Literature Center Reports

Book Borrowing and Donation
Literature Center offers books borrowing for any student has the interes, it only needs to fill a form and to be precise with returns dates. Further, Literature Center encourages book donation for the books that you no longer need, so others can benefit from them instead of being neglected in your books shelf.
Facilities and Services
IMSIU provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing sports facilities and/or activities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and e-learning and distance education opportunities, as well as administrative services. In addition, IMSIU provides a public education (primary, secondary) through its sixty-six institutes that in all KSA regions.
IMSIU libraries ensure the availability of appropriate resources,facilities, and equipment that can fulfil educational and research needs and requirements. Accordingly, it provides suitable resources and references for the university programs, in addition to suitable facilities and equipment that the programs require. Additionally, the libraries linked to Al Fehres Al Araby,the Arabic Index that enable users to access the bibliographic data of various information sources. In addition, an agreement was made with the World DigitalLibrary to access OCLC network to enable users to search for books and journals in Arabic and English. Another agreement was made with Princess Nourah University, and another agreement was made with the Saudi Digital Library (SDL) to facilitate users reach to scientific journals and databases. Hence, these agreements provide IMSIU community with all means of access to various information sources via electronic databases, research material, and scientific journals. As the table below shows, the IMSIU library yhas a good amount of collections. The library is equipped with easy-to-use and cost-effective copying machines, in addition to the availability of adequate facilities for the use of portable PCs. IMSIU evaluates periodically the services, facilities and resources and compares that with some other educational institutions of similar size and programs. The Deanship of Libraries Affairs and other units that have learning resources have a very clear set of policies and procedures for all its activities like evaluation and assessment of learning resources and facilities and making orders for new books and scientific references, renewing and placing new orders for online international digital libraries, periodical subscriptions, other scientific database subscriptions, and renewing and maintaining equipment.
IMSIU has ensured adequacy of labs and their quality, safety and equipment through the Permanent Committee of Furnishing. All the buildings,facilities, and equipment within the university premises are very well maintained and have high health and safety standards thus enabling the university in providing its students with an outstanding environment that encourages academic development, counselling and productive researches.
The university strives to ensure balance provision of educational resources, equipment, and facilities for both male and female sections. Male and female students have equal access to academic programs, learning resources,and support services. In each section, there are similar facilities such as cafeterias, copying centers, rest areas, car park, mini-shopping centers,etc..
Enhance investment opportunities:
A confirmed. Dr.. Al-Amiri said that the university's diamond sponsorship of the International Conference and Exhibition for Education contributes to the knowledge economy, serving the local and global education community, enhancing opportunities for community investment, exchanging experiences and competitiveness, and benefiting from successful experiences in facing challenges and crises.
It is worth noting that Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University has recently made important achievements in the fields of scientific research, as it achieved an increase in the number of research papers published in the Web of Science in 2021 AD to approximately 22% compared to the year 2020 AD, and 63% compared to the year 2018.
It also achieved a leap in the number of citations in 2021, reaching 99% in Web of Science and 86% in Scopus database compared to 2020.
Voluntary Work Center Director's word
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and we pray and greet His Messenger sent as a mercy to the worlds, our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions, and those who are guided by his guidance and follow his Sunnah until the Day of Judgment. and yet;
We salute you and welcome you to the website of the Center for Voluntary Work Studies at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, through which we look forward to encouraging volunteer work and highlighting its importance and strengthening its culture in the community, and to be one of the important windows of communication between the Deanship and the various voluntary bodies and volunteers from inside and outside the university.
The center is the first of its kind in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it seeks, through carrying out this important role, to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of voluntary work internally, regionally and globally, and to bring about a qualitative transition to achieve the aspirations of the rulers - may God protect them - and align with the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 on which it is based. University goals.
The Center is happy, at all times, to receive your suggestions and inquiries and respond to them through this website and other different university platforms. The center's email and phone.
In conclusion, we wish you an enjoyable visit to our site and do not forget to extend our heartfelt thanks to the leader of this edifice, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr.. Ahmed bin Salem Al Ameri, for the fruitful efforts and unlimited support of the Center for Voluntary Work Studies.
