The General Secretariat of the Scientific Council is linked to the Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.
Developing relevant bylaws and regulations to contribute to advancing the wheel of sober scientific research and raising its level in quantity and quality.
Spreading a culture of excellence in scientific research.
Improving internal efficiency and exercising the highest levels of quality in all of the Council's work.
Protecting the rights of faculty members related to the work of the Council.
Building databases related to the work of the Council.
Roles and responsibilities:
Article (28) of the system of the Council of Higher Education and Universities stipulates the functions of the Scientific Council at the university, which are:
Recommending the appointment of faculty members at the university.
Deciding on academic promotions for university faculty members in accordance with the rules approved by the Higher Education Council.
Encouraging scientific research, authorship, translation and publishing, and for this purpose he may:
Setting rules to encourage the numbers of scientific research.
Proposing the establishment of scientific research centers.
Coordination between scientific research centers and the development of a general plan for them.
Organizing the relationship with research centers outside the university.
Determining the incentive and appreciative rewards for scientific works, their arbitration and ordering their disbursement.
Publishing research, literature and scientific messages that he deems to be published.
Recommending the issuance of scientific periodicals.
Recommending the establishment of scientific societies.
Acknowledgment of what is referred to him of textbooks and university theses that need to be reviewed.
Evaluation of academic certificates submitted by Saudi faculty members.
Consider what is referred to it by the University Council.
An executive administration that facilitates the tasks of the Scientific Council and its permanent and temporary committees. Among its duties and responsibilities are the following:
Preparing for the meetings of the Scientific Council, including preparing the invitation, the agenda and topics, and distributing them to the members.
Preparing the minutes of the meetings, following up the signature of the members, and submitting them for approval by the authorized person.
Preparing notification letters for the decisions and recommendations of the Scientific Council and following them up.
Preparing statements of remunerations for members of the Council and its permanent committees, examiners of scientific production in requests for scientific promotions, and referees of scientific books submitted for scientific publication, and following them up with the competent authorities until the issuance of checks and sending them to their beneficiaries or depositing them in their accounts.
Issuing and distributing all correspondences of the Scientific Council and its permanent administrative committees and handing them over to their respective authorities.
Follow-up on the application of laws, regulations, and decisions, and any amendments found thereto.
Preparing and designing all forms, and printing the annual reports of the Scientific Council and its permanent committees.
Documenting the work of the Council and its permanent committees.
Keeping records, topics and files.
Respond to faculty members' inquiries, and provide them with regulations and forms.
Expressing opinion and responding to transactions and follow-up.
Managing the affairs of the administration’s employees and working to secure their needs.
Receiving what comes to the council and presenting it to the council president and referring what needs to be referred to the council’s specialized committees.
Follow-up the work of the committees emanating from the Council.
Follow up on the affairs of the Council and its committees with the examiners and others.
Lifting the financial benefits of the members of the Council and its committees.
Updating the arbitrators' databases.
Committees emanating from the Scientific Council:
System and Scientific Affairs Committee for Faculty Members.
Publication, Arbitration and Equations Committee.
Scientific Ethics Committee.
Committee to study the applications of those referred to retirement or whose contracts have expired.
Committee for requests for scientific sabbaticals and sabbaticals to study a foreign language.
Appointment requests committee at the rank of assistant professor or above.
Studies and Development Committee.
Duties and Functions of the System and Scientific Affairs Committee:
Receiving and examining the promotion requests referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council, and ensuring that
complete its requirements.
Study requests and apply their own rules, regulations and procedures.
Preparing a report for the Scientific Council on each promotion request that includes data on the applicant, his scientific output, and his fulfillment of promotion requirements.
Suggestion of arbitrators to examine the output submitted for promotion.
Studying what is referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council and expressing the statutory opinion thereon.
Documenting the work of the committee and its meetings in minutes and keeping them with the related documents and papers.
Submitting proposals for developing the work procedures entrusted to the committee and related models.
Preparing a comprehensive annual report on the committee's work during the academic year.
Duties and Functions of the Publication, Arbitration and Equivalency Committee:
Receiving and examining applications for publication, arbitration, and equations referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council, and ensuring that their requirements are completed.
Study requests and apply their own rules, regulations and procedures.
Preparing a report for the Scientific Council on each application for publication, scientific arbitration, or an equation that includes data on the applicant, his scientific output, and his fulfillment of the requirements of each application.
Suggestion of arbitrators to examine scientific theses and books.
Studying what is referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council and expressing the statutory opinion thereon.
Documenting the work of the committee and its meetings in minutes and keeping them with the related documents and papers.
Considering the examiners' reports, expressing opinion on what they contain, and submitting them to the Scientific Council.
Estimate the financial rewards for examiners and researchers according to the specified criteria.
Equivalency of certificates obtained by university employees on scholarships outside the Kingdom.
Submitting proposals to develop the work entrusted to the committee and related models.
Preparing a detailed annual report on the committee's work during the academic year that includes a statistical aspect on the topics studied by the committee.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Scientific Ethics Committee:
Review the regulations related to the ethics of scientific research that are being implemented at the university.
