Research and Scholarship

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.  Senior Member IEEE (SMIEEE) starting January 2007.
.  MU Top Incentive Award for the year 2006/2007.
.  Faculty of Engineering Scholarship, UW, winter 1992 and fall 1991.
.  MU Undergraduate Award (monthly monetary award), 1979-1983.
.  Ministry of Education Undergraduate, Egypt, 1982.
.  ​Ministry of Education Secondary-School Award, EGYPT, 1978.

Research Grants:

.  Project Manager, “Enhance and Coordinate Modern Electronics Engineering Courses for the e-Learning Era in Mansoura University,” An $US 95,000 18-month project (D-042-L0) awarded by the Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF), MU, Mansoura, Egypt, Aug. 2005 – Feb. 2007.

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

.  Nano-electronics, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), VLSI, Pattern Recognition, Solar inverters, and SoC for medical diagnosis.​