Does your university as a body have a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage?His Excellency the President of Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University launches the "My Rights" system for university students

His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, inaugurated this morning, Sunday 20/10/2024, the (My Rights) system for male and female students at all educational levels, in the University Council, in the presence of the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulrahman Al-Asmari, the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Naif bin Muhammad Al-Otaibi, and the Vice President for Institutional Development and Social Responsibility, Dr. Kholoud bint Fawaz Al-Tamimi.
His Excellency the President of the University opened the meeting with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, raising his deepest thanks to the wise leadership - may God protect them - for the great support and care that the university enjoys, and His Excellency indicated during his speech that the launch of this system carries with it lofty values represented in achieving justice and equality that stem from listening to the challenges facing students, and seeking to address the problem and find all possible solutions, and His Excellency stressed that this system comes within the framework of the university's keenness to create a distinctive study experience. His Excellency stressed that this responsibility lies with everyone, pointing out that the student has the right to encouragement and motivation through guidance, guidance, listening to them and touching their needs.
At the end of his speech, His Excellency explained that the university will be strict in following up this system, which guarantees the student all his rights, directing his sincere thanks to everyone who prepared this system and participated in it, stressing that with the launch of the (rights) system for students, the grievance will be stopped through the Tawasul system, with the continuation of the work of the Tawasul system for general inquiries only.
After that, the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulrahman Al-Asmari, delivered a speech in which he praised the unlimited support that the university enjoys from His Excellency the President, and congratulated the university and its students on the occasion of the launch of this system, which reflects the university's commitment to the quality of education and the excellence of the learning experience, and the students' privilege to provide them with services to the best possible degree, and to achieve their legitimate requirements, as he stressed that this investment is optimal for the enablers at the university, in light of the generous support of the wise leadership - may God protect them - Dr. Al-Asmari pointed out that The importance of activating the role of student clubs in transferring these services that are provided to male and female students at all educational levels.
The Dean of Admission and Registration, Dr. Suleiman Al-Anqari, also stressed in his speech the importance of this system, which relied heavily on the regulations and regulations that serve the university and its students, explaining the great role played by all deanships, especially the Deanship of Student Affairs, in raising awareness of student rights, and Dr. Al-Anqari said: The Deanship of Admission and Registration gives the (My Rights) system a lot of time and effort, which is to follow up on the submitted applications, and verify that all incoming problems are addressed, and the Deanship also offers scheduled workshops with colleges To improve the services provided.
In her speech, the Vice President for Institutional Development and Social Responsibility, Dr. Kholoud bint Fawaz Al-Tamimi, praised the support of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, and his keenness to improve the educational process and the university environment in general, as well as extended her thanks to the Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulrahman Al-Asmari, and the Dean of Admission and Registration, Dr. Suleiman Al-Anqari, and everyone who contributed to the establishment of this system, congratulating everyone on this important step towards developing grievance and complaint procedures and submitting in a governed and easy manner, which guarantees the rights of students. and facilitate their service better.
For his part, the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Nayef bin Muhammad Al-Otaibi, thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, and all employees in the Vice Deanship of Educational Affairs, the Deanship of Admission and Registration, and everyone who contributed to this system, which is concerned with the rights of male and female students to develop quality in the educational process.
It is worth noting that this project comes within the framework of the university's endeavor to achieve international quality standards as well as improve the academic performance of professors, and enhance the student's confidence in his educational and human rights, and the (My Rights) system comes to save time and effort on the student so that he can submit a grievance and complaint with documents attached electronically without the need to review the competent authorities, and it also secures complete confidentiality while ensuring the speed of taking the necessary measures, in addition to the possibility of submitting a complaint against any party within the university and other advantages it provides. System.
Student's Grievance

Student's Grievance
Manual of Policy and procedures of Al Imam COM.pdf (
- Determining a path for organizing student grievance requests and procedures in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations
Field of application:
- University student at the College of Medicine who think in his right being investigated in any aspect, whether academic or not.
- Grievance is filed within a period not exceeding 30 days from the date on which the claimed right is established, and no grievance is accepted after the lapse of this period.
- The grievance request must include the following:
1- The student's triple name, his university number, his civil record, and his means of communication (university e-mail and mobile number)
2- Determine the subject matter of the grievance and detail it according to the timeframe sequence.
3- Determine the person or party to whom the complaint is made.
4- Determination of the harm caused.
5- Previous steps taken by the student to solve the topic
6. Attach all documents and information that support the application
7. The student's signature on the application and writing the date on which the application was submitted
- The application shall be submitted to the head of the relevant unit.
If the grievance is against the unit head, it shall be submitted to his immediate superior.
- The unit head decides on the grievance request within a maximum of 60 days after receiving the request.
- If the grievance request needs to be presented to the Department's Board or the College Board, then the person that the grievance against him may not attend the session.
- Complaints requests are kept strictly confidential and only the relevant persons see them. - The student is informed of the outcome of the grievance through the university e-mail.
- The Dean of the College has the right to refer the student to the Disciplinary Sub-committee of the College of Medicine if it is proven that the student's grievance is malicious.