Examining the applications referred to it by the Scientific Council Secretariat and expressing the statutory opinion thereon.
Suggesting and implementing awareness programs on the ethics of scientific research and scientific integrity.
Providing consultations to the Scientific Council regarding cases of breach of scientific integrity after studying them.
Preparing a comprehensive annual report on the committee's work during the academic year.
Tasks and Functions of the Committee to Study Contract Applications with Referred Persons:
Receiving and examining retirement applications referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council and ensuring that the requirements are completed.
Study requests and apply their own rules, regulations and procedures.
Studying what is referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council and expressing the statutory opinion thereon.
Preparing a statement of the names of the contractors.
Preparing a statement of the names of those extended after the regular age.
Documenting the work of the committee and its meetings in minutes and keeping them with the related documents and papers.
Submitting proposals to develop the work procedures assigned to the committee and related models.
Preparing a comprehensive annual report on the committee's work during the academic year.
Duties and Functions of the Full-time and Full-time Applications Committee to Study a Foreign Language:
Receiving and examining scientific sabbatical applications referred to it by the Scientific Council Secretariat
and ensure that its requirements are complete.
Study requests and apply their own rules, regulations and procedures.
Preparing a report for the Scientific Council on each sabbatical request that includes data on the applicant and his fulfillment of sabbatical requirements.
Studying what is referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council and expressing the statutory opinion thereon.
Documenting the work of the committee and its meetings in minutes and keeping them with the related documents and papers.
Submitting proposals for developing the work procedures entrusted to the committee and related models.
Preparing a comprehensive annual report on the committee's work during the academic year.
Tasks and responsibilities of the Appointment Requests Committee at the rank of assistant professor or above:
Receiving and examining applications for appointment to the rank of assistant professor or above that are referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council and ensuring that its requirements are completed.
Study requests and apply their own rules, regulations and procedures.
Preparing a report for the Scientific Council on each application for appointment at the rank of assistant professor or above, including data on the applicant and his fulfillment of appointment requirements.
Studying what is referred to it by the Secretariat of the Scientific Council and expressing the statutory opinion thereon.
Documenting the work of the committee and its meetings in minutes and keeping them with the related documents and papers.
Submitting proposals for developing the work procedures entrusted to the committee and related models.
Preparing a comprehensive annual report on the committee's work during the academic year.
Tasks and responsibilities of the Studies and Development Committee:
Studying relevant topics referred by the Scientific Council, the Council Chairman, or the Council Secretary to the committee.
Develop proposals to develop the work of the Scientific Council.
Preparing and reviewing the executive rules for the work of the Scientific Council.
Documenting the work of the committee and its meetings in minutes and keeping them with the related documents and papers.
Submitting proposals for developing the work procedures entrusted to the committee and related models.
Preparing a comprehensive annual report on the committee's work during the academic year.
Annual report for the academic year 1441 AH :
The annual report of the summary of the work of the Scientific Council for the academic year 1441 AH, which includes statistics and data for the administrative work areas related to faculty members and the like, which include: appointments, promotions, scientific sabbaticals, devotees to learning another language, contracting with retired Saudi faculty members, and participations Local and international scientific, and everything that falls within the work of the Scientific Council.
About the work of the Scientific Council for the academic year (1441 AH)
This is a report on the work of the Scientific Council for the academic year 1441 AH.
During the academic year 1441 AH, the Scientific Council held (forty-six) sessions, during which it considered (six hundred and twenty-five) topics and took the necessary decisions and recommendations in their regard.
Second: Committees emanating from the Board:
Based on Article (twenty-nine) of the Higher Education and Universities Council system, the Council formed the following committees to study topics before submitting them to the Council, as follows:
In its sessions, the Council discussed the topics that were presented to it and referred what needed to be studied to the relevant committees to complete their study, and issued the necessary decisions on the completed topics.
The Scientific Council considered a number of requests for promotion, and their number was (ninety-four), according to the following:
During this year, the Council approved the promotion of (seventy-two) members of the teaching staff, including (twenty-one) to the rank of professor, and (fifty-one) to the rank of associate professor, and the Council also formed a number of arbitration committees to consider the scientific output submitted. From the faculty members for the purpose of promotion and the output was referred to them after completing the regular procedures, and the number of research submitted for this purpose was (six hundred and thirty-two) research.
The requests of (twenty-three) faculty members for promotion were also studied, and the Council recommended not to be promoted because they did not meet the conditions required for promotion.
The Council considered a number of applications for a full-time academic and a full-time study of the language, and their number was (fifty-three), where it recommended approval of (thirty-three) applications, and rejected (four) applications, while it approved (four) applications for cancellation of full-time, and (twelve). ) a request to postpone it, after studying the scientific projects they submitted for sabbaticals, and considering the scientific trips they require.
Demands for a full-time scientific and full-time study of a foreign language approved by the Council for the academic year 1441 AH, and the share of each academic rank of full-time,
The Council considered the appointment of (one hundred and thirty-three) members of the teaching staff who obtained a doctorate degree from within the university or from those on scholarships from the university from among the teaching assistants and lecturers, and recommended approval of their appointment to the rank of assistant professor in the various colleges and higher institutes of the university.
