Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University will organise on the day after tomorrow morning a symposium on Operation Restoring Hope, which is carrying out by the Saudi-led military coalition in Yemen, Says Prof. Dr. Suliman Aba Al-Khail, Rector of Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, and Member of Saudi Senior Ulemas Council, in statements recently.
Shedding more lights on the symposium, H.E. the University Rector has pointed out that, his administration has received with more pride and pleasure the letter of the Minister of Education, which includes the royal order for organizing this scientific symposium that brings together a group of officials responsible for participating in the operation restoring hope from Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
On the objectives of the symposium, Dr. Aba Al-Khail has stated that, it aims to highlight the relief efforts and humanitarian work carried out by the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince H.R.H. Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz to serve our brothers in support of the Yemeni legitimate government and standing with our Yemeni brothers, and to cement the brotherly fraternal cohesion between Saudi and Yemeni peoples.
From other side, Mr. Ahmad Al-Rukban, Al-Imam University Spokesperson, and whom will administering the symposium, has added that, the symposium will be participating by Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre, and Mr. Mohammad Al Jabber, Saudi Ambassador to Yemen, and Dr. Moamar Al-Eryani, Yemeni Information Minister, and Dr. Sha'a Al-Zandani, Yemeni Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
On the axes discussing during the symposium, Mr. Al-Rukban clarified that, restoring security and stability to Yemen, the combination of political and military actions, the role of Saudi Arabia in providing the brothers in Yemen with relief and medical assistance, helping international organizations. Also, facilities and services provided by Saudi Arabia to Yemeni brothers inside the Kingdom, the future role of Saudi Arabia in Yemen's reconstruction after its stability, and the mobilization of international efforts to that end.
Moreover, the role of universities, faculty members and students to emphasize the importance of the stability of Yemen and the reflection of that on the authenticity of Arab and Muslim. Also, the Arabic and Islamic, as well as Saudi and Yemeni, media role and to what extent the media played a role in relation to what Yemen suffers from the Houthi group coup and the encroachment of the Persians. The due care of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and H.R.H. Crown Prince, along with the Kingdom's brothers in the Arab alliance, to restore hope to Yemen, which gives a positive sign to the international organizations about Saudi Arabia and its humanitarian efforts. Finally, the symposium will address the efforts of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre, along with its key foundations.
Dr.. Al-Saghir chairs the board of directors of the Charitable Fund for the Care of Scholarship Students.
Under the chairmanship of the Vice-Dean for Community Service and Information Technology, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Saghir, the Board of Directors of the Charitable Fund for Scholarship Students, the council held its first meeting with its new formation.
His Excellency began the meeting by thanking the Minister, the Rector of the University, Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Aba Al-Khail, for approving the list of the Charitable Fund for the Care of Scholarship Students.
Then he thanked the previous council members for their efforts during their term of office. His Excellency also welcomed the council members according to the new formation. During the meeting, the recently approved regulation was reviewed, then the members reviewed the council's plan during the coming period and the meeting came up with a number of recommendations in this regard.
Within the campaign to save and save.. The Deanship of the Center for the Study of Voluntary Work in the Female Student City holds a panel discussion entitled (Financial Awareness and the Culture of Saving and Saving according to Vision 2030)
On the initiative of the Vice Dean of the Center for Voluntary Work Studies, Dr. Amal Al-Khudair, and based on the Deanship's keenness to activate its role and promote the culture of savings in the community, a panel discussion entitled (Financial Awareness and the Culture of Saving and Saving according to Vision 2030) was held in the Great Hall of Building 321 in King Abdullah City for Female Students, as part of the activities of the inauguration of the savings campaign, which culminated in the presence of a member of the Committee Women's Community Development in Riyadh d. Wafaa Al-Mubarik, members of the Shura Council, and in the presence of the Dean of the Student Study Center, Dr. Moudhi Al-Dibian, a number of deans of faculties and support deanships, and university employees, attended by nearly 100 female employees, and more than 150 female students.
It focused to a large extent on providing financial resources in a stable manner by reducing dependence on oil; This requires the dissemination and strengthening of the culture of savings in all institutions of society, especially universities and schools, and spreading awareness of savings in education curricula and educational forums. Therefore, the Deanship of the Center for Voluntary Work Studies, under the generous sponsorship and encouragement of His Excellency the Rector of the University, prepared a panel discussion to participate in the savings campaign in cooperation with the Deanship of the University Center for Community Service, the College of Media, and the Deanship of the Leadership and Employment Center at the university.
Then Dr. Alawia Al-Zubayr from the College of Economics and Administrative Sciences followed by presenting a paper entitled (The Role of Financial Awareness and Saving in Achieving Vision 2030) in which it addressed various axes, including: personal financial planning, the importance of awareness and financial intelligence and its role in setting a personal budget, setting priorities in spending and saving, and the most important Directives to strengthen it, how to move from saving to investment, and the role of financial awareness and savings in achieving the goals and objectives of 2030, and touched on how to direct the ideas, energies, skills and capabilities of a segment of students towards production and contribute to increasing individual income; In order to invest in creative ways and strive to provide them with the knowledge and tools that enable them to face their financial responsibilities, and to make sound financial decisions that enable them to lead a fulfilling life in the first place, and to contribute to providing modern services and products that keep pace with the ambition of the youth of this century.
Dr. stated. Al-Zubayr that directing women leaders towards launching an initiative such as (spend wisely) and their understanding of the necessity of saving is an indicator that shows the extent of women's interaction in state institutions with the young vision Vision 2030, and their quest to bring about change that conveys leadership and creativity in investment and contribute to building effective national institutions that can withstand in light of competition and markets It is open, and leadership can only be achieved by adopting serious steps and being willing to take the risks of life.
Saving and capital formation are the weapon to confront risks, and the first step in the way of investment, and stress the need for change to begin from within us by changing all consumer behavior and habits, rejecting waste, adopting financial intelligence and moving towards thinking with the mentality of the investor who wins to reinvest again.
The main points addressed by Dr. Mona Ammar from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in a paper entitled (The Culture of Saving in Our Lives between Reality and Hope), defining saving as one of the basics of financial awareness, and what is meant by the culture of saving and its relationship to changing the lifestyle, steps to achieve successful saving and the importance of saving programs, as well as saving from an Islamic perspective.
As noted by Dr. Mona Ammar that the savings and savings campaign launched by Imam University this week is one of the best topics in terms of timing and target group. Where there is freedom of choice and preference for results, she pointed out that women are the most effective in forming and building a culture of savings in their society, as they are the educators of the next generation who will work - God willing - to consolidate the culture of savings in society.
For her part, Dr. Shadia Qamar from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences pointed out in a paper entitled (Savings and Savings in Lifestyle) the importance of the campaign in light of the social and economic developments that the Kingdom is witnessing, in an effort to achieve the goals of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and with the encouragement of Imam University to establish such These qualitative events and activities reflect the citizen's awareness of his role in the advancement and advancement of his country. By promoting and spreading the culture of savings and financial awareness among members of society by focusing on the youth as a vital segment, the low-income category and also the affluent segment to change their consumption pattern and move them from the stage of saving to investment to achieve a financially stable life.
The university's female employees expressed that they have the right to be proud of their affiliation with Imam University for adopting such initiatives, and for this country that invests in the advancement of its people, and which made the citizen an essential pillar of the vision that aims to rely on the hands and minds of young people in establishing pioneering institutions that have the ability to Staying next to prestigious institutions.
In the end, the field was opened for discussion, interventions and inquiries from the attendees, and recommendations were presented that had a positive reflection of what was presented.
A craft in the hand is a safety from povertyحرفة-في-اليد-خير-من-الفقر.aspx
The student activity team at the institute joined an exhibition entitled (Make it with your own hands) as part of the activities and programs of the student activities for the seventh week under the slogan (A craft in the hand is safety from poverty), where a number of students participated in the exhibition by bringing a variety of goods and popular foods and displaying them to the attendance of students and the educational staff and administrative.

