Does your university as a body host event at university that are open to the general public: executive education programs (this refers to short courses for people who are not attending the university; this specifically excludes courses like MBA) and/or vocational training?
Details of Training Courses and Workshops and the Number of Beneficiaries

8 specialized sessions and workshops on the first day of the National Media Conference
The National Media Conference, organized by Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, represented by the College of Media and Communication, witnessed 6 rich sessions and two workshops on television appearance strategies presented by the presenter Muhammad Al-Tomaihi and the other presented by Dr. Hassan Sumaili on the applications of artificial intelligence in digital marketing.
The first session began with a scientific rooting of the dialectic of the concept of national media and its practices, addressed by Abdul Rahman Al-Hazza and Dr. Fahd Al-Tayash, in addition to Hani Wafa and Dr. Ibrahim Al-Baiz, while it was moderated by Dr. Ohood Al-Shuhail. The participants stressed the importance of our national media being professional in light of the circumstances we live in and delivering our achievements abroad.
In a dialogue session on the presence and effectiveness of Saudi investments in cross-border media, attended by Bandar Asiri, Dr. Abdullah Bankhar, and Dr. Muhammad Al-Hizan and moderated by Abdullah Al-Ghanmi, the participants explained that the Saudi media is at the forefront, but it is not in its beginnings in terms of investment in light of the challenges of financial sustainability and initiative towards influence.
The third session on the first day dealt with the national media between the values of the profession and market mechanisms under the management of Dr. Lafi Al-Rashidi, during which Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Enad spoke and was moderated by Dr. Lafi Al-Rashidi, where Al-Anad stressed the importance of feeling responsible towards society, respecting people and gaining their trust in credibility, especially that the national media must preserve national unity and stay away from the preoccupation of public opinion in issues that do not serve the country.
In the information session of government agencies and the formation of national public opinion: Who leads the other? Moderated by Dr. Ghannam Al-Muraikhi and attended by Dr. Khaled Al-Faram, Dr. Amal Al-Hazani and Dr. Ahmed Al-Jumaiah, the participants agreed on the different formation of public opinion after the emergence of technology, technology and social networks, as social networks play a greater role in the formation of public opinion than others. They discussed the difference between the official and national media, as the latter governs social participation.
The fifth session dealt with the presence and influence of Saudi drama and national issues, as it was moderated by Dr. Waad Aref and participated by Sultan Al-Bazai and Kuwaiti artist Ibrahim Al-Harbi, in addition to Dr. Nayef Al-Thaqil, stressing that Vision 2030 set clear goals with regard to strengthening national identity, citing the interest of the College of Media and Communication at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University through the opening of a department in the college for theater and cinema, while the participants called for raising the level of drama as it is one of the soft forces that must be exploited.
At the end of the sessions for the first day, His Excellency Eng. Abdullah Al-Mouallimi, Advisor to His Highness the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was a guest at the conference as a keynote speaker on the media diplomacy in the service of national issues under the management of Tariq Al-Humaid, where he addressed the status of the media among the tools of diplomacy and his vision about it and the contribution of media practices to enhance the international position of the Kingdom.
Al-Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud Islamic University in cooperation with Noon launches the summer camp for e-commerce

Today, Tuesday 16/12/1444 AH corresponding to 4/7/2023 AD, the summer camp for e-commerce, implemented by the Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in cooperation with Noon, was launched at the headquarters of the Business Incubator of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University (Imam Cloud), where the camp provides the opportunity for university students to qualify appropriately to enter the field of e-commerce, which includes a number of activities, training workshops and field visits that help participants acquire the necessary skills to develop their own projects in the field of e-commerce. In addition to providing consultations and support to participants during the camp period.
For her part, Her Excellency the Dean of the Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Sawsan bint Abdul Karim Al-Momen, praised the implementation of the summer camp for e-commerce in cooperation with Noon, which lasts for four weeks, stressing that this step reflects the interest of Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship and self-employment among university students, and supporting and encouraging their businesses, which comes within the framework of the efforts made by the Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship to achieve the objectives of the university's strategic plan in the aspect of innovation and entrepreneurship Business and self-employment, by providing the necessary and appropriate training opportunities to qualify male and female students, train them and enable them to launch their own projects, in line with the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which aimed to enable job creation through small and medium enterprises and microenterprises.
National Responsibility in Social Media Course

The Vice Deanship of Student Affairs for Female Student Affairs, represented by the Technology and Talent Club, organized a training course for female students of Imam University entitled: (National Responsibility in Social Networks), which was delivered by Dr. Nawer Al-Shammari (Vice Dean of the College of Media and Communication), on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, in the support hall, building 412 in King Abdullah Women's City.
This course aims to identify the national responsibility of students by measuring its impact through the use of social networks, raising awareness of how to use them in a beneficial manner, and being careful and away from their harms, and that the basic essence of communication is information, influence, inspiration, motivation, building relationships, learning, and self-encouragement, and communication is also used with for persuasion, negotiation and improving work achievement.
The doctor began by introducing students to social networks, the most important changes in the digital communication environment and their impact, and criminal, legal and national responsibility in social networks and their impact on the individual and society, and concluded by talking about the rules and foundations of constructive criticism, its controls and standards.
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conducts a Series of Lectures, Training Courses and Workshops during the Summer Semester

The Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, represented by the Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, implemented a series of training courses, lectures and workshops during the summer period, which aim to promote and spread the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among the university's employees, where the Deanship, in cooperation with the Business Academy, held a workshop entitled "Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises", on Tuesday evening 23-12-1444 AH corresponding to 11-7-2023 AD, presented by His Excellency Dr. Amr Essam Sukkar - Consultant of Management and Business Economics in the European Union - where The workshop was held via the "zoom" platform, and the workshop dealt with many topics, including: the concept of entrepreneurship, who is an entrepreneur, the importance of innovation and creativity in this field, and the qualities of a successful pioneer.
On Sunday evening, 28-12-1444 AH corresponding to 16-7-2023 AD, the Deanship also carried out a lecture entitled "Roadmap Towards Cybersecurity", presented by His Excellency Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Nimri, Consultant in Cybersecurity Systems, and the lecture was held via the "zoom" platform, as it included many important axes, including: the basics of cybersecurity, its definition, determining the requirements for studying this field, identifying national initiatives to learn cybersecurity, and developing skills to search for sources of studying cybersecurity. On Thursday 2-1-1445 AH corresponding to 20-7-2023 AD, the Deanship organized a training course entitled "Professionalism in Customer Service for Small Projects", presented by Ms. Maitha Al-Naqoul at the headquarters of the Imam Cloud in the female section, and the course included a number of important axes, including: the concept of customer service, how to provide service with love and mastery, and the six keys to excellent customer service in small projects.
Her Excellency the Dean of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Sawsan bint Abdulkarim Al-Momen, pointed out that these activities and events come within the framework of the continuous efforts made by the Deanship to promote and spread the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the university, and to enable male and female students to transform their innovative ideas into promising pioneering projects, which contribute to the development of the knowledge economy. and entrepreneurship.
A number of beneficiaries also expressed their thanks and appreciation for the efforts made by the Deanship, stressing the importance of these events in promoting innovation and leadership in society.
It is noteworthy that these events are part of the initiatives and plans of the Deanship that aim to promote and spread the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among the university's employees and develop the skills of young people and empower them in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship.