- When the student wishes to submit the grievance request to higher bodies at the university, it is necessary to explain what previous measures have been taken to resolve the issue.
Formal Document:
- University student grievance rules and procedures at Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University
Student grievance
Manual of Policy and procedures of Al Imam COM.pdf (
The students' complaint should follow specific steps according to the rules and regulations of the college and university.
This policy and procedure apply to all undergraduate students and interns of College of Medicine
To solve student's problems in order to provide safe learning environment.
1. Students who have been involved in the grievance should report the incident within five working days.
2. The incident should be reported to the vice dean of educational affairs and vice dean of female student affairs.
3. The vice deans or who delegate should refer the grievance and complains to the students' rights committee for consideration.
4. The students' rights committee should discuss and decide on the issue within fifteen days from the date of submission of the complaint.
5. The students' rights committee should announce the decision to the stakeholders and be a negotiable grievance within fifteen days from the date of announcement of resolution.
6. If the grievance cannot be solved for any reason, the committee should refer the matter to the standing committee of the university to study and take actions.
7. The standing committee raises its decisions to the Dean of the College of Medicine, then the dean raise it to concerned authority at the university.
8. Students who had exam result grievance should apply formal request through student's affairs to the concerned academic department within fifteen days from result announcement.
9. Academic department should refer all requests to the concerned course organizer in order to meet with the student and review their results.
Student Grievance
Policy Title:
Student Grievance Purpose:
The purpose of student grievance policy is to provide guidance and procedures for
addressing student grievances and complaints in an equitable manner in order to reach
fair and appropriate resolution to student complaints in compliance with Al Imam COM
standards for the process.
Al Imam COM student who wishes to file a grievance should first attempt to resolve the
issue at its source with the instructor or staff member involved. Should such a resolution
be impossible, however, the student may pursue the following steps if he/she wishes to
file a grievance.
There are two grievance tracks: (1) academic grievances, such as grade disputes and
academic dishonesty issues; and (2) all other matters, such as schedules, materials, and
1. Academic Grievances: Students wishing to appeal a grade, dismissal from an
academic program because of insufficient academic progress, or a decision
involving academic dishonesty should first arrange a conference with the
instructor. Should the grade/decision involve progress or dismissal from a program,
the student will also hold a conference with the Co-coordinator of the program or
the Head of Department.
2. Non-Academic Grievances: Students wishing to appeal non-academic matters,
such as decisions regarding property, scheduling, etc. should first confer with the
faculty or staff member involved.
3. Examination: when student appeal for course final results, he/she has to fill the
request for each course. Examination committee will review & the result will be
4. If no solution be reached, the student, within 5 working days after the outcome of
the conference has been determined, should contact the Dean by submitting a
written complaint.
5. The Dean will gather and analyze appropriate information and if necessary, he/she
has the option of convening and chairing a committee (comprised of at least one
faculty member, one student, and one staff member from administration/Student
Support Services /a member from Human Resource selected by the Dean) to help
evaluate the student's petition through interviewing parties involved in the
grievance and gathering and reviewing materials pertinent to the case. If the
complaint is against one of the committee members, he/she should be excluded
from the committee investigations regarding this case. The decision at this stage of
the grievance will be made by the Dean based on the facts that have been gathered.
6. Within five working days after completing the investigation, the Dean will, notify
the student of his/her decision.
7. The decision of the Dean will be final.
8. Al Imam COM Dean will ensure that students are protected against subsequent
punitive action or discrimination following consideration of a grievance or appeal.
1. Faculty Deans, Head of Departments/Divisions, and all other managers have a duty
to announce and implement this policy and procedure and to make every effort to
ensure that grievances are minimized, and that harassment and bullying or
discrimination doesn't occur. Any grieved issue raised must be investigated
promptly and effectively. It is not acceptable from any department to ignore
unacceptable behavior or complain.
2. Al Imam COM also has a responsibility to ensure that its members of staff are not
subjective to unacceptable or violating behavior by any of its staff members that
could lead to a grievance.
3. Faculty Deans, Head of Departments/Divisions should maintain confidentiality and
seek to ensure that there is no further problem after a grievance has been resolved.
#يوم_المراه_العالمي #InternationalWomensDay #صندوق_الطلاب [4]
University's policies that protect its staff who are reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage
1. Labor Law of Saudi Arabia. (posted on the HR page). [6]
Article 11: The competent labor office decides on disputes that arise between the office
Licensed and job seekers or employers dealers with him unless
These disputes are of a nature beyond the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor
The person against whom the decision taken by the Labor Office has been issued may file a grievance with theUndersecretary for Labor Affairs within thirty days of being notified of the decision
2. Complaint and Investigation unit. [8]
It handles all matters related to receiving complaints and observations, including:
1. Assigned by His Excellency the University President.
2. Examination of news and complaints related to administrative, financial and technical aspects.
3. Examining the complaints or information referred to it regarding an administrative or financial violation or what it collects of information and investigations about those bodies that are covered by this information and investigations, and taking the necessary examination procedures to inspect the units that deal with it with the aim of determining what might have occurred in them Violations and those responsible for them in preparation for investigation.