The field of appointment to the rank of assistant professor from outside the university:
The Council considered a number (seven) of requests from faculty members and the like for transfer from one college to another, or from one department to another, and took the necessary recommendations in their regard.
The Council considered a number (twenty-six) of requests submitted by faculty members and the like for early retirement or resignation and took the necessary recommendations in their regard.
The field of contracting with Saudi faculty members:
The Council considered the requests submitted by some colleges and higher institutes to contract with Saudi faculty members who were referred to retirement due to reaching the legal age, or to renew the contract with those whose previous contracts had expired and their number (thirty-five) members, and after studying the requests in light of the needs of colleges and scientific departments, and in light of What the bylaws and regulations decided, the necessary recommendations were taken regarding them.
The Scientific Council received a number of requests from government agencies and the private sector for their need to use the expertise of faculty members at the university to work as part-time consultants for a period of one year.
The scope of disbursing an award for excellence allowance to Saudi faculty members and the like. The Council studied a number (thirty-seven) applications for a distinction allowance, and all of them were approved.
The number of approved studies was (seventy-four).
The Scientific Council has recommended the payment of a reward for excellence allowance to faculty members
The Council considered (seventy-seven) issues related to publication, arbitration and equations after studying them by the Publication, Arbitration and Equivalency Committee, as follows:
1 - The committee considered a number of scientific works nominated for publication, and formed scientific arbitration committees for them, and after the approval of the Scientific Council, the committee referred them to the arbitrators.
2- The committee considered the books submitted to arbitration for promotion, and formed arbitration committees for it, and after the approval of the Scientific Council, it was referred to the arbitrators.
3 - The committee received reports from arbitrators regarding the scientific works referred to them, discussed them, made recommendations about them, and estimated the arbitrators' rewards.
4 - The committee considered books and academic theses, after their owners modified them according to the arbitrators’ reports, and their publication was approved and forwarded for printing.
5- Based on the arbitrators’ reports, a number of books were accepted to be submitted for promotion, and others were rejected.
7 - The committee reviewed the number of books and scientific theses that were printed and published, and the committee estimated the rewards of their owners in accordance with the approved regulations and publishing controls.
7 - The committee reviewed the number of books that have been printed and published before and require the need to reprint them.
8 - A number of doctoral and master's degrees have been equalized for faculty members at the university.
Fourth: Adoption of bylaws, regulations and rules:
The council considered a number of topics for study, namely:
Reconsidering the conditions approved by the University Council for contracting with retired Saudi faculty members.
Review the executive rules for contracting with retired Saudi faculty members.
Review the criteria for acceptance of scientific journals.
Considering the criteria and procedures for applying from outside Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University for appointment or transfer for faculty positions at the university.
Studying the controls for participation in conferences, symposia, courses, meetings, workshops and the like submitted by the Conferences, Seminars and Scientific Awards Committee.
Consider the list of honorary titles at the Faculty of Medicine.
After studying these proposals, it was recommended to approve them and submit them to the competent authority to take the necessary procedures for approval.
Fifth: Report on the supervision of scientific societies:
In view of the rapid developmental movement that the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University is witnessing under its current administration in all fields, which placed it at the top of the pyramid of Islamic universities locally and in the Gulf, and made it compete with Arab and international universities. And the role it is working on in building the knowledge economy, and what it offers to achieve its responsibility towards society.
The scientific societies have enjoyed unprecedented support from the university administration represented by His Excellency the Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, which has enabled them to achieve many of their plans and goals, which aspire to transform them into an independent administration for scientific societies. The number of societies has reached (thirteen) as follows: following:
| |
| Saudi Scientific Society for the Arabic Language |
| Saudi Scientific Society for Sociology and Social Work |
| Scientific Association for Dawah Studies |
| Saudi Jurisprudence Scientific Society |
| The Saudi Scientific Society for the Qur’an and its Sciences |
| The Saudi Scientific Society for the Sunnah and its Sciences |
| Saudi Scientific Association for Languages and Translation |
| The Saudi Scientific Association for Training, Education and Human Resources Development |
| Saudi Scientific Association for Public Relations and Advertising |
| Saudi Judicial Scientific Society |
| Saudi Scientific Society for Jurisprudence Medical Studies |
| Saudi Inventors Association |
| |
In addition to the previous areas, the Council studied other topics and proposals and issued the appropriate decisions regarding them, including:
Approval of the request to authorize His Excellency the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, the Chairman of the Scientific Council, to choose alternative examiners for the apologetic, those with whom it is impossible to communicate, or those whose late response is noticed.
Sixth: The Secretariat of the Council
The secretariat of the Council exercised its powers, including:
Receiving what comes to the council and presenting it to the council president and referring what needs to be referred to the council’s specialized committees.
Preparing the agenda for the council's sessions, preparing the topics to be presented to it, and inviting members to attend the session.
Follow up the work of the committees emanating from the council.
Recording of meeting minutes.
Reporting the decisions of the Council to the executive authorities after their approval.
Follow-up payment of dues to the examiners.
Raising the financial benefits of the members of the Council and its committees.
In addition to other work that falls within the powers of the Secretary General of the Council.