A language program for non-native speakers at the Arabic Language Institute

The Institute of Arabic Language Teaching at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University organizes the non-intensive language program for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, and the application ends on Thursday 15-2-1445 AH corresponding to 31-8-2023 AD
Application link:
The General Administration of Social Responsibility and Community Service launches the (Train) program

The first training programs of the General Directorate of Social Responsibility and Community Service were launched within the Trains initiative.
His Excellency the Social Responsibility Advisor, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Muhammad Al-Kharashi, stated that the initiative aims to direct the efforts and capabilities of the university's employees in serving the community and contributing to building its capabilities, which is reflected in strengthening the university's role.
This initiative (Train) comes to contribute to supporting non-profit sector institutions and training their employees and beneficiaries to contribute to raising the level of professional performance and maximizing impact.
In order to achieve the Kingdom's Vision 2030, which includes enabling social responsibility, and the university's strategic goal (effective community and national partnerships and contributions)
He explained that the first training program of the Trainer initiative was held on Monday, 2-10-2023
For employees of the National Committee for the Care of Prisoners, Released Persons and Their Families entitled:
For a more productive career presented by His Excellency Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Kaltham
With the aim of creating a more productive and professional production environment.
The Social Responsibility Advisor expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the President of the University and His Excellency the Vice President for Institutional Development and Social Responsibility for the support and empowerment of social responsibility and community service programs and events.
Risk, Emergency and Business Continuity Department holds a workshop entitled (Risk and Emergency Management and Business Continuity) in cooperation with the Skills Development Center
Risk and emergency management and business continuity is an essential element that contributes to increasing the efficiency of operations and effective decision-making, by identifying the risks that the university may face that may affect the achievement of its goals, in order to manage them, reduce the likelihood of their occurrence and prevent them, prepare emergency plans, prepare and respond to them, reduce the effects if they occur, and take appropriate measures to recover and return operations to normal, risk and emergency management and business continuity are working on a huge project to spread the culture of management Risks that target all administrative levels of the university, and from this point of view, a workshop was held today, Monday, 1445/3/24 AH corresponding to 2023/10/9 in the Conference Building Hall 412 in King Abdullah Women's City, which was presented by Ms. Al-Maha bint Abdullah Al-Barqi, Director of Risk, Emergency and Business Continuity Department.
It aims to contribute to achieving the objectives of the university's strategy, improve the decision-making process at the university level by taking into account the risks identified, reduce and mitigate the impact of compliance and reputation risks, ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and comply with international and local regulatory requirements, predict key risks before they occur and address them effectively, increase the efficiency of operational and financial processes, mitigate the impact of risks on strategic plans, operations and reputation, and ensure the level of The readiness of the university by preparing an annual plan for the implementation of exercises and hypothetical applications of emergency plans, identifying the current resources, capabilities and capabilities needed to respond to and recover from emergencies and expected crises, and identifying the resources, capabilities, capabilities, procedures and works necessary to continue providing basic services and necessary products at predetermined levels and within an acceptable time frame in the event of disruption or interruption.
To complement the previously prepared plan, workshops were provided for second-grade leaders at the university, including vice deans, deans and general managers in the men's department and at the level of branches inside and outside the Kingdom, and the target group is currently women leaders in King Abdullah City for female students, and the target group in the future is heads of departments (men's section), directors of units, academic staff, administrative body and students.
The slogan of risk management, emergencies and business continuity was also launched, which aims to always reach the best at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and turn challenges into opportunities (adapted from the Crown Prince's interview with Fox News).
The Skills Development Center implements training courses for more than (2400) trainees during October 2023
The Skills Development Center at the University Agency for Institutional Development and Social Responsibility at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University organized (12) qualitative training courses during the month of October 2023, including two courses for administrative staff, from which (994) trainees benefited in conflict management in the work environment and the basics of information security, and the center also implemented (10) courses targeting university faculty members and the like, and the number of beneficiaries reached (1434) trainees
These courses come within the framework of achieving the objectives of the ambitious vision and as an extension of the keenness and interest of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University to enhance knowledge, advance the educational process and its quality, and improve the performance of its employees academically and administratively.
The President of the Center, Dr. Mohammed bin Nada Al-Enezi, said: "The Center is keen to translate its mission and vision and carry out its role and tasks entrusted to it, to develop the various skills of the university's employees and develop them in all fields that include teaching and learning, scientific research, academic and administrative leadership, information technology, and other skills that contribute to the university's achievement of leadership and excellence regionally and globally, based on the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030."
Dr. Al-Enezi added: "The courses varied according to educational needs in several areas, including: building a table of specifications for achievement tests, the basics of educational discourse in light of the communicative orientation, risk and emergency management and business continuity, directed scientific research, the use of soft skills in the educational process, the basics of information security, the methodology for preparing test questions, digital transformation, and the mechanism for measuring learning outcomes in Blackboard."
His Excellency the President of the Center, Dr. Muhammad bin Nidaa Al-Enezi, explained that these courses are part of a continuous series of programs and qualitative courses offered by the Center, and come from the Center's belief in the importance of training and development within its vision, objectives and mission to contribute to the development of the university environment, and achieve the university's goals and strategic plan (2021/2025), and aware of the importance of actively contributing to achieving the vision and mission of our ancient university, improving the quality of the educational, academic and administrative environment, the quality of university learning outcomes, and building a contemporary knowledge and university community that possesses knowledge. Modern skills and values, which makes the university among the best universities at the local and global levels, in accordance with the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030.
Dr. Al-Enezi also pointed out that these programs and courses are held based on the support, guidance and interest of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, and continuous follow-up from the Vice President for Institutional Development and Social Responsibility, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheddi, appreciating the support of His Excellency the President and the Vice President of the University, their follow-up, interest and keenness to make the center's work a success.
The launch of the judicial course for Indonesian judges at the Higher Institute of the Judiciary at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University

On Sunday morning 21/4/1445 AH at the Higher Institute of the Judiciary at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, the specialized judicial course for Indonesian judges was launched, in which thirty-five Indonesian judges participate.
The course was opened by the Dean of the Higher Judicial Institute, Prof. Abdullah bin Ahmed Salem Al-Mahmadi, welcoming the eminent judges participating in the course, which lasts for two weeks, and aims to inform them of the judicial organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and discuss the most prominent issues related to personal status, financial and banking transactions and exchange judicial experiences between the two sides.
The Brigadier General explained that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomes judicial delegations from Islamic countries to benefit and learn about the judicial experiences of the Kingdom and the application of Islamic Sharia in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
The Dean indicated that this course enjoys the supervision, follow-up and support of His Excellency the Minister of Education, Mr. Yousef bin Abdullah Al-Benyan, and His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, and a group of specialists from the eminent professors of the Institute participate.
On this occasion, everyone extended their deepest thanks and gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Crown Prince and Prime Minister for the generous guidance and approval to hold this course at the Higher Judicial Institute, asking God Almighty to protect our rulers and to provide them with His help and success and to perpetuate our country's security, prosperity and stability.