We ask God to preserve our religion, our security, and our rulers, and to grant success to all university employees, professors, students, and employees, so that our university can take the lead in all fields.
May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.
1- Achieving community development as a university institution
2- Enhancing the status of volunteer work by encouraging various studies and programs that contribute to serving this work, spreading its culture and correcting its concepts
3- Providing an appropriate environment for research, planning, implementation and coordination with regard to the development, dissemination and development of volunteer work and thought among university students
4 - Linking the university's outputs to the needs of society by creating an environment based on partnership between the university and non-profit organizations, based on the dissemination of voluntaryefforts.
5- Planning for programs that will advance the voluntary movement in the community through intellectual building for students to pay attention to this field
6- Implementing programs that will advance the voluntary movement in the community through the active participation of students in this field
7- Working to coordinate with the bodies working in the field of volunteer efforts regarding a deeper activation of the university's role in shaping students' thinking and directing it to organized volunteer work
8- Providing supportive ways to attract and train creative minds, and distinguished competencies in various fields of planning, coordinating and implementing volunteer efforts within the university.
the message
Working on developing community awareness of the importance of volunteering and activating it through research, studies, training, consultancy, programs and projects in accordance with the highest quality standards adopted globally.
That the center be one of the most important Arab and international centers leading in activating the principle of voluntary work among members of society
electronic services
Deanship of Library Affairs
Introducing the deanship (
The library was founded in 1371, where it began to grow until the university was founded in 1384, becoming a central library of its colleges.
The deanship aims to provide library and information services within the framework of research and education activities at the university, and the sub-libraries work to achieve this goal by:
1- Providing sources of information in all branches of human knowledge, in order to enhance the research and teaching processes at the university.
Conducting various technical processes for organizing and preserving sources of information.
3- Preparing an automated index of the library's collections in all its forms.
4- Informing and introducing the university's publications, and encouraging the process of exchange, distribution and sale at the local, Arab and international levels.
5- Organizing book fairs and participating in local, Arab and international book fairs.
6- Cooperation with libraries and other information institutions of all kinds, inside and outside the Kingdom.
Dean's Speech
I welcome visitors to the Library Deanship Portal at Imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic University, which provides its information services to the university community of students, faculty and staff as well as to the community.
The Deanship of Library Affairs seeks to achieve the university's objectives and aspirations, and to be the dean of library affairs as a distinct model for the deanships of library affairs in the Kingdom through excellence in its collections and thus excellence in its information services and to achieve this the deanship works on the development plans of its continuing.
Through an ambitious strategic plan, the deanship also pursues far-reaching goals, focusing on raising information awareness in the university community in particular and members of the community at large.
We look forward to joining efforts to be an integrative institutional work to support efforts to achieve the aspirations of the guardians of the matter , may God save them, and to achieve the vision of the Kingdom 2030 and to achieve the goals and aspirations of the university administration represented by His Excellency the Rector A. Dr. Ahmed Al Ameri

Regulatory Scheme
Loan Department
Overview | The department provides loan service to beneficiaries |
Tasks | You can borrow a wide range of information containers. |
Information Technology
Overview | The unit supports and develops the electronic services provided by the Deanship in accordance with the latest technical systems in order to improve the level of library services and provide electronic resources through the Saudi Digital Library to serve researchers, as well as provide technical and technical support within the deanship. |
Tasks |
• Assist library beneficiaries in using the library's electronic services. • Follow the library search system and solve problems and obstacles. • Follow-up and participation in the work of the information bases (Saudi Digital Library). General supervision of techniques in the library. • Follow-up the library system and solve the problems related to it in the men's and women's section. • Permanent follow-up with the women's department and coordination with regard to the work of the library as well as the systems on which it operates. • Follow the library deanship page on the university's websiteand add news periodically. • Follow the Library Deanship's Twitter page and add news periodically.
• Follow-up the deanship email and respond to the inquiries of the beneficiaries (university staff - and outside the university). • Take care of the library laboratories in terms of technical problems, as well as processing laboratories in case there are events or some lectures of faculty members. • Maintenance of electronic devices and downloading of the required programs for each section of the library, as well as staff devices. General supervision of the department and the Internet laboratory. Self-lending. |
To Borrow A Book You have to Apply here:
Manages the College Library Task To provide access of information resource that will support the needs of the College teaching staff, and students.
Terms of reference
1. Manages the planning and administrative functions of library services.
2. Provides effective access to library collections and resources.
3. Maintains the organization of library materials.
4. Provides library services in response to the information needs of library users.
5. Assists faculty teaching staff and students through various mechanisms by providing access to the needed information.
6.Trains library users to effectively search the Library catalogue and Saudi digital library. Provides a library loan service for both book and audiovisual materials and maintain the records.
7. Receives recommended books list from Head of Departments.
8. Arranges scheduling of discussion rooms in the library for teaching staff and students.
9. Communicate with other libraries to provide access to resources outside the college.
10. Encourages the students to read books and e-learning resources, which improve their lifelong learning.
11. Maintains circulation files, records and statistics.
Digital Library Training
Digital Library Training (
The Saudi Digital Library, in collaboration with publishers, organizes a range of free online training workshops on how to use information bases and how to search and recover.
The ad is placed on the Saudi Digital Library portal here
can be registered through the link of the training workshops here
Steps to register for training courses:
1- Choose the appropriate training workshop and press the registration button to fill out the required data.
2- 24 hours before the course, the Saudi Digital Library will send the link to the training workshop for those registered on the specific workshop.
3- Please provide a headset and Mike so that the beneficiary can hear the coach and communicate with him directly.
4- Jaffa must be focused on the beneficiary's device in order to be able to access the electronic workshop.
Saudi Digital Library launches comprehensive and free access initiative in Saudi Arabia during the Corona Pandemic
The Saudi Digital Library recently launched a kingdom-wide comprehensive and free access initiative for the number of digital information bases in collaboration with a number of Arab and foreign publishing houses that agreed to free access during the Corona Pandemic. The Saudi Digital Library initiative is to support e-learning and provide free access to all citizens and residents of Saudi Arabia during the pandemic period. Beneficiaries can access these rules through the digital library portal at the following link:
The initiative includes free access to 6 arabic and English information bases, and includes the System House rules, which provide access to more than 342 scientific journals and more than 590 conferences and symposiums. The base covers several areas specializing in educational and social sciences, Islamic and legal sciences, as well as access to more than 150,000 university messages. The Arabic Knowledge Base, which provides access to more than 400,000 articles from 1,900 scientific journals, includes 12 majors in science and covers several disciplines, including humanities, legal, social sciences, economic and financial sciences, business administration and several other disciplines. Knowledge also provides the Arsif base, which specializes in large reference citations in Arabic for scientific journals. The initiative also included free access to the ProQuest base, which covers various scientific and medical disciplines and provides access to more than 5 million scientific messages, the OECD information base, which covers the economic content of 80 countries in 25 languages, as well as cabi's base specializing in environmental and agricultural sciences.
The Saudi Digital Library thanked and appreciated the publishers (System House - Knowledge - Arsif - ProQuest -CABI - OECD) who provided free access nationwide.
It is worth mentioning that the Saudi Digital Library is one of the most prominent models supporting scientific gatherings at the national level, where it works to provide advanced information services, in addition to making the sources of digital information in all its forms available, and making it accessible to faculty, researchers and students in the postgraduate and bachelor's degrees at Saudi universities and other institutions of higher education.
Deanship Agency for Research Chairs Introducing the Chair

The research chairs are an academic unit established at the university with the aim of creating the research environment necessary for the growth of a specialized scientific field, funded from sources outside the university budget, and enjoying administrative and financial flexibility.
This unit was established at Imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic University under the umbrella of an organizational entity, the Research Chairs Program.
The programme is supervised by a scientific body, the Research Chairs Council, while an administrative unit handles the administrative and financial tasks necessary for the research chairs to carry out their functions, namely the General Secretariat of the Research Chairs Programme, which is responsible for the Secretary-General appointed among the university's faculty.
University research chairs.. inspired by leading international experiences
The Research Chairs Program at Imam Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic University is characterized by a specific organizational framework based on the inspiration of leading global experiences, and prior to the establishment of the program in 1428 H reviewed the distinguished global experiences in the establishment and management of research chairs in a number of developed countries in this field, the most important of which are: the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany and France.
In accordance with the framework of periodic review of the data of the research chairs program and comparing them to best practices at the global level, the experience of the program has been compared to those in a number of countries including: Japan, China, South Korea and Singapore, and their experiences in developing chair data and organizational structure have been benefited from.
Dr. Fahad bin Abdulaziz Al-Askar
University Undersecretary for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
Vice-President of the Research Chairs Council
Supervisor of the General Secretariat of the Research Chairs Program
The Goal
1. Provide the right environment for research and development to support sustainable development in Saudi Arabia
2. Enhancing the growth opportunities of a knowledge-based economy
3. Linking the outcomes of scientific research at the university to the needs of the community by creating an environment based on partnership between the university, government, civil and non-profit local and international entities.
4. Support specialized knowledge in various scientific fields, and pay for applied practices in the same fields.
5. Achieving integration in the field of scientific research between the university with its various units, and research institutions inside and outside the university.
6. Providing the necessary financial resources to support scientific research at the university and the university and its sustainability
7. Provide supportive ways to attract creative minds and outstanding competencies in various scientific research locally and internationally.
8. Enrich the kingdom's scientific and research standing at the global level, and encourage Saudi scientists and researchers to contribute to human civilization.
It provides a highly scientifically standard research, advisory and training environment based on community partnership and aims to enrich theoretical and applied knowledge in various university disciplines.
The Vision 
The research chairs program should be an active element in the research system at Imam Mohammed bin Saud Islamic University. It is a tributary of sustainable development and an environment suitable for the implementation of unprecedented research projects in Saudi Arabia, ensuring that the University achieves leadership in its fields of specialization.
The Software Library
The Software Library is a service available to all university staff and faculty members, allowing them to install software on their office devices connected to the university network without the need for a local director's benefit.
The importance of this service is that it allows the user to install a range of important programs starting from the compressed file-unpacking program to access the Office software package without the need for additional validities or technical knowledge as the process is done silently and without any user intervention. Its importance also lies in the need not to expand the granting of the benefit of a local director because of the threat this may pose to the university network.
Free training programs launched at Saudi Digital Library
Free training programs launched at Saudi Digital Library (
The Saudi Digital Library has always been keen to spread knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of using digital information sources and overcome all difficulties, so the Training and Information Awareness Department of the Saudi Digital Library is pleased to launch the training program package for the current semester from 1439 to 1440 H through the platform (March), which numbered 138 training courses.
These courses were categorized into six ranges: authorship range, translation range, scope of researchers, teacher range, research range in digital sources, scope of information culture.
The courses are offered to all employees of Saudi universities and to researchers and interested people who wish to benefit from them, to increase scientific production and support decision-making in all government sectors in the Kingdom.
The Saudi Digital Library also welcomes you to join the more than 40,000 trainees, and for
more information you can access the training portal and see the details of the courses at the following link:
Different invitations to people outside the university, in related courses, computers, library, online courses, free access to lectures, Offering teaching facilities to various channels (classrooms, labs, offices, PCs, printers…)
1-The launch of the activities of the introductory program on the services of university libraries

The activities of the induction program for the university library services were launched for the new students of the university at the beginning of this semester 1443 AH, according to the preventive measures for the safe return of attendance.
Where the Deanship of Library Affairs organizes, at the beginning of each semester, an introductory program for library services for new university students so that they can benefit from the services provided during their studies at the university. With future professions within the axis of education, learning and training, the program targets new students at the university to introduce them to the services and facilities of the university libraries within organized visits in cooperation with the faculties according to a specific schedule, where the Deanship of Library Affairs is working on preparing an integrated plan in cooperation with the university faculties to implement this program at the beginning of each semester. study in order to achieve the optimum start for the students of the university to study at the university and to benefit from the sources of information and services of the Deanship through the university libraries.
Her Excellency the Dean of Library Affairs, Prof. Maha Al-Khathami, that the Deanship of Library Affairs used to organize, at the beginning of the semester, an introductory program for university library services for university students, according to scheduled visits to libraries to explain these services and introduce them and the mechanism of benefiting from them during their studies at the university until they achieve - God willing - excellence and scientific success and graduate with an outcome. Scientific in all knowledge and sciences.
The Dean of Library Affairs extended her thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University and His Excellency the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research for the support and encouragement received by the Deanship in all its activities and programs.
I ask God - the Almighty - to grant our sons and daughters success in their academic lives and to be good building blocks in building their society and country.
2. The Center for Studies and Information at the University Vice Presidency for Planning, Development and Quality issues a guide to academic disciplines.
Based on the importance of choosing a university major for male and female students, which is the gateway from which they proceed to future fields of work and an extension of the vital and important role of the Vice Dean for Planning, Development and Quality in working to achieve the general objectives of the university, supervision and support for all related plans, business development and tasks, monitoring achievements, providing information and preparing statistical reports and studies that would enrich the scientific library of the university's employees, as the University Vice Presidency for Planning, Development and Quality represented by the Studies and Information Center issued the first version of the “Academic Specializations Guide" which will facilitate the process of selecting the appropriate major with ease and ease for the content it contains Statistical and numerical information related to academic and scientific disciplines.
The guide for academic disciplines dealt with all matters related to the fourteen colleges, higher institutes and study stages, including the programs and numbers they contain, and the scientific stages that include doctorate, bachelor's, higher diploma, master's and diploma.
His Excellency the Vice Rector for Planning, Development and Quality, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Shiddi, thanked the employees of the Studies and Information Center, headed by Dr. Aram bint Saleh Al-Sidrani, the General Supervisor of the Studies and Information Center, for these efforts, as they are important in supporting and improving the academic performance indicators of the university.
3. Open Data policy.
1. Introduction:
Open data is that data that any individual can use freely and without technical, financial or legal restrictions and also reuse and disseminate it, taking into account the requirements of the legal license under which this data was published, such as sharing rights.
2. Responsibility of the university:
The Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University is not responsible for any errors or missing data in the open data, or for intellectual applications and products based on this data, or republished or used copies of this data. Accordingly, it shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from its use.
3. Responsibility of the Beneficiary:
All visitors to the electronic portal of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University have the right to view and reuse the files on the open data page, so that the user's responsibility is to review the open data usage policy and abide by the mentioned controls when publishing or using the data.
4. Features of open data available on the portal:
The site visitor can access the data without any obstacles (the data can be accessed without the need to make a login).
The data is published in cut-and-paste as well as downloadable.
5. Terms of Reuse:
The user should not misrepresent this data.
This data should not be used for political purposes or to support illegal or criminal activity or in racist or discriminatory comments or incitement or negative influence on culture or equality or incitement or any illegal activity or contrary to the customs and traditions of the Kingdom
Indicate the source of the data when it is reused or published
4. Open Data request.
If you wish to request a set of data, please write the name and description of the required data set and briefly explain the potential use of the data set in the message below. It is also worth noting that all requests It will be subject to review by the relevant committee.
The name: 
cell phone: 
the details: 

5. Electronic Services.
6. Community service inside and outside the university.
University libraries provide many community services and cultural activities that seek to contribute to achieving the university's mission and main objectives, including:
Availability of all information sources available in the university's libraries to the general public, by visiting the libraries virtually through the official website on the Internet, or in person.
- Raising the cultural level and intellectual immunization of young people by donating and distributing many original scientific publications and references.
Gifting and exchanging scientific and cultural publications with various community institutions, both internally and externally.
Exchange of theses with other Saudi universities.
- Regular organization of many book fairs internally, and participation in most of the internal and international exhibitions.