Head of the Scientific Council
Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Secretary General of the Scientific Council
Director of Administration
Through this brief presentation on the work of the Council during the academic year 1441 AH, it may be appropriate to point out and commend the support, encouragement and support of the Council and its secretariat from the officials of the university, which had the greatest impact on the achievements.
Memorandum of Understanding between Prince Nayef Institute for Research and Consulting Services at Imam University and Jadeer Company for Education, Training, Employment and Consulting.
With the approval of His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Prince Nayef Institute for Research and Consulting Services at the university, and Jadeer Company for Education, Training, Employment and Consulting, on Sunday 04/21/1442 AH, corresponding to 06/12/06 2020, at the headquarters of the Prince Nayef Institute for Research and Consulting Services.
The memorandum was signed by Dr. Riyadh bin Ahmed Al-Shuail, General Supervisor of Prince Nayef Institute for Research and Consulting Services at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, and Dr. Nasser bin Hammad Al Hammad, CEO of Jadeer Education, Training, Employment and Consulting Company.
The memorandum between the two parties aims to provide advisory and development services, marketing, training, research, qualitative, survey and strategic studies, translation and Arabization, administrative and institutional development, investment and business management, investment and provision of human, administrative, legal, financial and accounting cadres, project management and implementation, engineering consultancy and the environment (scope of cooperation). geographical, inside and outside the Kingdom), and coordinating the financing of advisory services through (Saudi and Gulf development funds), especially educational, and human resource development.
It is noteworthy that Jadeer Education, Training, Employment and Consulting Company has experience in providing consultancy, training, employment, education, field surveys and business services through its office in Al-Kharj Governorate.

A lecture entitled (Common Mistakes in Practical Research).
The Deanship of Graduate Studies, represented by the Academic Advising Unit, organized a lecture entitled (Common Mistakes in Practical Research), by Dr.: Abeer bint Khaled Al-Shalhoub, on Sunday 22/3/1442 AH via the Zoom program. The lecture aimed to familiarize students with the common methodological and technical errors facing them. Researchers during the research stages, the lecture included many interventions and inquiries.
11. Honoring the winners of the Research Excellence Awards and Scientific Publishing Incentives at Al-Imam University.
Under the generous patronage of His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, a. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, the University Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research represented by the Deanship of Scientific Research organized a celebration to honor the winners of the Research Excellence Awards in its eleventh session and the incentives for global publishing in its eighth session.
The celebration began with a speech by His Excellency the President of the University in which he congratulated the winners of the publication shields, praising their prominent role in contributing to the enrichment of research publishing on behalf of the University, stressing the role of scientific research and that it integrates with the educational process of the University and plays a prominent role in advancing countries in terms of knowledge and economics. He also welcomed all the ideas and initiatives that researchers have Contribute to the development of scientific research at the university, wishing them further excellence and progress.
Then, His Excellency the Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr.Abdullah Al-Tamim congratulated the award winners, praising the support provided by the university administration to researchers from the university’s employees. His Excellency also referred to a number of research initiatives that the Deanship of Scientific Research will launch to serve the scientific research and researchers at the university, calling on them to benefit from these programs.

President of the University, on an introductory tour of the research headquarters. Taking all precautionary measures and preventive measures, Her Excellency the Vice Rector for Female Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Nouf Al-Ajmi, conducted an introductory tour on Sunday, 23 Safar 1442 AH, along with the Adviser to His Excellency the President of the University for Scientific Research, Dr. Ibtisam Al-Olayan, and the Assistant Dean of the Deanship of Scientific Research, Dr. Hanan Akhdar. To the headquarters serving scientific research in order to closely monitor its infrastructure and discuss ways to develop it with the best local and international practices.
The tour included the headquarters of the applied laboratories of the College of Science, in the presence of the Vice Dean of the College, Dr. Abeer Al-Nahdi, and the meeting with the deputies of the departments and the study of the partnership between the university and its counterparts from universities to train students and refine the educational process with practical application that improves the quality of the outputs and increases their solidity in the face of challenges and making them capable of giving The academic is a stronger card and more confidence.
The King Abdullah Center for Translation and Arabization also had a share of the tour, where the Vice Dean of the Institute, Dr. Hind Al-Qadi, discussed some ideas to extend ways of cooperation between the center and external parties as well as internal parties and work to turn them into a tangible reality soon, God willing.
After that, the library affiliated to the Deanship of Student Affairs, led by its Dean, Dr. Maha Al-Khathami, took a lot of the tour’s time and won applause for the tremendous efforts they saw in classifying the library and facilitating ways to provide all services electronically to researchers and those interested in light of the pandemic. This was followed by a visit to the Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which is the incubator for the university’s work, through which many pioneering projects were launched, which received a patent for their applicants. Improve it and prove the rights of its creators.
After that, Her Excellency the Undersecretary, the advisor, and the accompanying team on the tour stopped at the Skills Development Center, which is concerned with developing the educational process, continuous training for faculty members and supporting professional capabilities. Among the universities in the world.
The tour was concluded by examining the centers of the Deanship of Scientific Research with Dr. Hanan Akhdar, in addition to the centers’ officials, identifying their requirements, providing them with logistical support, and discussing all the obstacles that stand in the way of developing the centers.

