· Master in Instrumentation, Nancy, France, "Temperature measurement system using Thermistor", 2001-2002.
· Ph.D Scholarship, "Design and Testing of RF Coils for MRI”, Nancy, France, 2002-2007.
Research Grants:
· (2014 -2016), Grant from Deanship of Academic Research in Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University - PI- (RF Coils) - Accomplished.
· (2016 -2018), Grant from Deanship of Academic Research in Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University - PI- (Helmholtz Coils) - Accomplished.
· (2016 -2018), Grant from Deanship of Academic Research in Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University CO-PI- (Gas Detection) - Accomplished
· (2019- ), Grant from King AbdulaAziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) PI- (Electrical Capacitive Tomography Sensors) - running
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
· ECT Sensors, RF Coils, Fractional PID Controllers and Engineering Education
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