141 academic trainees at the Skills Development Center in a course (Fundamentals of Information Security)
The Skills Development Center at the University Vice Presidency for Institutional Development and Social Responsibility held a remote training course entitled (Fundamentals of Information Security) targeting faculty members at the university, on Wednesday 3/4/1445 AH corresponding to 18/10/2023 AD. In the presence of (141) trainees from the academic staff in various units of the university, the course was presented by Her Excellency Dr. Tahani Al-Balawi, Assistant Professor at the College of Computer and Information Sciences. This course aimed to introduce the trainees to what information security is and that it is a set of methods and practices adopted to protect data and information from threats, whether these threats are internal or external, accidental or deliberate, and the difference between it and cybersecurity, and being a necessity and not an optional solution, and to present the components and elements of information systems, as well as to know the most prominent challenges and the type of threats facing information security, and the necessary protection systems, and to enhance the importance of information security awareness and knowledge of the Personal Data Protection Law in Saudi Arabia (PDPL).
The provision of this course comes within a series of training and qualitative courses offered by the Skills Development Center at the University Agency for Institutional Development and Social Responsibility, based on its vision and mission emanating from the university's future vision and strategic plans, and activating its important role in working to keep pace with modern developments in higher education, and ensuring that trainees acquire more knowledge, skills, experiences and values, and develop their capabilities to enable them to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively, which will reflect positively on the progress of the educational process and its results, and achieve Its desired goals are with high quality.
The General Directorate of Training and Programs holds 13 diverse training programs
With the kind approval of His Excellency the Rector of the University, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars, Sheikh Prof. Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Aba Al-Khail, and under the direct supervision of the Vice President for Scientific Institutes Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim bin Mohammed Qassim Al-Maiman, the General Directorate of Training and Programs implemented a number of (13) training programs throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in which emphasis was placed on geographically adjacent institutes to benefit as many teachers as possible from these programs, which included (29) scientific institutes and benefited from them approximately ( 350) Teacher.

Scientific institutes invest in the return of teachers in training programs
Under the supervision of His Excellency the Acting Rector of Imam University, Dr. Fawzan bin Abdulrahman Al-Fozan, and the follow-up of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim bin Mohammed Al-Maiman, the Vice Rectorate for Scientific Institutes Affairs, represented by the General Directorate of Training and Programs, implemented an educational skills program targeting teachers of scientific institutes, in order to invest in the week of the return of teachers.
The Director of the General Directorate of Training and Programs at the Agency, Dr. Saleh bin Rashid Al-Huwaimel, explained that the program comes within the plans of the administration to train teachers periodically and keep them informed of what is new in the educational and educational process, and the program includes training courses and workshops aimed at upgrading educational methods, including several skills, including technical preparation of lessons, skills of teaching methods, and skills of dealing with students,
It is worth mentioning that the program targets approximately two thousand teachers of scientific institutes and this program falls within the readiness of scientific institutes for the new academic year.

A "Strategic Planning" Course for Female Employees
On Wednesday 1/14/1442 AH, through the application of Zoom, the General Administration for Investment in King Abdullah City for Female Students implemented a training course entitled Strategic Planning, it was presented by Professor Sumaya Al-Ghishian, who won the first place in the project to establish prophetic values with information technology, and a member of the Anan volunteer team.
The course axes included the concept of strategic planning and its history, vision, mission, strategic objectives, stages of strategic planning on the "Fiverr" model, preparation of a step-by-step strategic plan, planning and total quality management, which lasted for three evening hours.
This comes in fulfillment of the goals of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 vision of revitalizing community partnerships and volunteer work between institutions and institutes, and to improve the performance of the work team under the supervision of the Deputy General Administration for Investment, A. Mayssam Al-Ashewi, a voluntary community partnership was concluded with the Rodna Training Center, with the efforts of the employee May Al-Nasser, to provide online courses for female administration employees, with certificates approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation.
Administrative Communication Skills Course
The General Administration for Investment holds training courses provided to its employees online, with the aim of developing the level of performance of the work team and the quality of the department's outputs in line with the precautions taken following the Corona pandemic.
The courses were provided by a group of specialized and qualified trainers under the supervision of the Deputy Director General of the General Administration for Investment in King Abdullah City for female students, Professor Maysam Al-Ashawi, represented by Professor May Al-Nasser, the trainees will be awarded certificates approved by the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training.
The first of these training programs was the Administrative Communication Skills Course by Trainer Amal Halawani, on Wednesday 7/1/1442 AH from 5-8 PM online using the Zoom program.
The Deanship of Library Affairs holds a training workshop entitled: "Research in the Saudi Digital Library" for the employees of King Abdullah City for Female Students
To register:
Click here
Be Game Maker Workshop Course

Training and Introductory Workshop on Electronic Educational Systems, Programs and Tools
The Vice Rectorate for Planning, Development and Quality in cooperation with the Vice Rectorate for Community Service and Information Technology represented by the Deanship of University Education Development and the Deanship of Information Technology organizes a series of training and introductory workshops on the electronic educational systems, programs and tools for faculty members at the university in line with the developments and modern transformations witnessed by Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University regarding electronic systems supporting academic and administrative affairs, and this comes out of the keenness of the university to excel in the provision of services In an effort to lead the e-university in the transition to e-government transactions in line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 as well as the future plan for university education in the Kingdom «AFAC» and in line with the strategic plan of the university, and for more information click here
Management Report Writing Workshop
In order to achieve integration and cooperation between the Deanships of Human Resources and Library Affairs in the field of training, the Agency for Scholarship and Training will hold a workshop (writing administrative reports) presented by Prof. Dr. Khalid Al-Thubaiti to the employees of the Deanship of Library Affairs tomorrow Tuesday, 24/3/1442 in the period 10-12 am, and aims to develop the skills of the employees of the Deanship of Library Affairs in writing administrative reports, and will be held remotely using the program Microsoft Teams
CLT Research Showcase workshop series
The CLT Research Showcase organizers are pleased to announce to their first workshop titled
“Unintended Plagiarism: The Art of Summarizing and Paraphrasing"
Presented by:
Dr. Asma Alsahil & Dr. Shahida Almuhareb
Target students: Level 3 and above Time: Wed. 19 -2- 2020 Place:2-c201 From 9:30 – 11:05
To register, scan the following barcode “space is limited"
Training Course for Graduate Students
Postgraduate Courses
The Department of Psychology held a training course for graduate
students entitled:
Scale of diagnostic methods for children.
Course Presenter:
H.E. Mrs. Naila Al-Qahtani, Lecturer in the Department of Psychology.
Which was held in the Psychology Laboratory Building (325) on Tuesday, 11/4/1443 AH
Writers Workshop Useful Strategies and Tip at the Deanship of Preparatory Programs
Writing Workshop:
(Writers' Workshop: Useful Strategies and Tips)
In the Deanship of Preparatory Programs
Under the patronage of HE the Dean of Preparatory Programs, Dr. Ali Al-Salem, and HE the Undersecretary of the Female Section, Dr. Hanan Habs Al-Harbi, the organizing committee of the competition will present the Writers' Workshop: Useful Strategies and Tips, on Monday, 24/7/1442 AH, targeting the students of the Deanship, and the participants and participants in the short story competition recently launched by the Deanship.
This workshop is one of the events accompanying the Short Story Contest for writing short stories in English. This unique writing workshop focuses on clarifying the most important strategies for writing a short story, such as descriptive style, character building, narrative and coherence of events, plot, and influencing the reader, in addition to the necessary steps in improving the writing and creativity of short stories.