Consulting Services at Al-Imam University, and the Gulf House for Research and Economic Consultations.
With the approval of His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, today, Wednesday, 27 Safar 1442 AH, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Prince Nayef Institute for Research and Advisory Services at the university, and the Gulf House for Research and Economic Consultations.
The memorandum was signed by the Institute, d. Riyadh bin Ahmed Al-Shuail, General Supervisor of Prince Nayef Institute for Research and Advisory Services at the university, and Dr. Tawfiq bin Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem, CEO of Dar Al Khaleej Company for Research and Economic Consultations.
The memorandum aims at cooperation between the two parties in the field of providing advisory and development services, marketing, training, research, qualitative, survey and strategic studies, translation and Arabization, administrative and institutional development, investment and business management, investment and provision of human, administrative, legal, financial and accounting cadres, and project management and implementation.
It is noteworthy that the Gulf House for Research and Economic Consultations has a long experience in providing economic and financial consultancy and studies, field surveys and services of businessmen through its office in Riyadh or its branches in Jeddah and Al-Khobar.
gning a memorandum of cooperation between Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and King Abdulaziz House. Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and King Abdulaziz House signed a memorandum of cooperation at noon on Monday, Muharram 12, 1442 AH, at the university’s headquarters. The memorandum aims to exchange experiences in the areas of joint cooperation in a way that contributes to achieving the strategic goals of the two sides, and as a contribution to achieving Saudi Vision 2030.
-Amiri, while Al-Dara was represented by the Acting Secretary-General, Dr. Fahd bin Abdullah Al-Samari. The two parties expressed that this agreement serves the university and the administration in many fields.
His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, stated that this agreement includes everything related to the development of historical studies curricula at all levels of the university and the development of the study plan for the Department of History for all educational levels, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. From Aldara's experience in such partnership.
He added that this partnership will eventually reap the fruits of the people of the country, so all thanks to everyone who was behind this agreement with the administration, who were keen on building this agreement.
For his part, His Excellency the Secretary-General of the Department indicated that the relationship between the Department and the University is not new, and today we reach the framing of this relationship through this agreement, and it is an indicator for achieving the achievements and business between the two parties. They enjoy it from a reliable historical elite, and I heard from colleagues the keenness on development and the administration was honored to prepare a third secondary course for scientific institutes, which is a matter of development and not a defect in the previous course, and now there are workshops and the vision of the Kingdom 2030 based on history and heritage. He pointed out that this agreement includes everything related to the development of historical studies curricula at all levels of the university and the development of the study plan for the Department of History for all educational levels, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.
For his part, the Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Dr. Zuhair bin Abdullah Al-Shehri, stated that the memorandum of cooperation between the university and the administration includes cooperation in the field of scientific research through the completion of studies and research, especially historical and civilizational, and participation in holding conferences and scientific meetings that serve our Saudi national history and cooperation in preparing academic programs and courses Social studies, cooperation and integration in the field of museums and historical and heritage exhibitions, enabling students to train at the King Abdulaziz Foundation, organizing related programs in documents, archives, etc., and exchanging experiences, consultations and specialized competencies.
The memorandum includes three areas of cooperation; The first field is scientific research, as it emphasizes cooperation in holding scientific conferences and research seminars between the two parties in the historical, heritage, cultural, documents and archives, especially those related to the history and civilization of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, participation in scientific research between the two parties, and the cooperation of research centers of both parties in the completion of studies And research that serves common areas or one of the parties. The first field also included cooperation in research activities or scientific events that serve Saudi history, historical knowledge and research chairs, as well as cooperation in membership of advisory and administrative committees and councils that serve the interests of both parties in accordance with the regulations in force in both sides.
The second field of cooperation included scientific programs and museums; By agreeing to cooperate in preparing and developing academic programs and building social studies courses that are related to the national history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the university’s institutes and colleges, as well as cooperation and integration in the field of museums, heritage exhibitions and historical collections.
As for the third area of cooperation, it is the field of consulting and training, and it included enabling university students from the departments of history, geography, geographic information systems and other departments and centers to conduct field training in the department according to joint scientific and practical mechanisms, as well as organizing courses and programs related to history, civilization, heritage, social sciences, documents, archives and Arabic calligraphy. The exchange of scientific and technical expertise in the field of quality assurance, and the implementation of joint training programs in the scientific, historical, civilizational, geographical, social, and administrative fields, and programs related to documents and archives.

#جامعة_الإمام and (Social Responsibility Association) sign a memorandum of cooperation aimed at conducting research and studies, activating joint programs, strengthening cooperation in spreading the culture of social responsibility, and raising community members’ awareness of the importance of social responsibility initiatives, and the role of individuals in activating them in line with #رؤية_السعودية_2030 .

