Does your university as a body have women's mentoring schemes, in which at least 10% of female students participate?
Visit to the exhibition of the Kingdom's bid to host the FIFA World Cup 2034

Deanship of Students Affair organizes a visit for #جامعة_الإمام male and female students to the exhibition of the Kingdom's bid to host the FIFA World Cup 2034; through which university students learned about the most important details of the bid file, the host cities, and the new stadiums.Hosting a dinner in honor of the heads of delegations and female students from various universities

His Excellency the Consul General, Dr. Abdullah bin Ubayya, hosted a dinner in honor of the heads of delegations and female students from various universities in the Kingdom who chose Guangzhou for the scientific trip this year 2024 AD.The banquet was attended by the Consulate General staff.
The Training Unit of the Vice Deanship of Student Affairs for Female Student Affairs concluded its training courses for university students
The Training Unit of the Vice Deanship of Deanship of Students for Female Student Affairs A number of training courses during the third semester of 1444 AH, which is offered to male and female students of the university, and the number of courses offered for this semester (6 Training courses) attended by (591) people.
Its training courses for this semester have started with a Entitled: (Total Quality Management), which was presented by Mr. Nael Al-Shammari, in which he talked about The importance of the concept of total quality, the stages and elements of total quality and its standards, then touched on The importance of quality, the principles on which total quality is focused, and the objectives and dimensions of management Total quality, and then we went on to talk about work teams, and justifications for adopting quality Comprehensive and its methods, and concluded by talking about the obstacles to total quality.
Dr. Bandar Al-Haddad held a course entitled: (Management Work pressure), which included the definition of the meaning of work pressure, the reason for choosing the course, and the reasons for Work pressure, and the extent to which work pressure affects the employee, including: "psychological pressure, social pressure and my body," he went on to talk about the impact of the work environment on the employee, and the role of a personal The employee in job adaptation, concluded with a number of solutions and proposals to overcome the pressure of Work.
And a course entitled: (Time Management and Management) which was presented by Mr. Nael Al-Shammari, I started by defining time, how to manage it and its importance, then he continued in Talk about how to organize time and set tasks, and conclude by mentioning the relationship of time management By increasing productivity, the most important steps in time management in our lives, and how to overcome Surrounding stressors.
A COURSE WAS ALSO ORGANIZED ENTITLED: (EXCEL COURSE FOR BEGINNERS), WHICH WAS PROVIDED BY Ms. Ohood Al-Wahaibi, aims to clarify the basic concepts of EXCEL, and to identify the advantages of The program and electronic tables, and the basic skills to deal with the program with all Professional and smooth.
Dr. Tahani Al-Jubeir presented a course entitled: (Professional Ethics and Job Behavior), which aims to introduce students to the importance of being Responsibility and professional ethics, and determine the values and behaviors that should be followed when Performing the task, dealing with beneficiaries on the other hand, and touched on the rights and obligations Public servant, and concluded by talking about the basic aspects of work ethics and their relationship Balsalloum functional.
The unit concluded its training courses with a Entitled: (Preparation of the electronic questionnaire) which was held by Professor Ohood Al-Wahaibi, and it was One of its objectives is to know the steps of designing an electronic questionnaire, and to facilitate the work of electronic forms Multiple, how to send and publish the questionnaire easily, anytime and anywhere over a network Internet, and concluded the talk by knowing the work of designing an electronic test through Google Forms.
College agency for female student affairs units
units (
The female students affairs consists of different units that are especially for females and of female employees and staff too.
These units are the below:
Faculty of medicine college
Agency for student affairs employees 
employees (
According to the table below, we can notice that all the employees of this agency are women and of different positions.
# | administrative units | name | current position | e-mail | shunt number | rank |
1 | educational affairs unit | Tarfa hassan al , dosari | first year coordinator | | 95034 | 9:0 |
2 | | Mona abdullah al , sindh | second year coordinator | | 95725 | 8 th |
3 | | Samia Abdul , Rahman al , Harbi | third year coordinator | | 95711 | seventh |
4 | | Iman Mohamed asiri | helping year coordinators | | 81031 | seventh |
5 | | Latifa houidi al , mutairi | educational affairs | | there is | sixth |
6 | | Mariam dhaifallah al , zahrani | educational affairs (morgue supervisor)) | | there's no. | 31 |
7 | | Samia saad al , aqeel | testing | | 89477 | sixth |
8 | | fatima nasser al , malaf | helping year coordinators + library administrator | | 98687 | fifth |
9 | | afrah mansour al - mansour | helping year coordinators | | 82115 | fifth |
10 | year of excellence unit | suad mohammed al-anzi | franchise unit supervisor | | 97209 | seventh |
11 | academic guidance unit | hissa fahd al, jalil | academic guidance + deletion and add-on coordinator | | 98125 | 8 th |
12 | | Iman faisal al , khalidi | academic guidance | | 93076 | seventh |
13 | student rights unit | Latifa mohammed al,atiki | student rights | | 98600 | sixth |
14 | Excuses Committee Unit | asma abd el , rahman al , awad | excuses committee | | 97001 | 9:0 |
15 | | amal mohammed al , shaba | excuses committee | sa | 96102 | 9:0 |
16 | employee affairs unit | jawaher abdullah al , dhafiri | employee affairs | | 95699 | seventh |
17 | | niroz mohammed al , tuwaijri | employee affairs | | 84757 | seventh |
18 | | haifa ahmed al , hassan | employee affairs | | 98698 | 8 th |
19 | | assiah saud al , mana | employee affairs | | no | sixth |
20 | Testing Unit | abeer saad al , qasim | testing | | 98692 | 8 th |
| | samia saad al , aqeel | testing | | 89477 | sixth |
21 | | halima mohammed jafari | test monitoring | | 95703 | third |
22 | | noora ali abu basna | test monitoring | | 95733 | 2nd |
23 | | hana ali al , ali | testing | | 86428 | sixth |
24 | student council | arwa mohammed al , muhaymed | secretary of the student council | | 97658 | sixth |
25 | technical affairs unit | nouf abd al , aziz al , arf | technical affairs supervisor | | 98670 | category c |
26 | research center | shuaa abdulrahman al-saif | assistant researcher | saalsaif | no | 8 th |
27 | department supervision | banan issa al , dhafiri | department supervision | | 97530 | 33 |
28 | modulus | ilham saleh al , dosari | co-ordinated in the quality unit + laboratory prepared | | 98131 | <>:<> |
29 | المكتبة الطبية | خلود عثمان الشايع | مسؤولة المكتبة | | 99472 | الثامنة |
30 | المكتب الاداري لوكالة الكلية | حنان عبدالله الحقيل | مديرة مكتب وكيلة الكلية | | 97564 | السادسة |
31 | | فاطمة محمد الغامدي | سكرتيرة وكيلة كلية الطب + فنية مختبر | | 97532 | الثامنة |
32 | التحريرالاعلام | خوله محمد العجلان | التحرير والاعلام | | 98448 | السابعة |
33 | التعليم الطبي | فيروز سند الحربي | منسقة قسم التعليم الطبي | | 89612 | العاشرة |
34 | مراسلة | غيثه احمد الزهراني | مراسله | | لا يوجد | عاملة |
35 | quality unit and academic accreditation | منى محمد الثنيان | منسقة في وحدة الجودة | | 97552 | الثامنة |
36 | | nawal naif al , omari | coordinator in the quality unit + secretary of the department of obstetrics and gynecology | | 95732 | السابعة |
| | ilham saleh al , dosari | co-ordinated in the quality unit + laboratory prepared | | 98131 | <>:<> |
37 | college agency for clinical affairs and training + research center | najla abdul , rahman al , tasan | administrative assistant | | 88785 | 9:0 |
University Agency for Female Student affairs
التعريف بالوكالة (
The university agency for student affairs is one of the most important agencies of the university administration, which deals mainly with king abdullah city for female students, including colleges, deans and vital facilities. from universities.
In this sense, the university agency for student affairs is responsible for the distinguished scientific preparation in the fields of humanity and science in order to:
Advance women's cadres with high academic competence capable of actively contributing to the service of the community
Strengthening its role towards society by providing many programs and initiatives aimed at establishing values and principles commensurate with the nature of society and raising community awareness.
Seeks to develop the academic and administrative workflow system, which is an important vital nerve in the process of supervising the departments of colleges, centers and units and preparing programs and plans for the development of work in the student segment.
The agency participates in many standing committees and includes agencies for colleges and support deans that play their harmonious role with all the university's scientific and student programs and events and community service. through the goals set, the agency also seeks to achieve resource efficiency and reduce waste in a step consistent with the qamna program, as well as to develop appropriate standards and standards for the performance of departments and organizational units to enable them to assess their performance for improvement and development in order to achieve the objectives of the king salman human resources development program. to provide an attractive and supportive university environment for female employees and students, by developing existing services provided, providing new services, and working to implement vision 2030 programs that support this, such as supporting.
Agency Function:
1- direct supervision and continuous follow-up of the academic, administrative, technical and financial work of all sectors of the student sector of the university.
2- supervising the services provided to female students (housing, transportation, nutrition, health services, cultural and sports activities).
3- general supervision of all educational activities and rules established by the student section and coordination with the relevant body.
supervising the activities of the voluntary university.
5- follow-up the development of research and advisory services provided by the student segment in accordance with the needs of the public and private sectors.
6- activating the movement of scientific dissemination in the student segment of the university.
developing scientific research and participating in academic conferences, seminars and events.