This workshop will be presented by a group of professors of the Department of English at the Deanship of Preparatory Programs, namely Amna Al-Ghamdi, a specialist in English literature and a doctoral student in it, Wa. Maha Al-Shammari, specialized in English language curricula and teaching methods, Wa. Nouf Al-Swailem, specialized in teaching English as a second language.
Short story writing literature is one of the most important cultural and linguistic products produced by speakers of living languages, and evidence has come together for great writers who amazed us by writing the short story in English, although it, that is, English, is not their mother tongue, including the Nigerien storyteller Chinua Achebe, the Polish writer Joseph Conrad and the Chinese inspirational Yiyun Li.
The next day, the Short Story Contest was launched at the Deanship of Preparatory Programs, where the competition focuses on promoting three basic aspects among the students of the Deanship: creativity and originality, linguistic queen, and healthy competition among peers, while the conditions for participation in it are:
- Participants must be current students in the Deanship of Preparatory Programs.
- The story must be in English, written by computer.
- The story should be inspired by one of the four writing motivators selected by the organizing committee, whose images and phrases are attached to the advertisement.
- Share only one story per student.
Registration for the short story writing competition in English was also available on the Deanship's Twitter account (@DPP_ImamU) Wednesday, 19/7/1442 AH and ends on Thursday 11/8/1442 AH, where the jury will announce the names of the winners of the first places on Sunday, 15/7/1442 AH, God willing.
The organizing committee and jury based each story on one of four writing stimuli to swim our students in the space of fiction and narrative worlds.
As for the reason for choosing four incentives for writing, Ms. Iman Al-Otaibi, from the competition organizations and judges, explained that: "The choice of writing incentives as one of the conditions for participation in the competition comes because we know as English teachers of their importance in unleashing the student's imagination, as they represent the first threshold to the desired story."
It is worth mentioning that what is meant by writing stimuli are phrases and images chosen by professors to write their articles and stories against them, they are like the main title or general format.
The jury also relies on 60% of the evaluation of the winning stories and 40% of the vote of the readers of the story, as the jury will put the three stories nominated for the finals to the vote of the readers on the Deanship's Twitter account.
The criteria for the jury in the distribution of points to the competitors are that the story should be:
- Authentic
- Creative
- With a plot and narrative
- Descriptive
- Linguistically sound
- The competition is fun
As a result of the creative written talents of English language professors in English for the students of the preparatory programs, and a desire to appreciate them at the level of the Deanship as one of the forms of academic, scientific and literary support from the portal of our male and female students to university life.
The organizing committee and the jury are composed of a: Abeer Al-Osaimi, a: Iman Al-Otaibi, a: Amna Al-Ghamdi, a: Maha Al-Shammari, a: Nouf bin Muhanna, a: Nouf Al-Swailem, a. A: May al-Askar, A: Wassan al-Haidari, A: Arak al-Shushan.

9,383 beneficiaries of the Skills Development Center's programs.
The Center for Skills Development at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University - recently - implemented a set of training programs and distinguished activities that contribute to achieving the center's mission aimed at developing the skills of the academic and administrative staff at the university, and achieving the university's goals and mission.
The center's courses focus on several fields, including courses in academic leadership, strategic planning, total quality, teaching skills, technical courses in the field of computer and information, academic and administrative work ethics, and other courses.
The number of training programs and courses in the Academic Development Unit during the year 1441/42 AH reached 50 training programs for 3,520 male and female beneficiaries, while the number of training courses implemented in the Administrative Development Unit during the year 1441/42 AH reached 39 programs benefiting 5,863 male and female trainees, while the number reached The total number of beneficiaries of training programs in the Academic and Administrative Development Unit is 9383 beneficiaries.
These programs varied between attendance during the first semester of the academic year 1441 AH and virtual starting from the second semester of the same year during the circumstances imposed by the Corona pandemic, which affected the Kingdom and the world at large, and necessitated taking preventive measures to limit its spread, and the center sought as part of the integrated university system To make efforts that are consistent with the university's policy, and dedicate its preventive message aimed at the safety of the university community without violating the academic and administrative process.
With the beginning of the new academic year 1443 AH, which will be in attendance, the center was keen to implement a number of requirements, measures, and preventive and awareness plans that guarantee, God willing, the safety of the trainers and trainees, namely: not allowing entry to the center's headquarters except for the trainee who has been immunized with one dose, or fortified with two doses, or fortified with recovering In accordance with the health situation in the Tawakkalna application, calling on all male and female trainers and trainees to take the initiative to take the vaccine in order to avoid not being prevented from entering the center, and the center also stressed taking the vaccine for its employees and immunizing them, as well as providing sterilizers, masks and heat detectors, and obligating everyone to distance the trainees inside the hall, In addition to checking the temperature of all those who wish to enter the hall, and placing indicative posters inside the training hall and the center's facilities, with an emphasis on the trainers of the need to take immunizations.
In addition to the need to direct the trainees to the importance of adhering to the precautions received from the Ministry of Health, and the use of electronic transactions through digital platforms, in order to achieve the objectives of the center, which are to ensure the safety of trainers and trainees, and to educate university employees in the media about the necessity of immunizations and maintaining their safety.
On the other hand, during the summer period of 1442 AH, the Center implemented a number of virtual training courses offered to faculty members and employees. In the Academic Development Unit, the Center presented a training program entitled: “The Most Important Elements of Discussing Scientific Research." Its axes dealt with the elements of an introduction and the problem of the study, its objectives and importance. And the elements of discussing the theoretical framework and previous studies, elements of discussing the methodological procedures, the study population and sample, tools and methods of treatment, in addition to the elements of discussing and interpreting the results of the study and formulating recommendations and proposed research. The program "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" was also implemented, which included the following dialogue: the concept and components of scientific research, types and methods of scientific research, steps of scientific research, and the characteristics and personality of the scientific researcher and how it appears in his research.
With regard to the courses of the Administrative Development Unit, the Center presented a course "Performing work intelligently without effort", one of its general objectives was to develop intelligence skills for employees in the speed of completion of tasks and work without effort, and to provide them with the skills of success and administrative excellence at work, and to link concepts with practical application in the organization with high efficiency, and from It also aims to identify new tools to give employees the skill of researching new means of their work, and to identify means of improving happiness, raising the standard of life, enjoying the pleasure of production and self-realization, as well as identifying different means of work and exercise, innovation in means and mastery in it.
While the course "Stress Management in the Work Environment" dealt with the concept of stress, its impact, the importance of managing it, distinguishing the stages of stress and its impact on job performance, and distinguishing the impact of pressure on the individual and the organization, in addition to identifying the most important causes of stress at work, and alerting to the beliefs and behaviors that cause to pressure.
For more information, please visit the Skills Development Center website:
The University Vice Presidency for Business Development and Investment holds a workshop with the General Authority for Endowments
The University Vice Presidency for Business Development and Investment, represented by the General Administration of Endowments, held a workshop with the General Authority for Endowments to identify the needs of the university endowments, to identify the work of establishing endowments at the university, to learn about the governance mechanism followed by the university, and to discuss finding solutions to the existing and future challenges facing the university endowments. The workshop was attended by the University's Vice Rector for Business Development and Investment, and from the university officials, the Assistant Vice President for Business and Investment Development for Legal Affairs, the CEO of the University Investments Fund and its own resources, the Executive Adviser for University Endowments in the University's Investment Fund and its own resources, and the Director General of the General Administration of Endowments also participated in the meeting. From the General Authority for Endowments, His Excellency the Director of the General Administration of Supervision and Control and His Excellency the Director of the Inspection Department, in addition to a number of employees of the Authority.