Sacrifice at Hajj
The delegation of scholarship students with #جامعة_الإمام Muhammad bin Saud Islamic, participating in the project to benefit from the meat of the sacrifice and sacrifice, in coordination with the Islamic Development Bank, on the Hajj of 1443 AH on the morning of the blessed Eid al-Adha, sorting the sheep that are legally divided into the sacrifice and the implementation of the work and the establishment of a greeting meeting for the delegation.

Imam Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic University signs memorandum of cooperation with health charity to care for patients
Imam Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic University signs memorandum of cooperation with health charity to care for patients (

Imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic University signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Health Charity Society for Patient Care (INA) on Tuesday afternoon in the office of His Excellency the Director of the University Sheikh Dr. Suleiman bin Abdullah Abba al-Khail represented in the deanship of the Center for Volunteer Work Studies a memorandum of cooperation with the Health Charity Society for TheCare of Patients (Inaya), and signed the agreement by the University and its agent for knowledge exchange and international communication Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Yousef and the Health Charity Society for the Care of Patients Chairman H.E. Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Suwaylem.
His Excellency said that the Prophet (pbuh) is a living model, a role model and a beacon that illuminates the way for those working in the field of good and helping the needy, and the evidence, examples and facts are many incalculable and followed by his companions and those who followed them with charity to this day and this Sunni Salafist state Saudi Arabia stands dear and strikes a wonderful example in all that serves the groups of society, whether they are healthy or sick and our leader in that and the example that follows is the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz and His Highness the Secretary, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman, may God save them, then came that strategic vision of the national scientific, socio-economic scientific and economic strategy launched by the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and was its pioneer, activator, builder and worker for its realization on the ground is His Highness the Crown Prince- May God save him.
His Excellency stressed that cooperation between institutions in their public and private sectors, government and civil has become an important demand, especially with the goals and vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 and the national transformation program 2020 and that one of the most important things that this vision has worked with is volunteerism and touch all safety that will support, push and strengthen its features, work and activities.
For his part, His Excellency Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Suwailem, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association, expressed their happiness and pride in signing the cooperation agreement between Imam University and the Health Charity Society for Patient Care (Inaya), stressing that Al-Imam University is an ancient university with a scientific and social status and we are proud to cooperate with it.
His Excellency pointed out that the signing of this agreement strengthens the partnership that the association has with important sectors of society, pointing out that the association is concerned with the treatment of patients poor and needy and extends its work on many issues of volunteering and confirmed their efforts to conclude partnerships with various institutions of society, pointing out that institutional work does not depend on individuals, everyone works and initiates.
Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Yousef, the university's undersecretary for knowledge exchange and international communication, also confirmed that the university offers all its expertise and staff in the service of the association and pointed out that the agreement includes cooperation in the field of rehabilitation and training, and cooperation in the field of health volunteering.