8- facilitate the admission and registration procedures for the student departments and follow-up.
9- supervising security and safety work in all university sites, the student segment
leadership in creating an academically, research and community-friendly educational environment.
creating a distinct educational and academic environment that supports the field of scientific research and meets the requirements of the labor market and provides community services, in accordance with national and international quality standards.
Thank god, the lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honourable prophets and messengers, our lord Muhammad, and all his companions, but later.
At the outset, I would like to extend my deepest thanks and great gratitude to his excellency the minister of education, dr. Hamad bin Mohammed al sheikh, and to his excellency the director of imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university, Dr. Ahmed bin Salem al Ameri, for the precious confidence in the decision to appoint me as undersecretary of imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic university for student affairs, asking him to help me to perform the secretariat and to be at the level of trust and aspirations and to contribute effectively to the stage of development and improvement experienced by Saudi Arabia on all levels according to its ambitious vision 2030.
We will strive at the university agency for student affairs through the goals set to achieve resource efficiency and reduce waste in a step consistent with the "qameh" program, as well as to develop appropriate standards and standards for the performance of departments and organizational units to enable them to assess their performance for improvement and development in order to achieve the objectives of the king Salman human resources development program.
We will also focus heavily on providing an attractive and supportive university environment for female and female university employees, through the development of existing services provided, the provision of new services, and the implementation of vision 2030 programmes that support this, such as support.
We will establish best practices to prepare university graduates for the labor market, to contribute to the vision goal of raising the participation rate of women in the labor market from (22%) to (30%), including interest in student activities so that they are integrated with scientific programs in giving graduates the skills required in the labor market.
In conclusion, i pray to god to preserve our country's security, stability and prosperity under the wise leadership of the custodian of the two holy mosques, and his faithful crown prince, may god protect them.
university under-secretary for student affairs
Dr. Nouf bint Abdul Ali al-Ajami
Female employee affairs unit
the supervisor of the unit (
1. create a database for all female employees that includes all personal and job data and training courses and is updated periodically.
2. implementation and application of administrative regulations and regulations on the affairs of female employees.
3. implementation of leave application procedures of all kinds (exceptional, normal, satisfactory... etc.) after taking the approval of the immediate superiors and raising them.
4. follow-up the regularity of the presence of female employees in both parts.
5. encourage female employees to develop professionally and take training courses.
6. make permission for female employees when needed.
7. receive excuses and leave employees and save them in files daily.
8. lift the feed on a monthly flow.
9. send circulars from the department to all female employees.
10. answering female employees' inquiries to all their own.
Staff (all are women)
1. neros tuwaijri
2. haifa al hassan
3. jawaher al-dhafiri
University female staff courses for the second semester 1439
دورات الموظفات للفصل الدراسي الثاني 1439
Ceremony honoring outstanding female employees
ceremony honoring outstanding female employees (
The deanship of student affairs represented by the student affairs agency under the supervision of the department of public relations and media organized a ceremony honoring the distinguished employees of the deanship and honoring the female employees participating in the alumni ceremony on thursday, 10 august 1436 ah in the great hall . the ceremony was marked by a mention from the holy quran and then a guiding speech from the agent of building 324 dr. nadia psychological in which she talked about the performance of the job and then the speech of the student affairs agent dr. latifa al-jalaoud in which she talked about evaluating the performance of the job according to the criteria and foundations the regular and then concluded by honoring the distinguished employees of the deanship and participants in the graduation ceremony.
Deanship of Developing University Teaching Holds a couple of training courses for faculty staff members during the mid of the current academic semester
Deanship of Developing University Teaching Holds a couple of training courses for faculty staff members during the mid of the current academic semester (
Al-Imam University: 110 male and female researchers participate in the Women Empowerment Conference

More than 110 male and female researchers representing more than 90 government and private agencies discussed the empowerment of Saudi women and legislative reforms in the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and the most important government initiatives in the conference on women's empowerment and their developmental role during the reign of King Salman, which was organized by Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University.
The researchers presented about 49 scientific researches in 7 main scientific sessions and 5 dialogue sessions that dealt with the reality of empowering Saudi women in various state institutions, the degree of empowerment and political participation of women, and future proposals to empower women within the framework of legislative and institutional reforms that support women's empowerment and achieve the goals of Saudi Vision 2030.
During the launch of the activities of the second day of the conference, His Excellency the President of Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Dr. Enas bint Sulaiman Al-Issa, confirmed that empowerment has been largely achieved in Saudi universities, reviewing some important indicators for empowering Saudi women in universities, pointing out that the total number of Saudi female faculty members reached 33,000, constituting about 44% of the total faculty members, 37% of whom hold a doctorate degree, while 1,300 hold senior leadership positions in universities, at a time when the percentage of Saudi women on scholarships to complete graduate studies is about 43%.