Dr. Al-Amiri inaugurates a workshop on investment opportunities at Al-Imam University.
His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Prof. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, inaugurated today a workshop to review the first phase of investment opportunities at the university, which is organized by the university represented by the Agency for Business Development and Investment in the Round Hall of the Conference Building.
The workshop aimed at presenting the university's investment opportunities to be presented in accordance with the government competition system, as the proposed vision for the project to develop the eastern facade of the university and the facade adjacent to Prince Mohammed bin Salman Road and Al-Takhassusi Road, in addition to the investment sites in the educational district for students, King Abdullah City for female students, and the King Abdullah City for Girls. Housing faculty members, and a number of businessmen and competent authorities participated in the workshop to benefit from their experiences in this field as a first stage.
His Excellency the President of the University thanked the participants in the workshop, and stressed the importance of the ideas and proposals that were put forward in the workshop to develop investments and revenues in the university to achieve the directions and aspirations of the leadership of this country - may God protect them - and to contribute to the realization of the Saudi Vision 2030.
His Excellency Dr. Al-Amiri indicated that one of the university's strategic plan for the next five years is to develop the university's resources to contribute to raising the efficiency of government spending, revealing that the university is full of many investment opportunities and it seeks to search for success partners to develop good, successful and sustainable models that serve the future of the university and contribute to achieving and implementing its vision and plan Strategy 2025, noting the university's endeavor to be without walls to serve the local community and benefit from its vital location.
His Excellency made it clear that this is the first stage, and it will be followed by future stages, and there will be other meetings to present other new opportunities.
For his part, the Vice Rector for Business Development and Investment, Prof. Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Saghir, explained that the university has a forthcoming plan to present a set of investment opportunities in a number of fields, stressing that the university has worked throughout the past period to ensure that all procedures are with government agencies such as the Ministry of Finance. And the State Real Estate Authority and other bodies in accordance with the regulation of a clear financial regulation.
Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Saghir thanked the President of the University for the support and interest that the Agency has received since its establishment after the university's restructuring and what was included in the strategic plan in the aspect of financial sustainability, and what the adoption of the financial aspects of the university, which was recently approved, constitutes an opportunity to launch in the investment aspects. He also gave his thanks For all businessmen and representatives of the parties participating in the workshop.
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Al-Imam University holds a workshop (remotely) entitled “The Role of Intellectual Property in Developing Small and Medium Enterprise.
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University held a workshop (remotely) entitled "The Role of Intellectual Property in Developing Small and Medium Enterprises" in cooperation with the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property, on Tuesday 27-4-2021AD.
The workshop addressed a number of topics, including:
The importance of intellectual property systems in protecting innovations and creativity, the impact of intellectual property on the economy, and the role of the small and medium enterprises sector in strengthening the economy. The workshop also discussed the importance of research and development participation (universities) in supporting enterprises through intellectual property, and to a number of international experiences in that.
It is noteworthy that the workshop was carried out in conjunction with the World Intellectual Property Day, which falls on April 26 of each year, and aims to raise awareness of the importance and impact of intellectual property on daily life.
The College of Continuing Education and Community Service implements specialized community educational and training programs designed according to high scientific and professional standards that include knowledge and skills that keep pace with the aspirations of the Saudi Vision 2030.
The college seeks to develop new educational programs that meet the requirements and needs of the labor market in monitoring and integrity, human resources management, quality management, medical secretarial, smart internet systems, governance and public policies.
Foundation :
The College of Continuing Education and Community Service was established in 1405 AH under the name of the Deanship of the University Center for Community Service and Continuing Education. Since its inception, it has endeavored to enhance the university's contribution to achieving one of the most important functions of the university through serving the community and its members at all levels and meeting their various needs and interests.
Change of name, vision and objectives:
In 1441 AH, the Interim Committee for Higher Education, headed by His Excellency the Minister of Education, Dr. Hamad bin Muhammad Al Sheikh, approved a new structure for the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, which included changing the name of the Deanship of the University Center for Community Service and Continuing Education to the College of Continuing Education and Community Service, to complete the college's long history With a number of achievements and results, it was able to gain the confidence of many members of society, governmental and private institutions. The college has ambitious plans and various initiatives to continue its distinguished path in serving the community and meeting its needs, led by a distinct vision, a clear message and specific goals that stem from the mission, objectives and vision of the university.
Objectives, programs and aspirations:
The college aims to link the university to the community by establishing continuous communication with all its institutions and sectors to achieve the university's active participation in the development process in the Kingdom, developing continuing education programs and community service, keeping abreast of the latest educational and professional sciences and technologies, linking university experiences and knowledge to the scientific and practical life of the individual and helping him to employ expertise and knowledge gained in increasing its productivity.
Since the launch of the strategic plan of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University 2021-2025, the most important goal has become quality and leadership in education, and accordingly, the College of Continuing Education and Community Service has developed its goals to match the aspirations and goals of the university. The college's goals, programs and community activities are directly related to the strategic axes and goals of the university's plan, specifically in:
- The first axis: education, learning and training.
- The second axis: "Partnerships and social responsibility.
- The first strategic goal: Competitive educational outputs that are qualified with knowledge and skills that meet the needs of the labor market.
- The fourth strategic objective: effective community and national partnerships and contributions.
The college also implements many specialized and distinctive educational, training and community programs that have been carefully designed according to high scientific and professional standards that include knowledge and skills that keep pace with the aspirations of the Saudi Vision 2030, and the requirements of national development to achieve the needs of the labor market. The college has established a number of specialized educational programs in various fields approved by the Ministry Human resources and social development. Its duration ranges from one to two years, depending on the specialization. It includes two categories:
First category: Intermediate diploma programs for holders of a high school diploma or its equivalent.
The second category: the higher diploma program for holders of a university degree (Bachelor).
The implementation and management of these programs are based on two scientific departments in the college: the Department of Applied Sciences, which offers a diploma in computer (programming), a diploma in computer (network technology), and the Department of Human and Administrative Sciences, which includes: a lawyer's diploma, a diploma in family counseling, a diploma in business administration, a diploma in accounting Marketing Diploma, Public Relations Diploma, English Language Diploma, Editorial and Secretarial Diploma.
New programs:
The college seeks to develop new educational programs that keep pace with the requirements and needs of the labor market in accordance with the Saudi Vision 2030 to be more professional and specialized in various fields needed by all segments of society (in oversight and integrity, human resource management, quality management, medical secretarial, smart internet systems, governance and public policies). ), and other qualitative and specialized professional programs that will be launched soon, God willing.
Program Sections Offered:
The programs offered at the college are divided into three sections:
- Training programs directed to the employees of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University (faculty members, members of the administrative body, male and female students)
Training programs for government agencies and NGOs.
- General training programs for all segments of society. The training programs include various fields, including: intellectual security, cybersecurity, quality, education and scientific research, as well as legal, administrative, technical, financial and other fields. The duration of the training courses varies between long training courses that last up to eight weeks, and short training courses of hours. or a few days. The college is also currently working on preparing several specialized training programs to keep pace with the needs of the labor market and job requirements, and to provide professional and professional certificates in coordination and cooperation with its donors.