The College of Engineering at Al-Imam University Obtains International Academic Accreditation (ABET)
The College of Engineering at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University has officially obtained the international academic accreditation (ABET) from the Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology in the United States of America, which is the highest international scientific evaluation of engineering education institutions in the world, and obtaining ABET accreditation is an international certificate that gives weight A prestigious scientific and international recognition all over the world for graduates of colleges that obtained that accreditation, in addition to the appreciation that the state enjoys as the sponsor and incubator for that scientific institution. This is a number of detailed and documented reports from the college and visits to the international accreditation team from several different nationalities to ensure the application and full commitment to the quality standards required in all scientific and academic activities in the college. This accreditation has been achieved with the self-experience of the faculty’s employees with great support from the university administration, which is keen on the quality of its educational programs on a permanent basis, which has given the faculty full support and confidence due to its distinguished elite of distinguished faculty members from inside and outside Saudi Arabia who have great experience in the scientific and academic field International quality standards, and this achievement was reflected in the academic accreditation of all disciplines in the college, namely: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, after the first comprehensive evaluation and visit by the international committee without any additional notes or reviews of the college’s procedures. One of the important distinguishing marks for the quality of evaluation.
His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, blessed the Dean of the College of Engineering and the faculty’s staff for this achievement, explaining that this achievement must be a start and a breakthrough for everything that serves the university students and the faculty’s employees, stressing that the university administration serves everything that achieves the goals of the College of Engineering and all faculties and institutes Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, wishing the college and its staff further success and success.
In his tweet on the college's Twitter page, Dr. Adel Al-Fawzan, Dean of the College, on behalf of all the staff and students of the College, thanks and appreciation to His Excellency Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, President of Imam Ali University, for his support and direct care of the College, and all his generous management team during the steps of obtaining accreditation and providing all the possibilities and facilities available to complete the procedures for obtaining international academic accreditation, which was He has a great impact in that honorable image that came out of the evaluation of the International Accreditation Committee and was the first well-wishers to obtain the accreditation, which pleased all members and employees of the college, which appeared during their celebration of honor on various social media.
It is noteworthy that one of the important factors that enter into the evaluation criteria is the institution’s keenness on comprehensive development plans, which the college was keen on by developing scientific programs for the disciplines, in addition to establishing a number of new disciplines, including architecture and industrial engineering, with distinguished scientific programs aimed at serving the community and the needs of the labor market, which is keen The college’s programs have been constantly achieving its requirements and communicating with the engineering business sectors since its inception through engineering training, scientific visits and workshops, in addition to its participation in a number of distinguished research projects. Give weight and an honorable image to the college despite its recent inception.
The Dean of Library Affairs, Prof. Maha Al-Khathami this morning a delegation from @MOCLibraries
headed by Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Asim, CEO of the authority. During the meeting, they discussed ways of cooperation between the two sides. The delegation also toured the facilities of the Prince Sultan Library for Science and Knowledge in @IMSIU_edu_sa

Memorandum of Cooperation between the University and the General Directorate of Civil Defense (1439-6-25 A.H.)
Imam University and the Ministry of Health sign a memorandum of understanding
Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and the Ministry of Health signed this morning, Wednesday 6/8/1443 AH, a memorandum of understanding between the two sides, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health in the Digital City. Empowerment Engineer Fahd bin Saleh Al-Azzam, and in the presence of Dr. Abdullah Al-Asmari, Advisor to His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Dr. Nayef Al-Otaibi, Dean of the College of Science, Dr. Zuhair Al-Shehri, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Dr. Salem Al-Yami, Dean of the Deanship of Scientific Research, and Dr. Abdullah Al-Zayed, Vice Dean of the College of Medicine. Dr. Noura Al-Enezi, Assistant Minister of Health, official spokesman, Dr. Muhammad Al-Abdali, and a number of officials from both sides.
The memorandum of understanding aims at cooperation between the research centers of the Deanship of Scientific Research at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and the Ministry of Health in completing studies and research that serve common areas between the two parties, and cooperation in research activities or scientific events that serve both sides, in addition to cooperation in holding scientific conferences and research seminars. Between the two sides in the fields of studies, research and training, as well as joint research cooperation in applied, social and humanitarian research that serves the directions of the university and the ministry and enhances the quality of health for the Saudi citizen.
The memorandum of understanding includes the ministry's participation in rehabilitating the university's laboratories through the application of "good laboratory practices" mechanisms and by providing the capabilities of "medical and biological testing of samples."According to what is later agreed upon between the two parties, as well as mutual benefit from research laboratories and specialized laboratories between the university and the ministry, and the formation of joint research committees to cooperate in providing solutions to the problems and challenges facing the ministry and serving the health of the citizen and society and improving their quality through the research experiences owned by both parties, in addition to Qualifying researchers at the university and the ministry through joint cooperation in implementing training courses in the field of scientific research and supporting computer programs, and building smart partnerships that include the formation of joint research groups between the university and the ministry, to produce classified scientific research and valuable scientific products that serve the needs of both parties and are in line with national priorities in the health field. In addition to joint scientific and research supervision on training university students in graduation projects in the laboratories of the Ministry after its approval, and supporting joint scientific and research supervision of university graduate students’ research and their theses, throughUsing the technical capabilities and medical and laboratory equipment of the Ministry based on what is coordinated and agreed upon later between the two parties, as well as adding specialized applied materials in health sciences that serve the university’s directions, specializations and strategic objectives in its curricula, and the participation of the Ministry’s employees in preparing specialized health courses, and developing curricula and study plans related to.