Her Excellency noted the many projects and programs implemented by Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University to empower women at the university, the most important of which are the inclusion of new and important specializations for female students, the inauguration of the National Museum for Women, the Women's Leadership Center, the Simulation Center for Health Specialties, Tuwaiq Academy, and the Princess Noura bint Abdulrahman Award for Women's Excellence.
Over the past two days, the corridors of the conference witnessed major scientific sessions and various dialogue sessions, accompanied by an integrated exhibition of the work and activities of the conference, with the participation of 90 bodies from the various governmental and private sectors, in addition to the presentation of 49 refereed scientific researches that dealt with achievements, historical decisions and reforms related to Saudi women and ways and mechanisms for their promotion. In light of the support and guidance of wise leadership.
The university hosts the “Women's Empowerment Conference during the Era of King Salman"
Women Empowerment
The #يوم_المرأة_العالمي forum is launched in #جامعة_الإمام , which aims to highlight the position of women in Islam, the support that women #السعودية have received since its establishment, and their pivotal role as a main pillar of society, through the axes of the success of Saudi women, and national efforts to achieve a sustainable tomorrow.

“Design Mental Maps" Workshop Organized by Preparatory Deanship to train female students on using this diagram to visually organize study and academic information.
Al-Imam University Deanship of Preparatory Programs in tandem with the female study centre has recently organized a workshop “Computer Using in Design Mental Maps", with an aim to train female students on using this diagram to visually organize study and academic information.
In significance with the workshop, female students have introduced with the importance of the mental maps and its benefits using “Edraw" software program. Nearly, 45 female students and 3 faculty members were attend the workshop, which has been lectured by Mr. Samiah Ghareeb
Al-Imam University Achieves A Quantum Leap In 9 Indicators For Empowering Women In University Education

Imam University
Saudi women have received the attention and care of the wise leadership, and they have been given the means of empowerment through historical decisions, to constitute an unprecedented qualitative leap, enhancing their role in various fields, becoming an active partner in the nation's advancement and development, and achieving qualitative successes that varied in their fields, economically, socially, scientifically and scientifically.
In this context, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University has made remarkable progress in 9 main indicators in empowering women in university education, the most important of which are: increasing the expansion of leadership positions, increasing the participation of academic leaders in decision-making and strategic plans, implementing qualitative training programs, introducing new specializations for female students. Increasing the percentage of female scholarship students to complete graduate studies, launching specific initiatives for women and empowering them in entrepreneurship and innovation, developing services for female employees in the Student City,
Dr. Nouf bint Abdul-Ali Al-Ajmi, Vice Dean of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University for Female Student Affairs, confirmed that in the past few years, the Kingdom has witnessed an expansion in the leadership role of Saudi women in all sectors, as she assumed leadership positions, and proved her worth in them, after she was exercising limited executive roles, emphasizing On the importance of the role of women as an investment force that contributes to achieving sustainable development, and the Kingdom's vision, which included one of its strategies to increase the share of women in leadership positions through training and leadership guidance for female cadres.
Al-Ajmi said that the university, in accordance with the directives of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Ahmed Al-Amiri, seeks, in accordance with its 2025 strategic plan, to enable women to work creatively and innovatively, and to participate in decision-making and decision-making, in addition to creating equal opportunities with men to assume leadership positions, study modern specialties, and receive scholarships. and training.
The head of the Organizing Committee of the "Women Empowerment" conference, which will be held next Sunday, with the participation of 60 speakers representing a number of government and private agencies, indicated that the conference organized by Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University is an indication of the university's interest in empowering women, indicating that the conference aims to highlight reforms. Legislation in the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and its role in empowering women, and enhancing their role in achieving the goals of the Saudi Vision 2030.
For her part, Dr. Noir bint Suleiman Al-Shammari, Vice Dean of the College of Media and Communication at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and Chair of the Media Committee of the Conference on Empowering Women and Their Developmental Role during the reign of King Salman, explained that the indicators of women's empowerment at the university witnessed a qualitative leap during the past three years, in line with directives Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz - may God protect him - and to achieve the objectives of the Saudi Vision 2030 under the leadership of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman - may God protect him -.
Al-Shammari indicated that the university has achieved a great leap through 9 key indicators in empowering women in university education, the most important of which is: the increase in the expansion of leadership positions, as the university has enabled 120 academics to hold important and new leadership positions at the university, as well as an increase in the participation of academic leaders in decision-making, strategic plans and councils. The university, in addition to implementing more than 3,000 qualitative training programs targeting all its employees, including a program for qualifying women leaders, as well as offering new specializations for female students in the media, medicine and pharmacy, expanding the postgraduate programs for female students through the creation of 47 new programs, and increasing the percentage of female students on scholarships Affiliates to complete postgraduate studies.