Active Partnerships:
The College of Continuing Education and Community Service works to strengthen effective partnerships in the field of community service and social responsibility to contribute to achieving high quality outputs, reaching a conscious and educated society, effective national helpers in building society, renaissance in job performance inside and outside the university, and working to invest its human and material resources. It serves the community and contributes to solving its problems. The college has held multiple partnerships and agreements with a number of parties inside and outside the university, in addition to the college's participation in national and international events to raise national awareness and enhance social communication.
1. Number of diploma programs offered:
Number of programs offered to BA holders | | 2 |
Number of programs offered for high school diploma holders | | 8 |
Total | 10 | |
| | |
2. Student statistics:
| 1441 AH | 1442 AH |
Paid software | 3447 male and female students | 3453 male and female students |
Community Programs | 761 male and female students | 1834 male and female students |
| | |
3. Courses Statistics:
| 1441 AH | 1442 AH |
number of courses | 40 cycles | 22 cycles |
The number of trainees | 1054 trainees | 971 trainees |
| | |
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship holds an advanced training program in the Internet of Things.
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, under the supervision of Dean Dr. Abdul Aziz Al Muhaimid, and the follow-up of the Vice-Dean of Innovation and Technology Transfer, Dr. Anas Al Shaiban, implemented an advanced training program (remotely) in the “Internet of Things" in cooperation with Thakaa Holding Company. The program targets female students of the College of Science Computer and Information and College of Science students.
The plan of the 5-day program included asynchronous training, through educational content available on a smart platform, simultaneous training through virtual classes provided by the trainer, assessment tests, application and research.
The program aims to introduce the concept of the Internet of things and its fields, the structure of the Internet of things, the most important protocols used in the Internet of things, the MQTT protocol, the most famous platforms for enabling Internet of things applications, the cumulocity platform, how to create an account on the cumulocity platform, downloading and installing the APP Sensor Cloud application on the mobile, connecting between Mobile application and cumulocity platform, a practical application on the Internet of Things that includes (defining mobile sensors on the platform, dealing with data and activating alerts).
The College of Languages and Translation holds workshops in coordination with the Professional Development Unit.
The College of Languages and Translation at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University - recently - organized a number of virtual workshops targeting the faculty's employees, which contribute to the administrative and professional development of the employee, one of them was entitled: (The Art of Writing Administrative Letters) prepared and presented by Ms. The number of registered employees in the workshop was 18, through the "Microsoft Teams" program, on Thursday 27/7/1442 AH. The one-hour workshop in the morning included a set of topics, namely: the definition of administrative letters, their importance, types, benefits, parts, and qualities of a good writer.
While the workshop entitled: (Professional in the Administrative Office) was presented by Ms. Munira Al-Hadeef, the number of beneficiaries of which was 16 employees, through the "Microsoft Teams" program, on Thursday 13/7/1442 AH. The one-hour workshop during the morning period included axes Among them: introducing the female employee, clarifying the concept of professionalism, and mentioning a Quranic verse indicating the necessity of work and the sincerity and credibility that it entails.
Briefly numbering the professional characteristics, mentioning some professional concepts from the person himself and not on a specific principle, mentioning what studies have proven in percentages about professionalism, as well as explaining and displaying the priority matrix for Stephen Covey, in addition to enumerating and explaining the employee's professional skills, and mentioning some negatives such as lack of Commitment to professionalism and making it interconnected lists, and the workshop concluded wisely by making professionalism a means, not an end.
The Strategic Planning Center organizes a virtual workshop for the agencies of Imam University.
On Monday 2/8/1442 AH, the Strategic Planning Center organized the second virtual workshop for the operational plan of the agencies of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University.
The workshop discussed the references for drafting the operational plan of the Imam University 2025 strategy, the strategic initiatives and the manual of tasks and powers, and discussed the elements of the operational plan and the transformation project for the new university system, in addition to presenting samples of the operational plan.
The Skills Development Center offers its training certificates through the Mawared platform.
Based on the aspiring university's endeavors to improve the quality of institutional performance and the administrative and professional quality of the university for its employees, the University Vice Presidency for Planning, Development and Quality, represented by the Center for Skills Development, and in cooperation with the Deanship of Information Technology, is working to raise the certificates of the training courses held by the center for its employees through the “Mawared Platform". This is as of 9/7/1442 AH corresponding to 2/21/2021 CE.
The General Supervisor of the Skills Development Center, Dr. Saleh bin Saeed Al-Shehri, indicated that this distinguished and fruitful step comes within the framework of the vision and objectives of the Skills Development Center and its interest in developing the educational process and the university work environment, supporting the scientific, professional and administrative capabilities of all university employees and community service, and linking and framing the relationship between the university and its employees. of academics, administrators, and students, in line with the university's goals and strategy to develop the educational environment, and provide the best in modern and renewable digital and electronic technologies to enhance its educational outcomes.
Dr. Al-Shehri praised the efforts of the Dean of Information Technology, Dr. Badr bin Nasser Al-Jabr, and the Director of the Applications Department, Mr. Abdullah Al-Hazmi, in cooperating with the Center and actively contributing to the development of the educational process, noting that this cooperation between the Center, the Deanship and other university units comes in line with the aspirations of His Excellency the President of the University. And his efforts with systematic and deliberate steps to implement electronic governance in the university environment, which is today one of the most important standards at the local and international levels, and to benefit from and employ them in building and strengthening the rules of the administrative, academic and research process, managing it and achieving common interests.
Dr. Al-Shehri thanked the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amri, for his tangible efforts in seeking to implement electronic governance standards at the university and his effective role in achieving the university's vision and strategic plans, and in everything that raises the value of the university and its competitive advantages among universities. Based on the orientations and aspirations of the state and its vision 2030, and its approach to applying governance standards in university institutions and considering them the best way to keep pace with electronic and digital changes in contemporary information and communication technology, by directing electronic governance to build and develop an administrative and information base, which determines the academic, research and competitive value of any university, as well as through Linking entities and units with each other, unifying efforts, implementing appropriate services that can be employed, expanding the base of community participation, and consolidating the principles of transparency, participatory and inclusiveness, in order to reach quality in university performance, as he thankedThe Vice Rector for Planning, Development and Quality, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheddi, for his keenness, follow-up and unlimited support for the work of the center and its development activities, and special thanks to the assistants and all employees of the Skills Development Center for their distinguished and tireless efforts in implementing such development services, and urging them to continue working in a team spirit and doing more of excellence and creativity.
The Deanship of Evaluation and Quality holds a number of remote workshops.

The Deanship of Evaluation and Quality, represented by the Training Unit, presented a number of specialized workshops for faculty members at the university (remotely), in continuation of its training plan for the third and fourth week in a row, on the topics of building organizational structures, measuring learning outcomes, and writing improvement plans based on the results of questionnaires and statistics. The quality of learning outcomes in distance education.
On Sunday 7/16/1442 AH, the Vice Dean for Academic Quality, Dr. Amani Al-Taweli, presented the sixth training course for the Dean entitled "Building Organizational Structures Practical Steps". The aim was to provide participants with the necessary knowledge to design the organizational structure in simple practical steps, then another course was held on Tuesday 18/7/1442 AH presented by the Vice Dean for Academic Accreditation, Dr. Awad Al-Shehri, entitled "Designing Activities and Tests to Measure Learning Outcomes" aimed at identifying the method of measuring learning outcomes. Learning in the course and how to employ various activities and tests to measure learning outcomes accurately and easily.