4. Receipt of complaints, whether by fax, the presence of the complainant, e-mail, via the suggestions and complaints link, or via the telephone designated for receiving notes from university employees or auditors and referring them to the competent unit.
5. Follow up on complaints referred to the competent unit to consider matters related to university employees.
6. Examining and investigating complaints referred to it, gathering information and taking witness statements about them.
7. Participation in the investigation committees for violations.
8. Preparing periodic reports on the unit's activities, achievements and proposals for developing its work, and submitting them to the Assistant Director of the Department
Instructions provided to employees on how to access the portal and submit a complaint or suggestion
1. Human Resources Deanship, call us.
4. Complaints Form for Faculty Staff Websites
Currently, the efforts are proceeding to implement an electronic form of the personal websites of faculty staff members. The said eForm will serve as a complaints and suggestion method to facilitate the communication progress between faculty members and ePortal Administration
6. Holding an open meeting for the staff of the Deanship of Graduate Studies.
The Deanship of Postgraduate Studies held an open meeting for the staff of the Deanship with His Excellency the Dean and the Vice Dean, on Tuesday 3/3/1442 AH in the Martyrs of Duty Hall in the Deanship Support Building (1) for employees, and in the Great Hall in Building 323 at the King Abdullah Center for Female Students for female employees.
During the meeting, His Excellency the Dean spoke about the role of the Deanship within the university's unit system, and the great services it provides to the beneficiaries, including male and female students, faculty members, and society.
His Excellency also addressed some administrative aspects in the meeting. Where he blessed the Deanship's employees with the approval of the President of the University to adopt the new structure of the Deanship, then an open discussion took place on the mechanism of work distribution and follow-up among employees, as well as the mechanism of dealing with incoming transactions on a correspondent system and the best method to ensure that transactions are completed and responded to as quickly as possible.
Many male and female employees also discussed with the Dean and the agents some of the questions they had, and many issues of concern to male and female employees were discussed in terms of work completion, job performance evaluation, measuring the completion of transactions, working remotely, and the like.
His Excellency the Dean concluded the open meeting by thanking those in charge of preparing for this beautiful meeting, and assured all employees that he is happy to receive their comments and suggestions at any time, praying to God Almighty for success and success for all.
Gender Equality and combating discrimination in the workplace
The labor system does not differentiate between women and men in rights and duties. Likewise, there is no discrimination in wages when the value and quality of work is equal. The Kingdom is one of the countries joining the International Labor Organization Convention No. (100) concerning the equality of men and women workers of equal value, and Convention No. (111) Concerning discrimination in employment and occupation. The Ministerial Resolution No. 2370/1 was issued on 9/18/1431 AH corresponding to 08/28/2010 AD, emphasized the prohibition of all wage discrimination between male and female workers for work of equal value.
We also find that there is complete equality between men and women in the search for work subsidy, whereby women receive the same amount of aid that men receive, as well as with regard to the training and employment support provided by the Human Resources Development Fund to those who are employed - women and men - in the private sector, whether in terms of the amount of support for training costs, remuneration, or duration of support. The labor system has also been amended to ensure equality between men and women in rights, duties, and conditions of service, as it was emphasized that work is a right for citizens. Discrimination on the basis of gender is not permissible. Added to that, the equality in the retirement age between men and women, which is (60) years old. The amendments also included confirmation banning on dismissing the worker or warning her of dismissal while she is pregnant or enjoying maternity leave. This includes the period of her illness arising from either of them. The social insurance system has also been amended.
File a complaint with the Ministry of Education
The number of the Ministry of Education for complaints. Steps to file an electronic complaint with the Ministry of Education - content site (
Based on the saudi government's keenness to give rights to its owners, and to open the door for all individual citizens and residents of the kingdom to contribute to improving the services provided to them, and based on the recognition of the state's right to file a complaint with officials in order to restore the rights of their owners, correct any mistake or omission that may occur from any official whatever his position, and an extension of the Kingdom's vision that progress and advancement The Saudi Ministry of Education has decided to open complaints and proposals to improve the education system, or to avoid any problems that any of the ministry's clients may face in order to improve the services provided, work to resolve the complaints of the reviewers, and respond to proposals when they are effective and constructive in promoting the education system.
Ministry of Education Complaints No.
The Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia has allocated a unified number to receive complaints and proposals from students, teachers, employees or parents, and the competent authorities in the Ministry review the complaint and work to resolve it as soon as possible, and the complaint can be filed by calling 19996
Complaints to the Saudi Ministry of Education
The customer with the Saudi Ministry of Education, who has been subjected to a darkness and wishes to lift the injustice, or has suffered any damage from material and moral damage as a result of an error or omission asked by the Ministry of Education, can submit the electronic complaint form through the official website of the Ministry of Education, and after filing the complaint. The complainant is contacted and provided with the complaint number through e-mail or text messaging service, to follow up on what has been done there, the Ministry undertakes to work to resolve the problems facing the reviewers as soon as possible, and to file a complaint through the website the following steps are followed: