Targeted groups:
Faculty members and their graduation project course students from the following colleges:
Computer and Information Sciences - Engineering - Science.
Imam University Implements Training Programs for New Student Teachers and Advisors in Scientific Institutes
The Vice Rectorate for Scientific Institutes Affairs, represented by the General Directorate of Training and Programs, has implemented a number of educational training programs for newly appointed teachers and new guides in scientific institutes, under the guidance of His Excellency the Rector of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Aba Al-Khail, and under the supervision and follow-up of the Vice President for Scientific Institutes Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim bin Mohammed Qassim Al-Maiman.
A number of training programs, including the program (New Teacher Skills) and the program (Skills of the New Student Advisor) were held at the headquarters of the Scientific Institute in Diriyah, and the program was attended by about (150) trainees. The program included many axes including the preparation of the quarterly plan, the formulation of behavioral goals, the skill application of teaching methods, patterns of classroom management, classroom problems and methods of treatment, characteristics of growth, human relations. The ethical code for the profession of guidance and guidance, dealing with study cases, methods of guidance and guidance.
These training programs aim to achieve a qualitative leap in the educational and pedagogical field in scientific institutes, and focus on a set of knowledge, skills and trends.
The Director of the General Directorate of Training and Programs, Mr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al-Dosari, extended his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Rector for his continuous support and to the virtue of the Vice President for Scientific Institutes Affairs for his constant follow-up and direct guidance received by the General Directorate of Training and Programs and the return of his benefit to the educational field.
The Mentoring and Guidance Council holds its fourth session
The Guidance and Guidance Council of the Institute held the fourth session on Monday morning under the chairmanship of the Commander of the Institute and the supervision of his administrative agent
The Council addressed a number of important topics that concern students from the educational and educational aspects, presented the efforts of colleagues in counseling and discussing the cases received by them, reviewing their fruitful results, and recommending the unification of efforts and the translation of regulations and regulations in the field of work.
It is worth mentioning that such councils receive constant attention and direct supervision by the leader of the Institute, Sheikh Mubarak Al-Rashoud.
Graduation Project Financing Initiative Registration Form
Dr. Al Ameri Inaugurates the Academic Advising Center at the Deanship of Admission and Registration

His Excellency the President of Imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, inaugurated the Academic Advising Center at the Deanship of Admission and Registration in its new form, and inaugurated the electronic academic advising system on Thursday 25/1/1443 AH, in the presence of a number of university officials.
Dr. Al Ameri stated that the Academic Advising Center at the Deanship of Admission and Registration is working on academic awareness for male and female students to facilitate the completion of their university studies and follow up their academic progress so that they can avoid stumbling and academic failure and graduate them in the specified period in accordance with the regulations and regulations, pointing out that the Deanship has made great efforts to

contribute to the enhancement of the educational process by providing training courses and educational lectures and finding an electronic self-service system through which the student can implement all procedures The Academy with ease and ease.
For his part, the Dean of Admission and Registration, Dr. Sulaiman bin Sulaiman Al-Anqari, said that the Academic Advising Center in its new form has prepared the place to be suitable for the provision of academic advising services, and the center has attracted a number of specialists in the field of academic advising to provide services in the center and educational units, and the center will also be a headquarters for academic advisors to provide academic consultations to students visiting the center or transferred from colleges, in addition to responding to inquiries received from colleges about academic cases and the participation of colleges in the Providing academic advising services and programs and conducting studies and research on academic cases at the university.
Dr. Al-Anqari added that His Excellency the President of the University inaugurated the electronic academic advising system, which will work within the electronic systems on the university's website, to be a link between all students of the university and academic advisors from the members of the teaching staff in the educational units to provide the appropriate guidance and guidance for each case automatically and electronically according to the systems and regulations of study at the university, and the system will enable the faculty member to see all the student's academic data and information that enables him to provide the appropriate procedure, and will also enable the student The student will communicate electronically with his academic advisor and attach what the student's academic status requires from joining the university until graduation.
Second Steering and Guidance Committee Meeting
Under the supervision of the Director of the Institute and in the presence of the members of the Steering and Guidance Committee, the second meeting of the Committee was held on Wednesday, 1/3/1438 H in the Office of the Director of the Institute.
One of the objectives of this meeting is to discuss the issue of frequent morning absences and delays by students, as well as to limit behavioral phenomena from some students such as hair lengthening and bringing mobile phones to the institute.
The Committee came up with several recommendations, including:
1. Continuous guidance of students in this regard and the development of some advantages and incentives for students who are committed to this such as exceeding a certain number of days of delay and absence.
2. Priority by participating in some activities and visits related to student activity.
3. Inspection tours of students are carried out from time to time to ensure that everyone adheres to this.
The Deanship of Student Affairs conducts a study on students who are late in school
The Department of Student Guidance and Counseling at the Housing Department of the Deanship of Student Affairs conducted a study on the reasons for the low rates of students in the university housing, where the study was carried out on two buildings of residential buildings and included (160) students and the study explained the most important reasons leading to the low rate and the proposed recommendations for treatment of these reasons. HE the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Sagheer, thanked and appreciated the supervisor of the Guidance Department, Mr. Ali bin Saeed Al-Ahmari, and the Housing Department for their efforts to study the conditions of students and help students to find appropriate solutions to address these problems, asking God for success and reimbursement for all.
Academic Advising
Achieving excellence and effectiveness in providing academic advising services to students of the College of Science in light of international quality standards.
Academic advising is an academic, educational and social service that aims to identify the problems that hinder the student's ability to achieve educational attainment and adapt to university life in particular and to life in general, and to help and encourage him to exert more effort in solving the student's academic, educational and psychological problems.
1. Informing students of the college and university system, helping it to make the most of the programs available to them, and guiding them to the best ways to study and study.
2. Helping students to choose a major and linking it to the needs of society that are commensurate with their talents, abilities and tendencies, as well as informing them of the available educational and professional opportunities and providing them with information and their admission requirements.
3. Working to raise awareness of the university community (student, professor and administration) in general about the goals and tasks of academic guidance and its role in the educational process.
4. Work to solve all the problems that the student faces or may face during the study (academic, educational or psychological) and work to find appropriate solutions that ensure the student's progress in the study, which is reflected on his academic achievement.
5. Follow up on the progress reports of students during their studies and evaluation, and follow up the performance of students who have failed academically and try to improve their levels.
6. Discover the talents, abilities and tendencies of outstanding students and work on directing and investing them, which will benefit the student in particular and society in general.
7. Create a suitable environment for study and provide all academic needs of students.
Academic Guidance
The word academic guidance:
Imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic University, like other universities, has been taking academic guidance and applying it in its educational units, serving its students since 1402 Ah, when the Deanship of Admission and Registration was established at the University, and carried on this enormous task among its many responsibilities, related to the care of the educational aspects of students, and further guidance to its objectives; Accept university officials, who are aware of the impact of this important thing on the student's scientific life and in his educational career.
The Faculty of Arabic is a unit of the University that seeks to take the hands of its students to safety, in accordance with the guidance regulations and objectives, and in line with the directives of university officials in this regard.
Mentoring is an organized professional work, which aims to care for the student comprehensively in the educational, social, psychological and other aspects, so we took care of it, and assigned it to a selected group of faculty members at the college.
Our vision is that guidance in its previous concept contributes to the formation of a student with a serious scientific personality capable of giving, and helps to qualify him, to be a strong building block fit in building society, and it also helps the university to achieve its mission and objectives towards the student in particular and towards society in general.
Our guiding mission provides an integrated, high quality educational environment that prepares outstanding students who are well qualified in their field of study and in all walks of life.
We work hard to achieve the academic guidance goals that the university has approved for it, which is in the interest of the student, and is concerned with the formation of students who are able to continue their studies without stumble, and to serve their community ably through the positions they occupy after graduation, by providing them with mentoring programs, by assigning a mentor to each educational unit, and a guide for each student group.
The most important of these objectives are:
· Help students applying to university choose the specialties that are appropriate for their abilities and which the community needs most.
· Introducing students to study systems and tests at the university and other systems that interest them in their study life, to be aware of them.
· Guide students who are in distress in their studies, guide them to ways to raise their level of education and help them overcome the obstacles they face.
· Contribute to preparing students who are about to graduate so that they can succeed in their practical and scientific lives for those who will continue their postgraduate studies.
· Work to strengthen relations between students and their teachers, and between students.
· Taking care of students who are academically superior, to continue their superiority, and to take the hands of the troubled, to continue their studies.
· Urge students to adhere to virtuous morals and noble values, and to be a student of science.
· Note the good behavioral phenomena for their development, and bad behavioral phenomena to address them and then eliminate them.
· Urge students to integrate into society by involving them in diverse community service programs.
· Pay attention to scholarship students and try to remove the effects of alienation from them, so that they can properly study and achieve the goals for which they came.
The specialties of the guide of the educational unit:
In order to achieve academic guidance at the university for its vision, mission and objectives mentioned above, I asked each educational unit to nominate one of its teaching staff with scientific and practical experience to take over the task of (unit guide) in his unit, and assigned him specialties, including:
Implementing mentoring programs for new students.
Continue distributing student groups to faculty mentors, and follow up on the implementation of programs for each group.
Inventory outstanding students and supervise the implementation of appropriate programs for them.
Follow-up students who are distressed, study the causes of stumbles in departments and courses, especially when they are visible, and seek to treat them.
To follow up on scholarship students and develop appropriate study programs for them.
Supervising the implementation of mentoring programs for the general student population in coordination with student activity in light of what is decided by the Academic Guidance Committee in the educational unit.
Conduct individual interviews of cases requiring the interview, examine the situation, suggest referring the matter to jurisdictions if necessary, and preparing the necessary reports on them.
Express an opinion on the appropriate report in cases of students deemed by the guide, or referred by the dean or agent of the educational unit.
Participation in work related to planning, follow-up and evaluation processes as determined by the Academic Guidance Committee in the Educational Unit.
The secretariat of the Academic Guidance Committee in the educational unit in which he works, the committee is chaired by the Dean of the Unit, acting as its agent, and includes representatives of the scientific or study departments, and holds a regular meeting of the committee within the educational unit in which the guidance matters are discussed in the educational unit, and a record is written and its recommendations are sent to the Deanship of Admissions and Registration Affairs.
Follow-up leaflets, leaflets and guidance announcements with the responsible authority in the educational unit.
Coordination and continuous follow-up with the Academic Guidance Center in the Deanship of Admissions and Registration Affairs, and ensuring that you attend the regular meetings of the Guidance Council in Generality.
Follow-up of students' registration and schedules in the scheduled registration period for each semester.
Direct the students expected to graduate by filling out the form for the application for the document and ensure the integrity of their data through the student's self-service on the site, and handing it over to the graduate section and documents in the Deanship of Admissions and Registration Affairs with a photo of the status card and a personal picture of the students only.
Mentor's tasks for the student group

The Deanship has identified each group of students of the educational unit as their own guide among the faculty members and made his name at the top of the student's schedule so that he can contact him and consult with him in resolving the problems that he may encounter in his academic career, and takes his hand to what is good and his interest and has defined him terms of reference including:
1- Introducing the university's systems and regulations, especially the list of studies and tests for the university level.
2- Help students in general and new ists in particular to adapt to specialization, work to overcome obstacles, and problems facing them.
3- Introducing students to the cumulative rate, and explaining the reasons for its rise and decline.
4- Explain the best methods of recollection, using scientific writings in this, in order to achieve the best possible results for the students of the group.
5- Work to care for students with special talents and develop their talents.
6- Taking care of scholarship students, taking care of their affairs and problems.
7- Urge students to link science to work, and to take into account the importance of education by example represented by the professor's body and behavior.
8. Access to the comprehensive system to follow up on the cases of its group.
9- Identify the different phenomena that may appear among students, and deal with them in the interest of students, educational unit, university, and society.
10- Providing students, especially graduating students, with information on the field of work of graduates and how to prepare to start a career.
11- Develop cultural and cognitive awareness among students, and take appropriate measures to do so.
12. Refer student cases that he considers necessary to cooperate in their care to the academic guide of the college, coordinate with him or recommend that they be submitted to the competent authorities.
13- Coordination with the Academic Guidance Office of the College in order to accomplish its tasks.
14- Preparing a report at the end of the semester that includes a summary of the work and proposals, and submitting it to the Chairman of the Academic Guidance Committee of the College (Dean of the College).
15- Introducing and caring about quality standards, and urging students to abide by them.