On Sunday 7/23/1442 AH, Dr. Awad Al-Shehri presented another course entitled "Writing improvement plans based on the results of questionnaires and statistics" aimed at identifying data sources in the academic environment and how to use this data to write improvement plans.
Then a meeting was held on Monday, 24/7/1442 AH, entitled "The Quality of Learning Outcomes in Distance Education" presented by the Dean's Advisor, Dr. Omar Al-Rafaa'a. Outcomes and their evaluation of students.
All courses were distinguished by attendance, interaction and interventions that added interest and dissemination of knowledge.
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship implements a number of training courses virtually.
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University - recently - implemented a number of training courses (remotely), namely: “Invention and Innovation Skills" presented by Professor Abeer Al-Baqami on Sunday, corresponding to 7-16-1442 AH, which dealt with a number of topics, including: Discuss the concepts of invention and innovation, the relationship between invention and innovation, basic skills of invention and innovation and examples of them.
On Tuesday, 18-7-1442 AH, the Deanship also presented a training course (remotely) entitled "E-Marketing" for the trainer, Ms. Nada Al-Sanan, in which she dealt with a number of axes, including the e-marketing plan, e-marketing methods, the definition of e-marketing and its tools, measuring results, suppression. the sales.
On the Gulf Day for Giftedness and Creativity, which falls on 3-3-2021 AD corresponding to 7/19-1442 AH, the Deanship conducted a lecture (remotely) entitled "Methods of identifying and caring for the gifted" presented by Professor Muhammad Al-Otaibi, in which he addressed a number of topics such as: concepts of talent, characteristics of the talented The methods of their care, and the lecture aims to spread the culture of talent by defining talent, knowing the difference between talent and excellence, knowing the characteristics of talented people, and the most prominent methods of their care.
The Deanship also implemented, in cooperation with the Social Development Bank, a training course (remotely) entitled "Smart Investment and Money Development" presented by Professor Hakim Al-Harbi on Sunday 23-7-1442 AH, in which he dealt with several themes, including (the importance of investment, the fourfold of earning, the exploitation of skills Talents, the difference between trade and investment, the traits of a smart investor.
The College of Continuing Education and Community Service at the university implements the Executive Leader Program in cooperation with the General Directorate of Prisons.
On Thursday, Rajab 13, 1442 AH, the College of Continuing Education and Community Service concluded at the university, the Executive Leader Program, which was implemented by the college in cooperation with the General Directorate of Prisons for (75) trainees from its employees. The closing ceremony of the program began with a visual presentation on the pioneering role of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University In serving the community and enriching knowledge and professionalism in various fields, and building qualitative and sustainable partnerships that aim to provide quality training and specialized professional programs that meet the needs of the community, within its strategic plan 2020-2025. Excerpts from the program's activities and the proceedings of the interactive training workshops that were presented to the trainees were also presented. For a period of 8 weeks, starting from 5/5/1442 AH, remotely via the electronic platform of the Training and Development Department at the college, in order to achieve the instructions of the Ministry of Health to address the emerging Corona pandemic as Covid 19.
Then His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. / Nayef bin Saad Al-Ghamdi, delivered his speech, which began with the praise of God for the completeness and success, then he thanked each of the trainees for the good discipline, cooperation and interaction throughout the program period. Continuing education and community service was honored to have this opportunity to present this training program to employees of the General Directorate of Prisons, as part of the programs of cooperation and fruitful community partnerships between the university and governmental and private community institutions, to achieve knowledge enrichment and professional and skill development for all members of society, and to contribute to the programs of the Saudi vision with all its goals and aspirations. Towards the construction and sustainable development of this benevolent homeland, the homeland of good and development.
His Excellency urged all the trainees to have the intention and determination to contribute to the service of this generous country, preserve its properties and capabilities, and work on everything that would raise the nation, its growth and construction. Prince Muhammad bin Salman - may God protect him - for overcoming the ill health that befell him, wishing him and all our rulers continued health and wellness, and he also thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Amri, for his support and follow-up to all the college's programs, and his keenness to show the university in a manner befitting its academic standing and its pioneering role in serving the sons and daughters of the country, achieving the aspirations of our rulers, and meeting the requirements of the labor market.
Thanks are due to His Excellency the Director General of Prisons in the Kingdom, Maj. Gen. Majid bin Bandar Al-Dawish, and his assistant for human resources, Major General Sultan bin Saleh Al-Ghufaili - may God grant them all - for their trust in the university to present the program, which resulted in such fruitful cooperation, and for their unremitting efforts and distinguished goals. It seeks to qualify its employees to practice leadership work and implement the duties and responsibilities entrusted to them according to solid scientific foundations, and distinguished professional programs. They and their employees have thanks, praise and prayers.
Dr. Al-Ghamdi concluded his speech by praying to God Almighty for all success and payment, and for our country with security, safety, prosperity and stability.
After that, Lt. Colonel / Sattam bin Hathal Al Anzi, Director of the Training Programs Department in the Directorate, delivered a speech on behalf of the Assistant Director General of Prisons for Human Resources, Major General / Sultan bin Saleh Al Ghufaili, where he began by congratulating everyone on the completion of the training program, through which the trainees received many sciences and knowledge. Related to the concepts of management and leadership, taught by a group of faculty members at the university, and pointed to the efforts of human resources in the General Directorate of Prisons to qualify and develop workers in the sector by providing knowledge and training content in cooperation with academic and training bodies, led by Imam Muhammad University Bin Saud Islamic University, represented by the College of Continuing Education and Community Service, urged the trainees to apply what they learned in this program of theories, applications and practices in their work in the General Directorate of Prisons, and thanked the University for its cooperation and support of the Directorate in implementing its programs and serving its employees.
Then concluded the ceremony honoring the trainees and offer certificates of completion of the training program, and God is the best.
The University Vice Presidency for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research represented by the Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship has organized a series of training courses (remotely).
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, under the supervision of Dean Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Muhaimid, and the follow-up of the Vice-Dean of Innovation and Technology Transfer, Dr. Anas Al-Shaiban, and in cooperation with the Social Development Bank, implemented a set of (6) training courses remotely, the conclusion of which was entitled “Building a Professional Identity" And the brand for projects" presented by Mr. Nayef Al-Qahtani on Thursday, 5-8-1442 AH, and from its axes (the difference between the logo and identity, the concept and purpose of the trademark, the concept of professional identity and its components, the conditions for choosing the trademark, the trademark returns)
Also, the Deanship, under the supervision of Brigadier Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Muhaimid and the follow-up of the Entrepreneurship Agency's Deputy, Dr. Muhammad Al-Muqrin, and in cooperation with the Saudi Injaz Company, established a remote training program entitled (The Company). The introductory meeting was held on Tuesday, 3-8-1442 AH, and the program will continue for several weeks, including eight sessions .
Where the company program depends on the method of practical training for male and female students through establishing an actual company of their own and managing it under the direct supervision of qualified mentors and volunteers in the private sector. The service that will be produced and then marketed by their company, and at the end of the program the company is liquidated and shareholders' equity is distributed.