After the signing, the university delegation toured the ministry's command and control center, and toured the virtual hospital, reviewed all the services it provides to patients, and listened to a detailed explanation about those services.
Saudi Youth Sustainability Conference
Male and female students from the Gifted and Outstanding Unit of the Vice Deanship of Student Affairs for Female Student Affairs participated in the Saudi Youth Sustainability Conference 2022 under the slogan Prosper Together, which was held at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Thuwal, for two days from Sunday 19/6/2022 AD. Under the supervision of the Vice Dean of Student Affairs for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Ohoud bint Othman Al-Manea, and the Vice Dean for Programs and Activities, Dr. Abdullah Al-Asmari.
It is a national youth organization that aims to connect and empower youth leaders across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to lead positive change towards a prosperous and sustainable future, as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing a historic transformation towards a prosperous future, so that Saudi youth have a tremendous opportunity to harness their energy and invest their skills, to participate in the economic and social transformation And the most ambitious environmentalist, in which we hope that the Saudi youth will be an active contributor to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 through a sense of social responsibility, education and technology.
The Saudi Youth Sustainability Conference aims to encourage and establish student sustainability clubs in Saudi universities, empower youth to lead change from the ground up, develop and disseminate best practices in youth sustainability initiatives, and strengthen national and international links for change makers, in order to expand sustainable solutions, and promote and exchange knowledge. In the field of sustainable development of the United Nations, it also aims to launch joint efforts to find sustainable solutions on university campuses and neighboring communities, build a youth platform to share knowledge about sustainability initiatives, host an annual meeting of youth-led sustainability organizations, to enable initiatives and celebrate achievements, and hold collaborative awareness initiatives such as a series of seminars and sustainable development tours.
Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University is represented by a group of university students, who are as follows: (Nibras Al-Anzi, Aroub Al-Dabibi, Shaima Al-Sheikh, Al-Jawhara Al-Aiban, Ruba Al-Dua’a, Sarah Al-Hazaa, Mishaal Al-Mubarak, Muhammad bin Mahboub, Saad Al-Subaie, Abdul Mohsen Al-Otaibi, and Abdulaziz torch).
The conference included the opening and welcoming speech at the beginning of the annual conference, introducing change leadership towards Vision 2030, cooperation for greening the country, an accompanying exhibition for change makers, the impact of community movements on sustainable development, the new wave of sustainability in mega projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and thinking about sustainability. economic, introductory tours at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, and at the conclusion of the first day, a review and discussion of the film The Year Earth Changed.
On its second day only, it included sustainability as a life journey, not a destination, and how to thrive together as a nation, and re-imagining the role of education on sustainability, and young leaders in sustainability. Also within the conference activities, it included lectures and workshops, and a competition was held for initiatives that serve the community in the field Sustainability, with the participation of more than twenty projects by male and female students from Saudi universities, and they were presented to the library at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
A group of male and female students thanked the Deanship of Student Affairs for providing this opportunity and the most wonderful and unique experience, and special thanks go to the Vice Dean of Student Affairs for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Ahoud Al-Manea for taking good care and attention during this enjoyable trip, and thanks to Dr. Abdullah Al-Asmari for his supervision of the students, and a. Arwa Al-Muhanna and A. Hind Al-Ghathber for their continuous support, who contributed to facilitating our attendance at this distinguished conference, which will enrich our scientific and academic career, and concluded with gratitude to the Dean's staff for their keenness and attention to everything that is in the interest of male and female students.
Al-Sabhan visits - accompanied by a number of members of the General Authority - a business incubator #جامعة_الإمام ; To discuss ways to enhance joint action; In support of the university's entrepreneurship system.
To open new horizons in cooperation and partnership with national institutions, and in order to achieve the university’s development goals, the #جامعة_الإمام Undersecretary for Business Development and Investment, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Saghir, accompanied by Dr. Badr Suleiman Al-Sama’ani, Dean (Deanship of Information Technology) visits the General Authority for Military Industries.…
The memorandum, which was signed by the Undersecretary for Investment Development at the Ministry, Faisal bin Essam Hamza, and the University’s Vice President for Business Development and Investment, Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Saghir, aims to frame the cooperation between the two parties; With the aim of creating and developing investment opportunities, and exchanging information and experiences in the field of investment, in order to keep pace with and achieve the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

ng workshops between the two sides, exchanging technical consultations, supporting training and development opportunities in the field of investment and entrepreneurship, and creating regular postgraduate programs (higher diploma, master’s or doctorate) or executive master’s programs (professional), designed according to the needs of the Ministry Investment and its areas of interest.
The university seeks to meet the needs of the community, through the preparation of scientifically, culturally, culturally, and intellectually for the service of the community and the provision of an educational and cultural environment that serves the needs of the academic institution, which is presented in the promoter of the development of human cadres; the work.