Supporting events and activities organized by the university and other parties with specialized exhibitions with the library's holdings (manuscripts, periodicals, books, and multimedia).
7. Imam University Libraries have been providing services to science students for more than 70 years.

The libraries of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University are among the most important tributaries of the educational and research process at the university, as it includes a large number of information sources that serve researchers from inside or outside the university. The Deanship of Library Affairs was established to supervise the central library and branch libraries of the university. The libraries include a variety of information sources, including books, scientific theses, periodicals, multimedia, manuscripts, etc., in addition to providing many traditional and electronic library and information services and their participation in many Arab and foreign electronic databases. .
The Deanship of Library Affairs works to provide library and information services within the framework of research and education activities at the university and to provide sources of information in all branches of human knowledge, in order to enhance the research and education processes, as well as conduct various technical operations related to organizing and preserving information sources, introducing university publications, and encouraging the process of their exchange, distribution and sale. At the local, Arab and international levels by participating in local, Arab and international book fairs, in addition to cooperating with libraries and other information institutions of all kinds from inside and outside the Kingdom.
The Deanship supervises the following sub-libraries: the Prince Sultan Library for Science and Knowledge, the King Abdullah City Library for Girls, the Library of the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies in Al-Ahsa, and the libraries of Islamic and Arab institutes abroad.
The Deanship also includes the following organizational units:
1- Reading halls section : These are multiple halls equipped for viewing and researching the library's collections, so that the beneficiary can read and search in them, with the possibility of using personal computers.
2- The Lending Section: It performs a set of procedures that enable the library to provide the beneficiaries with the opportunity to benefit from books outside the library for a certain period of time and according to a specific system and controls.
3- Periodicals section: The periodicals section includes magazines that are issued periodically on a monthly, bi-monthly or annual basis, and are presented in the form of complete numbers that meet the needs of the beneficiary, in addition to the daily newspapers.
4- Manuscripts Department: The department collects original and photocopied manuscripts and works on archiving, indexing, preserving and restoring them, and helps researchers to use them in their research.
5- Multimedia Section: This section includes information containers that differ in their forms and nature from other containers, as this section is concerned with digital content in particular.
6- Collections Development Department: It is the department responsible for the process of acquiring information sources (books, references, manuscripts, rare books), as the department is considered one of the most important departments in the library to provide university libraries with the latest information resources to serve the educational environment.
7- Cataloging and Classification Department: The Cataloging and Classification Department organizes the library's collections according to a specific classification system and according to codified scientific rules and procedures for descriptive and objective indexing using the best automated systems for organizing and retrieving information.
8- Binding Department: The binding department represents a technical craft that works on maintaining and rehabilitating books and references that are damaged, or that have been torn or lost some of their parts.
9- Department of Public Relations and Exhibitions: The Department of Public Relations and Exhibitions seeks to find the most appropriate and successful means of mutual communication between the Deanship of Library Affairs and its internal and external audience to achieve its goals, taking into account social and cultural values and standards. Carrying out the process of gifting, exchanging and participating in the university's intellectual production in international and local book fairs, through the university's various publications.
10- Human Resources Department: The Human Resources Department provides all administrative services to the various units of the Deanship (personnel affairs, and administrative communications).
11- Quality and Development Department: It is concerned with working to achieve the objectives of the Deanship related to preparing and following up the implementation of the necessary plans to ensure quality performance, obtain institutional accreditation for the university, and contribute to spreading the culture of quality in the university community.
12- Training and Marketing Department: The department develops and develops scientific and research skills for university employees by providing training programs and specialized workshops to introduce information sources of all kinds and ways to use and benefit from them, in addition to training programs related to scientific research and reading.
13- Information Technology Department: The Information Technology Department supports and develops the electronic services provided by the Deanship in accordance with the latest technical systems in order to raise the level of library services and provide electronic resources through the Saudi Digital Library to serve researchers. The department also provides technical and technical support within the Deanship.
Libraries also contain many sources of information, including: Arabic books, foreign books, manuscripts, books of limited knowledge, gift libraries, multimedia, electronic databases, periodicals, magazines and newspapers, theses, and rare books.
The university libraries contain the following sources of information: books (250,000), theses (25,000), periodicals (2000), multimedia (13000), cataloged original and illustrated manuscripts (31684).
The Deanship also provides electronic services to university library beneficiaries electronic services, which are: the automated catalog service, the electronic database service, the book reservation service, the book suggestion service, the library visit request service, the classroom and research room reservation service, the borrowing service, the library ask service, and the message request service. Scientific, dissertation delivery service, manuscript request service, researcher service, training course request service, hall reservation service for training and lectures, 'My Book Your Book' initiative service, testimonial about a book, communication system, and electronic disclaimer service.
Among the direct services provided by the Deanship of Library Affairs to the beneficiaries of university libraries are the following direct services: guidance and guidance service, information search service, computer and Internet services, photocopying and printing service, classroom and research room service, loan service, service for people with disabilities, and training service for beneficiaries.
Through the Saudi Digital Library, the Deanship participates in many Arab and foreign electronic databases, which include a huge group of digital information sources and cover all branches of human knowledge.
The Deanship, through the Training and Marketing Department, works on developing the scientific and research skills of the university's employees by providing training programs and workshops to introduce information sources of all kinds and ways of using and benefiting from them, in addition to preparing leaflets on how to access and make optimal use of digital information sources and all library services.
Activating The Cultural And Scientific Role Of The Deanship
On the basis of the Deanship of Library Affairs carrying out its responsibilities towards university employees and the general public, and believing in the importance of its role awareness, cultural and scientific; The Deanship has implemented cultural activities and lectures, as well as specialized and general awareness and training programmes. It established a training department, and provided a number of lectures, events and courses during these years for university employees and members of the public.
Perhaps the most prominent of them are:
Creating lecture halls and training courses in the Prince Sultan Library for Science and Knowledge
The Deanship worked within the stages of development and improvement of the university library environment and upgrading its services in all fields, to establishment of two lecture halls and training courses at the Prince Sultan Library for Science and Knowledge and the King Abdullah City Library for female students fully furnish it, and prepare it to hold cultural and specialized lectures, courses and training workshops for university employees or for all members of the community, and the Deanship allows these halls to be filled with lectures, courses and workshops for all units of the university and external bodies, whether governmental or private.
Supporting the Prince Sultan Library for Science and Knowledge and the King Abdullah City Library for female students with self-lending devices
Within the framework of the efforts of the Deanship of Library Affairs to develop, update and improve its services to the beneficiaries and patrons of the university libraries, and in an effort by the Deanship to keep pace with the rapid electronic development in the field of libraries, which facilitates the process of reaching the service to the beneficiary the fastest and easiest way and means possible; The Deanship has installed modern self-lending devices in the Prince Sultan Library for Science and Knowledge and the King Abdullah City Library for female students to facilitate the lending of information sources to beneficiaries, and to transfer the loan process from the traditional stage to electronic self-lending.
University libraries provide many community services and cultural activities that seek to contribute to achieving the university's mission and main objectives, including:
Availability of all information sources available in the university's libraries to the general public, by visiting the libraries virtually through the official website on the Internet, or in person.
- Raising the cultural level and intellectual immunization of young people by donating and distributing many original scientific publications and references.
Gifting and exchanging scientific and cultural publications with various community institutions, both internally and externally.
Exchange of theses with other Saudi universities.
- Regular organization of many book fairs internally, and participation in most of the internal and international exhibitions.
Supporting events and activities organized by the university and other parties with specialized exhibitions with the library's holdings (manuscripts, periodicals, books, and multimedia).
Request service to facilitate a researcher's task - from outside the university
Log in through the insyab system at the following link
Library Status
The #جامعة_الإمام libraries witnessed in these years the achievement of a number of achievements at the level of libraries and their services, including the establishment and rehabilitation of libraries, the modernization, development and improvement of systems and services, and the implementation of a number of development projects; The Deanship believes in its effective and supportive role for the educational and research program.