The program aims to enable male and female students to transform their ideas into innovative projects and businesses of their own by learning to establish their own companies , to enable Saudi youth to work as a team and to face work pressures in creative and creative ways, to enhance the range of clerical and administrative skills among youth, such as critical thinking, problem solving Decision-making, communication skills, research and market survey, reporting.
The program includes 5 components (define, decide, design, develop, implement) that are addressed in the following eight sessions:
Company program/decision making - idea selection - corporate structure design
Corporate finance - idea development, production planning - marketing and customer base expansion
Sales and Evaluation - Filtering and Reflection/Preparation for the Contest
The Vice Deanship of Entrepreneurship also implemented a training course (remotely) entitled "Indicators of Project Success in the Business World" presented by Ms. Fatima Al-Zaben on Tuesday, 3-8-1442 AH, and among its axes (what is a successful project, project success criteria, how small projects face challenges From failure and success, the best successful projects of the moment).
Under the patronage and presence of His Excellency the President of the University: The College of Education organizes the Scientific Forum for the Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning.
Dr.. Al-Shiddi inaugurates the scientific research and innovation workshop.
The Vice Rector for Planning, Development and Quality, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Shiddi, recently opened a workshop entitled “Analysis of educational needs in the field of scientific research and innovation for faculty members," organized by the Skills Development Center in cooperation with the Deanship of Scientific Research, as part of the university's plans and its relentless pursuit to achieve the Saudi Vision 2030 and keep pace with The rapid and tremendous development that the world is witnessing in this era in all fields.
Dr. Al-Shaddi praised the workshop, which aims to provide faculty members with scientific research skills and its effects on developing their capabilities and its reflection on academic work and community participation, which enhances opportunities for creativity and innovation and opens broader horizons for the benefit of the university level in general in competitions and classifications, and in line with strategic activities 2021- 2025 and seeks to achieve it through well-studied and supported plans, based on scientific foundations that keep pace with the continuous development and progress in the scientific, research, knowledge and skill fields.
Then, the supervisor of the Center for Skills Development, Dr. Saleh bin Saeed Al-Shehri, gave a brief presentation on the center's activities in the field of scientific research and its role in raising the efficiency of faculty members and the like. Dr. Hanan Akhdar presented the training programs offered by the Deanship of Scientific Research.
The attendees participated in group activities and individual interventions about the colleges' needs and the faculty members' need to develop their skills or knowledge and acquire new methods and skills by providing training courses appropriate for each specialization and coming up with a number of recommendations that can be used to achieve the desired goal and objective of the center.
In conclusion, Dr. Al-Shehri thanked all the attendees for their participation and fruitful interaction. He also thanked the Vice Dean for Planning, Development and Quality for his presence and opening of this workshop and for his efforts, interest and follow-up to the work of the Center.
Dr. Al-Shehri also thanked His Excellency the Rector of the University for his directives, keenness and continuous support for all that serves the country and society and achieves the university's interest.
Postgraduate studies hold a lecture on common mistakes in writing scientific research.
The Deanship of Graduate Studies, represented by the Academic Guidance Unit, organized a lecture for postgraduate students on Sunday, 22/3/1442 AH, in cooperation with Dr. Abeer bint Khaled Al-Shalhoub, associate professor in the Da'wah Department at the Higher Institute for Call and Accountability, through the (Zoom) application, and she addressed three axes: The first: common methodological errors related to the research scheme and everything it includes, starting with the title and ending with previous studies, and the theoretical aspect of the research, then field or analytical aspect.
As for the second axis, it dealt with common technical errors related to punctuation, margins, text discipline, the location of the university's logo, and page numbering. As for the third axis, it revolved around errors in the student's interaction with the supervisor, and included not defining a clear plan for periodic communication.
Interactive activities were presented to the attendees to ensure that the information was received correctly, and their inquiries received a remarkable interaction, and the e-mail of the trainer was presented to communicate and provide advice regarding the topic of scientific research.
Banner Training Meeting.
The Deanship of Graduate Studies, represented by the Vice-Deanship for Academic Affairs, organized a training meeting for faculty members and another for the coordinators of colleges and institutes on the Banner system, in the “Martyrs of Duty Hall" in the Support Deanship Building (1), and in the Great Hall in Building (323) in King Abdullah City for Female Students.
The meeting began with a speech by Dr. Abdullah Al-Salloum, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs; Where he welcomed the audience, indicating the keenness of the Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Khalid bin Suleiman Al-Qousi for holding this training meeting to introduce the electronic system (Banner), and the agent, Dr. Abdullah Al-Salloum, stated that this meeting aims to organize the accounts operations for the coordinators and those who have powers on the (Banner) system, and at the end of his speech, the agent promised to hold training meetings in the future to get acquainted with After that, Mr. Ali Dakhil Allah, Acting Registration Unit Supervisor, gave a detailed presentation on the electronic system (Banner), its objectives and how to access it and benefit from its services, through the main screens in the program for academic procedures for graduate students, and the meeting witnessed discussions and interventions A wealth of attendees.
The Deanship of Innovation and Entrepreneurship offers a number of training courses.
It included interactive training activities, then an introductory lecture was held entitled (Creative Leadership) presented by Professor Muhammad Al-Otaibi, in which he explained several important axes, including: concepts about leadership, the eight laws of leadership, desirable qualities in a leader, how to make a leader, are leaders made or born? The number of attendees was 193 male and female students.
Under the auspices of His Excellency the President of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Professor Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, the University Vice Presidency for Planning, Development and Quality represented by the Deanship of Evaluation and Quality is holding a meeting entitled “The Organizational Framework for Unified Structures in Colleges, Institutes, Deanships and Centers.
Workshop on Leading Change and Transformation and Building a Culture of Innovation.
Contemporary global developments in the management of organizations confirmed that achieving sustainable development is conditional on the availability of several elements, the most important of which are creativity and innovation. A modern necessity for its development and continuity, and its transformation from a current situation to a desirable future situation that aims to achieve its strategic vision by increasing its effectiveness and productivity.
Based on the university's ambitious vision (2021-2025 AD) and believing in the importance of change and its impact on organizations in building a culture of innovation, and under the patronage and honor of His Excellency the President of the University, His Excellency Dr. The "Stanford Innovation Leadership Seminar" via the "ZOOM" program on the evening of Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at eight o'clock, in cooperation with Stanford University in the United States of America, and in the presence of the distinguished members of the University Council, where the workshop presented three main axes in leading change and building a culture of innovation In organizations, it included three speakers from Stanford University.
The workshop began by welcoming the attendees from Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Al-Mansour (Dean of Human Resources for Scholarships and Training at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University) and Mai Zhao (Stanford University), then the first speaker introduced Professor Robert Sutton, Professor of Management Sciences, Engineering, and Organizational Behavior, The first topic dealt with leadership of organizational change by enumerating a set of key leadership principles, and presenting cases that applied these principles, followed by the second speaker, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University William Burnett, who talked about building a culture of innovation using design thinking and the three steps To build an innovative culture in the organization, the last speaker was Tim Wasserman, Chief Learning Officer at Wasserman Learning Alliance, in which he discussed the challenges and opportunities facing transformation leadership at Imam University. At the end of each topic, the speakers received the audience's interventions andreply to it
The workshop ended with a closing speech in which His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amiri, the Vice Rector, Prof. Mansour Al-Haidari, and His Excellency the Dean of Human Resources, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tahini, participated.