The signing of the memorandum comes within the framework of the Ministry’s efforts to achieve the objectives of the National Investment Strategy, which seeks to empower priority investment sectors, and facilitate access to investment opportunities, as the Kingdom has huge investment opportunities in the education sector, and is committed to supporting education in pursuit of sustainable development goals and promoting investment. To promote innovation, by expanding vocational training to meet the needs of the labor market, and to promote and support a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, under the Human Capacity Development Program, one of the programs of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
Cooperation between Saudi Standards and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University
The Governor of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, Dr. Saad bin Othman Al-Qasabi, and His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, signed a memorandum to enhance joint cooperation between the two sides, provide rehabilitation, training, advisory and research services, and exchange experiences related to the activities of the two sides.
The memorandum of cooperation aims at exchanging knowledge and experiences between the authority and the university in a way that allows the preparation of specialized scientific cadres and competencies in various applied fields and in a way that meets the community’s need for the capabilities and capabilities that the two sides possess to achieve the maximum possible benefit.
The Saudi Standards indicated that the memorandum of cooperation included supporting research programs and joint scientific publishing of applied research in a way that enhances the quality of life and community service applications, through the use of technical capabilities, scientific and laboratory equipment at the authority and the expertise of researchers on both sides, in addition to joint supervision of the training of university students. In graduation projects in the laboratories of the Authority and its various sectors.
Under the memorandum of cooperation, the authority will participate in the rehabilitation of university laboratories through the application of "good laboratory practices" mechanisms in the field of "measurement and calibration" and "testing". Consulting in the technical, scientific and research fields, and providing courses and training programs for the employees of the two parties.
The Islamic Military Coalition to Combat Terrorism signs a memorandum of cooperation with Imam Muhammad bin Saud University

The Islamic Military Coalition to Combat Terrorism signed today a memorandum of joint cooperation with Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University within the framework of joint cooperation between the alliance and Arab, Islamic and international organizations, centers and universities.
The memorandum was signed by the Secretary-General in charge of the coalition, Major General Pilot Mohammed bin Saeed Al-Moghidi, and His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri.
Major General Al-Moghidi stressed that the signing of this memorandum comes within the framework of strengthening the strategic partnership between the coalition and the university, embodying the local, regional and international leadership role of the two parties in combating violent extremism and combating terrorism and its financing, and to enhance the common vision between them.
It is worth noting that the Islamic Military Counter-Terrorism Coalition includes forty-one member states, working together to coordinate and intensify their efforts in the international war on violent extremism and terrorism and to join other international efforts aimed at maintaining international peace and security.
Human Resources Development Fund "Hadaf" and Imam University sign a cooperation agreement
The Human Resources Development Fund "Hadaf" and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, represented by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, signed a cooperation agreement - remotely - to support the employment of university graduates and students expected to graduate of both sexes, with the aim of increasing their competitiveness in the labor market and raising the employment rate.
The agreement, signed by the Vice Rector for Educational Affairs, Dr. Fahd bin Saleh Al-Luhaidan, and the Executive Director of Business, Mr. Firas bin Abdulaziz Abalkhail, comes within the framework of the joint efforts between the two parties, and within the framework of the joint efforts between the two parties to support the training and employment of 500 male and female graduates in private sector facilities, through The numerous programs and appropriate support mechanisms provided by Hadaf.
The agreement establishes the establishment of a strategic partnership between the Fund and the University to achieve the common goals of training, qualifying and employing university graduates, students expected to graduate of both sexes and job seekers, to increase their competitiveness in the labor market, increase the employment rate, develop the skills of national cadres and provide them with individual and basic skills and experience, in accordance with With the goals of the national transformation and the vision of the Kingdom 2030.
The Fund provides many incentives and financial and training support to the employment office at the university and its employees, through the “Sabil” electronic platform for vocational education and guidance services, the national e-training platform “Doroob”, the “Tamheer” program for on-the-job training, and the national labor portal “Taqat” to serve applicants. Employment and Employers, and the Professional and Professional Certification Programs, and “Saifi”.
The university will provide preparation and rehabilitation services for graduates to meet the needs of the labor market, prepare them for a personal interview, review and market CVs to obtain a job, and provide qualitative training that serves the job applicant to obtain a job, in addition to its work on helping graduates in specializations that face challenges in the labor market to obtain a job. Find suitable job opportunities in the private sector
Al-Imam University signs a memorandum of cooperation with the Society for Social Responsibility
Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Society for Social Responsibility, where the memorandum was signed by the university's Vice Rector for Knowledge Exchange and International Communication, Dr. Abdullah Al-Shiddi, and by the association, Mr. Abdullah bin Sulaiman Al-Muhanna.
The memorandum aims to spread the culture of social responsibility and educate community members about the importance of social responsibility initiatives and the role of individuals in activating them in line with the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030.
The memorandum comes within the framework of contributing to strengthening efforts in the field of social responsibility and working on the optimal investment of human and material capabilities to achieve high quality and effective performance outcomes and initiatives.

Ministry of Sports
The Vice Rector for (Business Development and Investment), Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Sagheer, received the Director General of Strategic Planning in #وزارة_الرياضة Ministry of Sports Prof. Hammad bin Khalid Al-Balawi and the accompanying delegation. Ways of cooperation between the two sides were discussed to achieve common goals and to strengthen the fruitful partnership.